((Yay! c: ))
Name: Thunderbird/Whitefrost/Glarepaw/Wingpaw/Littlepaw/Pippen(not stating warrior name in case she does not become of Clan)
Age: 26 moons/26 moons/15 moons, held back for his 'attitude'/14 moons/12 moons/18 moons
Gender: She-cat/tom/tom/she-cat/she-cat/she-cat
Clan:same x5, Pippen rogue.
Rank: Warrior/warrior/apprentice/medicine cat apprentice/apprentice/rogue
Thunderbird is a rather large cat, not because she is fat, but because it is her natural body shape. She has a defiant look about her, and she has a rather long tail. Her eyes are mahogany, with light brown colour flecking near the pupil. Her paw-pads are pink and black, so is her nose. She is a orange-yellow longhair, and has an orange tabby blaze down her nose, resembling a lightling bolt, thus the prefix 'thunder',
Whitefrost, being the brother of Thunderbird, has almost the same body style, and the same defiant look in his face. His eyes are coal black, but they flicker green in certain lighting. his nose is flesh pink, but his paw-pads are black. His paw-pads are also very tough, good for climbing tres and mountains. His fur is white, with black ear-tips and tail-tip. Like his sister, he is long-hair.
Glarepaw is black, and has the same face of Whitefrost and Thunderbird, but through his personality, not genetics. His eyes are most commonly in a narrow position, as if challenging every cat who looks his way. His eyes are emerald green, with black flecking. Glarepaw is a short-hair.
Wingpaw is a delicate and fairly pretty tortoishell she-cat, who, much to the disappointment of some apprentice toms, became medicine cat. Her colours are: orange, white, silvery-grey, yellow, and a little bit of blue. Orange is the domenant colour.
Wingpaw has a slightly boney face, but it fits her body. She is small, but not nearly as small as Littlepaw. Her eyes are gold.
Littlepaw is a very tiny, very fragile-looking she-cat. She often looks nervous, and seems to flinch a lot, but really inside she's one tough cat. Her fur is silver with white paws and chest, and her eyes are silvery-blue.
Pippen is basically a mutt, for she is a cross between a russian blue and a maine coon. She has maine coon build and same hair-length, but her fur is the colour of the russian blue's fur. She looks a little odd, because her head doesn't seem to match her body size. Her eyes are baby blue.
Personality: *Grumble grumble* they have personalities, but my fingers are getting tired from typing. Could I rp it? If not, I'll type it later.
History:NA/NA/NA/Was an apprentice for two moons before becoming a medicine cat apprentice./Is the runt./ was a kittypet for two moons, but then she escaped and started a new life in the forest. She knows the woods very well, and has various dens.
Mate:no x6
Kits:no x6
Kin:Thunderbird and Whitefrost are brother and sister. Other than that, no.
((Will remove Wingpaw if you want.))