6:16pm Oct 2 2010 (last edited on 11:23am Oct 3 2010)
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Teal ran the pearls she had tied around her jingling as she got closer to the noise then it disapeared.She could'nt hear it and she worried for the person but she stayed calm, her feet makings marks on the soft sand as she walked across it.
11:47pm Oct 2 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. Where's Ranni? o3o ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:03am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{Right here. XD}} Ace struggled to free herself of the net she'd been enveloped in. A boat of scientist had heard about her species and now they were everywhere, scourgeing the ocean for us. Now, I was trapped in a net, just great... As soon as Ace reached the surface she p*censored*ed out into a world of unconciousness.... ~ She awoke and swam backward, slamming into a plexigl*censored* wall. Ace glared as the two men outside of her enclosure spoke and smiled to each other. Saying something like,"Good thing we got..." she only caught bits and a few more words"now...famous..." Ace sighed and landed on the bottom, knowing she'd not escape this place for a while...
12:16am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( So Lucy's the only one in town. P: Can she run into Tyler or something? Otherwise I have nothign to do, really. xD; ))
Once within the walls of the town, Lucy found herself just standing there, trying not to get trampled by the thick crowds of humans. Everything- the tightness, the noise, the smell- were all overwhelming her senses. A quiet, melancholy note escaped her lips, but she fought the urge to turn back and took a step forward.
Navigating the ma.sses of people came more easily after a few minutes, but eventually she just slipped out to the side, where it was less crowded. The entrances to alleyways dotted the tall, stained brick walls, and street vendors tried to coax her over to their stall. She didn't know how to respond, and so she didn't. Instead she turned to a narrow alley entrance, pale eyes wide, her body poised leaning forward slightly as if she as about to take off.
Before she could, though, loud, crackling noises sounded from inside, as well as the sound of metal on brick. The smell of gunpower soon flooded the streets. Lucy backed away. Dark forms came hurtling out of the alley, wielding weapons and wounds alike. They were yelling and still shooting. Lucy took another step back, but the next second she felt something pierce her skin. A bullet. Pain exploded briefly in her shoulder and blood blossomed onto her light clothes. She stumbled forward, then righted herself, breathing ragged and quick. She could feel a perfectly pitched scream well up in her throat, but didn't release it. She would attract attention- attention that she didn't want. What a dangerous town. She thought with faint disgust, clutching her wound with her other hand.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:51am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Tyler, seeing Lucy, ran to kneal by her,"are you alright?!?!?!" He knew the answer would be no. but he'd help her anyway... wierd how the shooting had come up... perhaps there was somethings important they were trying to get back. Oh well, it probably ahd nothing to do with this girl.
1:02am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Lucy recoiled as Tyler approached her and asked her loudly if she was okay. She squeezed her eyes shut, but nodded in response. Words were stuck in her throat- she hadn't talked like a human for a long time. Lucy opened her eyes, then stood with some effort. The motion caused the world to lurch slightly. I've lost so much blood. Her hand and the fabric and skin around her shoulder had been dyed crimson. "Water." She managed to say, longing desperately for the sea, but her voice was hoarse and quiet. She cleared her throat. "Water."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:07am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( Up. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:11am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 4,310
Tyler picked he rup bridal style and carried her through the crowd of people. Walking into building(a hospital.) he said to the person at the desk."I need soem medical *censored*isstance, she's beem shot." The person nodded and scurried away to get a doctor, mean while, he bought a bottle of water for the girl from the vending machine."Here.", he said ahnding it to her.
11:42am Oct 3 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Heyyy. Can I join as Monro and another random merman? ouo;))
11:52am Oct 3 2010
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Teal's eyes and widined as she saw Delila getting carried away by a fisher men some how Teal knew that this other girl mermaid.She ran towards the man and said "um sir would you like some help" but as the man looked away she winked at the horrified Delila.She grabbed Dilia not waiting for an answer."Stop struggling you" she said in a false angry voice.As the man held on to Deilia she wispered in her ear "when I say three we run toward the sea".Then she sang "theires a song I know and it goes like this one,two...three.As she said three she tugged at the girl arms tarting to run.
9:36pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 2,264
before Delilah could get away the man grabbed her leg and pulled her too the ground "i knew it"he said "i knew you were a fithy liar" she held on tight to the girl known as teal but the man kept pulling and she started getting lifted off the ground and it hurt like her stomache was being torn in half and she shrieked "i-it hurts"
9:37pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 2,264
(sure rika)
10:01pm Oct 5 2010
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Teal started to sing"ahhh aahh ah ah ahhahh".It is said that a good man will fallow the noise of a singing mermaid but a bad hearted mad will fall to his doom,and sure enough the man pulled on delilah then a swimming shark came jumping out of the water the man let go of Delilah and blood stained the wight sand of the buitifull sunny beach cove.Her eyes filled with sarrow for the man and the shark but she swiftly took it away from her heart and helped Delilah up.She grabbed the shark and threw it back into the water,a memaid is stronger then a train going at full speed.She threw some see water at the mans arm made closed it up with leaves and draged him neer a tree, she dug a small hole put a stone in it and put a jagged rock less deep then the stone a little farther away from it,and then washe away the sharks saliva so that every thin seemed like an elusion."You okay"she asked looking at Delilah worriedly.
10:24pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 2,264
Delilah stood up "i-im fin....look out"she yelled as another man saw and 5 more came up nocking them both out ........ Delilah woke up in the same cage the other mermaids were in she thought it was a dream and slammed her head in the gl*censored* ... why did she always find out the hard way
10:47pm Oct 5 2010
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Posts: 2,264
11:41pm Oct 5 2010 (last edited on 11:42pm Oct 5 2010)
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Posts: 2,648
Teal took the situation more sreosly and sung, sung her heart away as she saw the quality of the gla.ss was cheap.She motioned with her hand for Delilah to sing to, she knew that if they bouth did it, it would crack into pieces and theid be okay landing theire as theire were no chais holding them at all.
5:31pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 2,264
she looked at her and started singing...wait doesn't singing include sound..where was her voice "what the heck my voice is gone"she mouthed to teal frowning
5:35pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 2,648
Teal put her hand on the other girl neck doing a squirpion bite on it."This mite hurt,i'm sorry but it's a good way to get you're voice back.Teal knew aluot about mermaids as she was one after all.She closed her eyes and sighed."Hopefully weel get out she said loosening her grip and waiting to see if the squrpion bite had woked.
5:55pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 2,264
"ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"(should of told you this she goes wild if something like that happends)she swam around randomly hitting the gl*censored* it hurt so bad she broke the gl*censored* and the water rushed out she got gl*censored* in her arm but ones she dried off she turned into a human and was naked (oh no!)a man walked up to her "What the he-e-e-ell!!!" he stuttered
7:48pm Oct 6 2010
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Posts: 2,648
"Oh for gods sake"Teal said slapping her hand on her forehead.She grabbed Deliahs arm and started to run.Then she stoped as she saw a closet saying Miss Jay she opened it and threw a pink shirt a little to big for Delilah but theire were no other sizes.Then she threw her some pants and watched as the other girl got them on tugging a her arm so that they could be hiddin from the men in the closet.