11:51am Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 11:57am Aug 3 2011)
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In the recent times, a very mysterious occurrence is stirring up some worry. Bright lights threaten the skies as aerodynamic vessels effortlessly soar about the planet, shrouded by the veil of night. When landed, human- like creatures exit the vehicles in search of their target, which is the females of our planet. Thousands of them have already gone missing, primarily teenagers, which is why safety precautions have been established.
Volunteering teen males choose a female, there to guard and protect them. Some embrace the idea, while others aren’t too fond of it. And while the extraterrestrial visits are increasing, things are becoming even more dangerous. The females- along with their protectors- are going to live in small towns specifically built for them. The houses that make up these towns are rather luxurious, each pair getting three bedrooms in their own. But it will be hard to get used to living there, on their own. Especially with the constant fear of being abducted.
We shall start before the pairs have been made.
Rules: - No set pairs.
- You may play as a male, female, or extraterrestrial.
- 3 charra max, as one of each of the above. One charra min.
- Genders semi- even, please.
- No pets.
- History/ personality optional but appreciated.
- You don't need a guard if you don't want one. Just post 'No guard' In other.
- Romance/ violence encouraged.
- Extraterrestrials look exactly like humans, though are more likely to have odd hair/ eye colors.
- Use a form of Ooc
- Ages from 14-18.
- Post in third person, please.
- Nothing overly graphic, please. And if you have to bypass word filter, don't use that word.
- Drawings/ anime style are good with me, but no photographs. Deions are also accepted.
- Post your bio in a unique color to join.
- I have the right to kick you from this thread if you misbehave.
- No refunds.
Bios: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: History: Other: (You can use your own bio if you want.) My bios will come later.
I\'m back.
12:16pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((This sounds really interesting.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:24pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 2:20am Aug 4 2011)
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Posts: 2,721
Name: Sidney, a.k.a Sid (I'm not good with last names) Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Sidney has skin that is pale, though not quite as colorless as porcelain. His build is rather slender, and he stands at a mere five- foot- six. He has some Japanese heritage, giving him naturally black silky hair, which he keeps in a shaggy cut. His bangs frame his face, while the back of his hair is cut slightly shorter. He dyes the tips in different colors, typically red or white. His eyes are golden tone. He wears worn jeans (Typically black) and your typical t-shirts spiced up with jacket, which he has many of. He has a thing for jewelry, and likes to wear eyeliner. Overall, he has a rather feminine appearance. Personality: He's a very sweet person, though he has a certain distance to him. He's often staring into the scenery- or seemingly lost in thought- though he really does hear every word of what you say. Gentle and caring, he doesn't like to see close ones- or anyone for that matter- suffering. Easy though, as he's sensitive. History: Grew up in an average family, doing average things. Only because I'm lazy. Other: He's a guard.
Name: Sawyer Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Sawyer's naturally white hair falls in a shaggy- yet symmetrical- pixie- bob cut, which includes bangs and ends at her chin. Being cursed with albinism, she also has red eyes, almond in shape. Her skin is a bit darker than her locks. She has a petite build, standing at a short five foot even. She likes to wear baggy cargo pants, along with tank tops. And hoodies are a must when the weather is on the colder side. Personality: She's got determination, and believes she can take on the universe. Of course, this often puts her in bad situations. She's not exactly cruel. Just a bit frigid, as well as stubborn. She hates to be wrong and doesn't like to be joked around with. Tall people frustrate her, as do strong ones. Most likely because she wishes to be tall and strong. I wouldn't call her weak or short unless you're asking for trouble. History: Sawyer started off on her own planet as the Earth equivalent of a princess, though that didn't last long. When her home land was raided by a more agressive race when she was twelve, she was captured and taken as a prisoner to the raider's planet. Not wanting to rot in a dungeon, she offered to take on an Earth mission.
Other: She's an extraterrestrial. Name: Zade Age:
18 Gender: Male
Appearance: Zade has flowing, chest- length golden hair. He ties it back into a neat braid, with the exception of the side bangs that stop just short of his chin. His skin is a medium shade, not dark but not pale. His eyes radiate an emerald tone. He's about average height at five eight with long, lean muscles. He wears silky black clothing, though his outfit isn't complete without his long orange overcoat, a gift from his father. Personality:
Mysterious, sly, and not always the kindest of people, Zade is always up for a challenge. He's blunt and to the point about things, not worrying much about other's feelings. He's also hasty and impatient, though he does stop to take responsibility. He can have a laugh and enjoy himself if he's up to it, and he can be over protective of friends. He'll blame himself for anything that happens to a loved one. He won't come out and say that he cares very often, though. Actions speak louder than words for him. History: He was adopted at age five by a single father. They had it rough, but his dad was always there for him. In fact, his father is the only reason he became a guard. Other: He's a guard. ((Thanks, Fyre ^.^))
I\'m back.
12:25pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((I'll join up, if that's ok. And we need to put up a thread for the one we planned out!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:28pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Cool! I thought you'd left, so I kinda just forgot about the one we'd planned. But I'd still like to do it ^.^))
I\'m back.
12:30pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((I did leave for a little while. Do you have a copy of that last rmail you could send me? I accidentaly deleted it))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:34pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((I can't access it either D; It's in my sent list, but it says 'This message does not exist.' Basically, I think I said you could make the thread whenever. That's about it. I don't think it was very important.))
I\'m back.
12:36pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 12:41pm Aug 3 2011)
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Posts: 1,255
((OK! I'm going to go ahead and make the post. And I'll get my bio up here soon.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:30pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Up ;D))
I\'m back.
4:43pm Aug 3 2011
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Name: Aria Fitzpatrick
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Aria is very petite, standing at only 5 feet even. She has long, wavy, white blonde hair. She wears the front pulled up into two high ponytails and leaves the back loose. Her eyes are bright ice blue. Personality: Aria is as stubborn as they come, but she has an ability to see good in almost everyone. She's a fighter, but only when it comes to the ones she loves. You could do anything you wanted to her and she would be unable to defend herself. Mess with one of her loved ones and she will find a way to take you down. History: Aria was raised with her two older brothers by her loving parents. Being the youngest, she was a spoiled princess. Her older brothers have scared all the guys who had ever be interested in her away, however. Other:

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:08pm Aug 3 2011
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I\'m back.
7:33pm Aug 3 2011
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I\'m back.
8:22pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 8:50pm Aug 3 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
Name: Paige Esenger
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance:  Personality: Paige has a sharp tonge sometimes but is usually pretty layed back. She likes to fool around some times but also likes to be alone at times. She isn't anti-social by any means just sometimes she doesn't really get along with others. She is violent most of the time if sheis scared or just plain angrey but she isn't allways like this. History: Paige has lived a fairly normal life.She wasn't onefor school much and resnted her parents at times but she knew that they loved her no mtter what. She used to be out going all the time before this ailien invation thing started. now she keeps to herself and has turned into a bitter violent snark. She was violent and snarky before but not to this dagree. Other: She carries around a daggerin her pocket just in case (If she cant have one of those just tell me and i'll delete this.)
Name: Kasey Thatcher
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: (But without the wings) Personality: Kasey loves to joke around and play harmless pranks on both his friends and people he doesn't know. He sometimes can take it too far though but he learns from his mistakes and trys not to do that again. He can be a bit flirtatous at times but it's all in fun. When he really likes a girl he gets kind of shy and stumbles over his words a bit trying not to mess it up. On the outside he's just a childish guy who is always getting into trouble and messing around but once you get to know him he's all that plus a guy who you can count on and know that he's got your back. History: His parents split up when he was around five buthas long since gotten over that. Other than that little misshap he has lived a tipical teen age life.
Other: nope
8:45pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 3,809
[[OOHOOOHOOOH! THIS IS SOOO COOL! Nice imagination!]]
Name: Sonya Delahunty Age: 17 Gender: female Appearance: Black hair down to her waist, sea-green eyes, and pale, clear skin. A small nose and mouth, along with long lashes and smooth features, make her quite pretty. A dark red blouse, tucked in on the left and hanging looses down to just about her knees on the right, a pair of black skinny jeans and one blue, one purple sneaker complete her look. Personality: Sonya can be stubborn as a donkey. Sometimes, even when she knows she's wrong, simply because she dislikes who she's arguing with. She has a gentle nature in heart, though, and although she's fine with fighting with words, she dislikes actual physical fighting and tends to be a pacifist in that area. History: She never really knew her dad, because he died in a fire when she was little, and so lived with her mom until this event happened. Other: Wears a thin gold anklet that belonged to her mother.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:32pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((All accepted. And thanks, Tru ^.^))
I\'m back.
11:02pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Should I make another guy since there's half as many guys as their are girls?))
11:06pm Aug 3 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Sure, Dart ^.^ Thanks for considering genders ;D))
I\'m back.
11:15pm Aug 3 2011
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Name: Nyy
Age: Looks to be around 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Nyy hasBright green hair that is cut to be about an inch tall. He has pale skin tinted a blueish color. He likes to ware white long sleeve botton down shirts and black suite pants a long with black converse, suspenders, and a plaid bow-tie. Nyy also has striking golden eyes that always seem bright and happy.
Personality: Nyy is strange to say the least. He loves to be on earth because of all the weird things hmmans do. he loves to explore and try new things all the time which smetimes makes people thik he's off his rocker (which is quite true XD). He is definatly a happy go lucky person about anything and everything.
History: Nyy was born and raised just like the rest of his kind though he was usually the odd one out. He wasn't as emotionless anduninquizative as everyone else he knew. He never had many friends but he didn't car. He perfered to play with himself any way. Other: He's an extraterestrial
1:48am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 2,721
((Hm... I think I can fix this. Would anyone go for the idea of a female E.T? We only have two guards for the four females. Ooh! I could take my female, make her E.T, and make my male a guard. Then we're even ;D))
I\'m back.
2:01am Aug 4 2011
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Posts: 1,255
((I can create a guy no problem if you like!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!