11:19am Aug 7 2011 (last edited on 4:23pm Aug 7 2011)
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Ashlynn watched as several boys and girls exited the plane that she was on. She stood out like a sore thumb. She was tall and willowy, and her eyes made her look like she was blind. She had already been offered help by several boys today, and it drove her crazy. She didn't need a guard. She could handle herself, but her parents insisted that she go to this place- wherever it was- and get a boy to guard her. Rolling her pale blue-green eyes, Ashlynn began to walk towards the dimly lit building that she had been told to visit. She had her luggage in one hand, and she walked quickly over to the other side of the room from the boys. She looked at all of them. She appreciated how they volunteered to risk their lives for some lousy girl that they've never met before, but it all seemed too... Superman-ish for her. She let out a long, shaky sigh, rubbing her temples as she did so with her free hand. ~~~ Tyler exited the airport, flicking his shaggy blonde-brown hair out of his eyes occasionally. He didn't pack very much, so all he had in his hand was a duffel bag. He looked around at all of the people. He had volunteered for this. He had volunteered, which was something new for him. All of his life, Tyler had been pampered in his parents' mansion, but he always felt sad. He knew he was causing everyone trouble. So, when he heard of this place, he immediately volunteered in hopes that he could finally feel needed. He walked over to the building that the ceremony was to take place in, and went to where all of the other guys were at. He scanned the girls that were on the other side of the room. They all seemed to be different. He had no clue how he would pick who to guard.
Love is all we need~
1:44pm Aug 7 2011
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Sidney observed as other guards joined him, one by one. There was a particular one who stood out to him, though, a tall and well- built man who offered a nod that made him look that much more masculine. Sid sank in his seat, golden eyes striken with awe. He looked fit for the military, from the soles of his boots to his neatly- trimmed hair. How could any girl want Sid to protect them when this guy was obviously better for the job? He decided it best to just get it over with and pick. Or at least meet some of the girls. He wandered over to where two of them had been conversing, one rather short. The other was easily recognized by her silky black hair- much like his own- and creative footwear. "Hello, you two." He offered in a friendly tone. "You aren't both taken, correct?" Perhaps one of the two would actually want to join him, considering they hadn't already been chosen. ---------- Zade- ready to get the show on the road- sprung to his feet and immeadiatly paced over to the nearest choice in sight- a decently tall girl with short red hair. "Hey. Hope you're not taken already. I'd like to get out of here, before dinner time is over." This boy could eat. And eat, and eat. He grinned at the thought of food, his ex pression changing when he noticed her frosted blue eyes. "You're not... Blind are you?" His adopted father was on the path to complete blindness, so Zade could relate if she was. If she wasn't blind, those eyes were surely one- of- a- kind. ---------- Sawyer was satisfied to see her higher- up come out, seeing as that meant it wouldn't be a game of hide- and- seek for her. Her eyes caught on that bowtie he always wore. She couldn't help but stare blatantly at it, knowing that it probably helped contribute to his lack of friends. Such an abnormal guy. "Yeah... Uh, Mel, the captain needs you to help in the landing process. Because apparently a lowly little cadet like me can't handle such jobs." She paused, searing in anger. How could they treat her like this? Her, formely a princess, was now just here to assist this weirdo, who'd obviously had his brain scrambled at one point or another. "Anyway, he's waiting for you in the control room. Which I'm not allowed in, for whatever reason..." Red eyes burned with fury. They were still convinced that she'd try to overtake the ship and fly to Umbriel, which wouldn't be unusual for her had she ever got the chance.
I\'m back.
3:00pm Aug 7 2011
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Paige watched as guy's started walking over to some of the girls and taking probably tying to pick which one they would prefer to gaurd. She didn't expect to be one of the first girls to get talked to concidering that some people concidered her kind of scary though she doubted any of these 'Heroic' men who think that of a short skinny girl such as herself. She noticed only a couple of guys were getting up the courage to walk over and introduce themselves. That was fine by her. She let out a bored yawn. She just wanted this all to be over with as soon as possible. Paige stood up to gett a better view of exactly how many people were here. There were a lot so she figured that all the living spaced would be filled up. She hoped that her gaurd wouldn't be one of those people who threw themselves a pitty party everyday sulking because they don't know if they should have left their family. If had a doubt then why did you come? ----------------- Kasey watched as some of the guys started walking over to girls and introducing themselves. He was fairly out going so he wasn't to uncomfortable introducing himself so he walked up to a girl with brow hair a bit past her shoulder and hazel that in this light seemed a goldish green color, "Hello my name is Kasey." He said holding out his hand for her to shake offering her a polite smile. Please don't be an unhappy person. Please don't be an unhappy person. Kasey pleaded in his mind. -------------------- Nyy nodded, "Thanks for imforming me." He said it with a bit too much enthusiasm ut to Nyy you could ever be too happy. He pat Sawyer on the shoulder, "No worris you'll move in ranks soon." He walked ast her and too the contol rom where Mel was, "You eeded me?" He said. The captin looked Nyy up and down before shaking his head, "Uh yeah with landing." Nyy payed no attention to the captains looks, "Sure thing." Nyy walked over to the controls and got the ship ready to land.
3:41pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
(could someone help me introduce my character, please? Sorry...I forgot about this T.T)
3:43pm Aug 7 2011 (last edited on 3:44pm Aug 7 2011)
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Posts: 5,578
((Well my charra Kasey just walked up and introduced himself to her if that helps at all))
4:12pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Ashlynn peered over at the boy who had gathered up the cougage to ask her if she was taken. She said, "I'm not taken, and I'm not blind." She sighed, and rolled her pale eyes. She reached up to her neck and touched the pendant that her grandmother had given her. She snapped back into present day, and looked Zade over. He was attractive, and luckily for Ashlynn, Zade was taller than her. She then felt a smile creep up onto her face. She was probably the tallest girl in that place. ~~~ Tyler noticed the boys were starting to choose girls. He looked around for a girl, and saw one that caught his eye- Paige. To anyone else but him, she would seem scary, but he had encountered many, many girls that were much, much scarier than she was. Of course, Tyler looked intimidating, being nearly six feet tall and all, along with the way that he dressed. "Hey, you still need a guard?" He asked, offering her his hand. "I'm Tyler."
Love is all we need~
4:17pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Aria smiled at the young man who had gotten up the courage to approach her and the tacturn girl she had attempted to talk to. "No... not yet. I'm Aria, and this is Sonya. What's your name?" She flipped her hair back and extended her tiny hand to shake. Garrett had also seen the two ladies speaking together and followed the smaller man over to them. "I'm Garrett," he said to all of them, giving a gentle smile, including the other man. "I don't suppose either of you have made a decision yet?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:45pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Nope." Paige said simply shaking the guy, Tyler's, hand. "I'm Paige." she added. He didn't seem the type to sulk around so that seemed a god thing. Paige wasn't sure to talk about now so she thought of something that might help to get to know him better, "Where did you come from?"
4:53pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 3,809
Sonya just rolled her eyes. She didn't care who picked her, she didn't really care. Aria had done all the talking, ghout, which was good. She wasn't so good at the talking part. ''Um... no, we haven't.'' She didn't really like either of these boys. But she doubted there would be anyone there she liked. And, if there was, they wouldn't pick her anyway. Maybe they'll grow on me? she thought, not really believing it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:33pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Kaya turned her head as she realized someone was talking to her. Turning her head, she saw a man with black hair. "Hi." She replied, bending over to tie the lace on her shoe, which she had just noticed had come untied. She looked back up at the man once she had tied her shoe. "I'm Kaya." She said. (Sorry for the extreme fail.)
6:49pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Nice to meet you Kaya." Kasey said. "I don't supose you have a gaurd yet do you?" he asked. So far she seemed alright. She didn't seem to be a snark but not one of those increasingly annoying preps that seem to rule the female population. She seemed to be in the middle which in Kasey's mind wasn't all that bad.
7:03pm Aug 7 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"No," Kaya said. "I don't." She noticed something on her arm, and smacked it, and a very small amount of blood splattered on her arm. She then realized there had been a mosquito biting her. She wiped the blood off her arm with her hand, and the mosquito had fallen off her when she slapped it.