9:49pm Mar 19 2010
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 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
8:44pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 934
((Yeah, sorry. I was to lazy to look up the spelling. And, Fullmoon, could you please shrink your banner? I can't read posts, so I can't reply. Sorry.))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
1:37am Mar 22 2010
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((Repost)) "Oh. That's a shame." The black haired Slytherin said warily, still suspicious. He flopped back down onto the bed, listening to Westley shuffle his supplies around the drawer of the bedside table. "Pester me?" Dravius snorted, sitting up. "You're the only one who has said more than three words at a time to me in my five years at Hogwarts. Apparently people get unnerved when they notice me observing them. I'm just trying to figure them out." The boy said, resting his chin in his hand and sighing. "My looks don't help, either. All everyone does is whisper about the freak who stares uninvited with mismatched eyes." Dravius said, covering each eye in turn, first showing the angrey crimson one, then the eeriely cold golden one. "It's a bummer, really." Dravius said, standing up. "And this is my room, too. You're bunking with me, duh." Fenrir pricked his ears and thumped his tail on the ground as Wes jumped, and muttered something in a strange language, certainly not wolf. The wolf-boy was nice, and seemed like he was going to stay awhile. A series of deep barks issued from his muzzle, sounding a bit like amusement. Fenrir sniffed at wolf-boy's trunk, whiffling his nose across the bottom of it. Satisfied, he padded over to Wes's bed and curled up on it, taking up the top half of the bed contentedly.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:21am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 934
((Thank yous!)) Westley couldn't help but to smile. He looked at Dravius, almost amused as much as insulted. Where people really this idiodic? This was an amazing person before him. There was nothing wrong with observing. Then again, he could see another's point of veiw as well. Maybe it was just his condition, but he wasn't sure he'd like a stranger staring at him from across the hall. Something about this other Slytherin seemed almost comforting, though. His tone became more serious as he tried to find a sensere tone to match the English words: "Zen zese halls are vills vith foold who vill not speak with vou," He couldn't help but to chuckle as Fenrir lept upon his bed. He reached carefully over and stroked one ear, then the other, then back to the first left ear. As he pulled his hand away, he risked a glance over back at Dravius, then back to Fenrir. He let out a quiet string of yips and bark- like sounds that traslated roughly to, "I'm only part wolf, but I'd like to consider you my Star Brother." Even his wolf was a little unpracticed, it was probably better than his English. It was rather instinctual for him, after all. He gave out a light chucle, letting his tangled hair fall back into his face. He risked another glance at the other boy, knowing that he probably just ruined his freedom in this knew school. Ah, well. Life had been good while it lasted. Even if his father did kill him, he was rather proud of himself. He was, for the first time since he became his own nightmare, himself. He was Westley Kaos.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
2:40am Mar 22 2010
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Dravius gave a sharp toothed smile, and nodded at Wes's comment. "Well, you're right about the not speaking to me part." He got to his feet, cracking his neck and back multiple times. "I'll show you around if you'd like. This school is filled with secrect halls and corridors." He offered, his eyes glittering. He stopped short as Westley barked and yipped, his sharp ears picking up the canine sounds. "How do you know Wolf?" He asked, buttoning his robe and tiying his silver and green tie. He stretched, stooping to pick up his wand from the trunk next to his bed. It was black oak, but was surprisingly springy, with a heart of dragon, entwined arouns a few unicorn hairs. He suck it up his sleeve, and yawned, starting for the door. He looked back at Wes, waiting for an answer about where he learned the language of the beasts. Fenrir grunted under Wes's hands, scooching closer to the Wolf-boy. He liked this boy much better than the pack had cast him out, before Snake-boy had taken him in. Snake-boy and Wolf-boy were different, in the sense that Wolf-boy seemed more confused, his scents more mixed. Snake-boy was definitly a human, but he was unsure about Wolf-boy. He lifted his head and thumped his tail as Wolf-boy confessed he was Wolf, albiet a bit unclearly, and wanted to be kin with Fenrir. Fenrir gave a little yip of conformation, and looked at Snake-boy across of the room. He whined, trying to say that Wolf-boy was nice, and not to smell so suspicious.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
3:00am Mar 22 2010
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Posts: 934
"Er..." Westly felt his face get hot, and felt glad that his hair was covering most of his face. How to avoid this one? If Dravious didn't catch on by now. Ah, what the hell? He might as well just tell him. "It comes vith my condition. I geuss that's just," he paused. No, there was no going back now. "Bein' a verevolf." He reached back over to Fenrir and gave a little half moun, then a little yip that wavered in pitch near the end. "Thank you. We'll return." He patted the underpart of his left sleve, which had again fallen to cover the scars and ink across his skin. He pulled the wand brace from the inside of his robe and quickly staped it to his arm. He then grabbed his wand off the nightstand and slid it into the straps. He wasn't sure how the Hogwarts students kept their wands inside their sleves, but this was the most common way in Durmstrang. One of his cl*censored*mates had created a spell of his own to hold his wand in place. After a week or so, the flesh on the bottom of his arm had begun to rott away. Wes shivered at the memory, relizing that his face had gone cold again. He turned back twards the door and flicked his hair out of his eyes. He looked downcast for a moment, forcing himself to breath normaly. He put a calm hand on the door and offered a shy smile back to Dravius.
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
3:12am Mar 22 2010
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Dravius shrugged, and looked towards the door once again. He seemed unperturbed that he was rooming with a werewolf. "Well, whatever floats your boat." He said, shrugging again, and yawning, placing a sharp nailed hand over his mouth. He noticed Wes spacing out, and asked, "Are you alright, Wes?" He shrugged yet again and opened the door, poking his head out into the hall. He pulled his head inside as a few studnets walked by, and whispered to Wes, "Techncally, we're not supposed to be out, so stay quiet, Kaos." He gave a crooked smile, and crept out into the hall. Fenrir yawned lazily, and set his head onto Wesley's bed, placing his paws over his ears. Snake-boy didn't smell so suspicious anymore, and Wolf-boy seemed better now, as well. Fenrir decided not to concern himself with yet another of Snake-boy's noghtly wanderings. ((Sorry for the fail I have to go.))
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
10:58pm Mar 23 2010
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Posts: 1,943
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."