9:11pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 2,713
I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you Nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell! They'd banish us, you know. How dreary to be Somebody! How public, like a frog To tell your name the livelong day To an admiring bog! ~ "I'm Nobody! Who are You?" by Emily Dickinson ~ ☼ The new guard slowly paced the hallway, his forehead shining with sweat. At each shreik and howl coming from the barred cells he started, his heart racing wildly. On the left side of the hallway were the genetic experiments, creatures that were once human but now had the DNA of animals forced into them. Each experiment, known as an A.I.D. (artifically injected DNA), could only contain up to three different strands of DNA - their own, and that of up to two animals. Each A.I.D. also had characteristics of each of their animals forms in their human form, and vice versa. On the right side of the hallway were the shapeshifters - beings who were born with at least one animal form. The stronger ones had two, and the strongest had three. The guard had heard rumors, however, that one of the capives had four animal forms. He really didn't want to find out himself. Down the hallway came scientists, their white lab coats swirling around their feet. Summoning his courage, the guard went up to them. Barely noticing him, they flashed their I.D.s. On either side of them, the test subjects shrank back as far as they could, whimpering with fear. "We've goit a new shipment coming in tomorow," one of the scientists said. "Be ready." The guard nodded, swallowing his fear. He'd be ready.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:26pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Rules; Listen to me and Brook (ribunny123). Five characters max per person. You can join as an AID, shifter, or scientist. I play as the shifter with four forms. Disabilities, etc. are allowed. Be literate. For me, that means correct spelling and punctuation, capitalization, and at least three lines per post. On that note, I apologize for the spelling mistakes in my previous post. I was on a very slow computer. Bio; Scientists Name: Gender: Age: Looks: Clearance level: 1-10, 10 being the highest S.O.: Other: Bio; AIDs Name: Gender: Age: Animal DNA: Looks: S.O.: Other: Bio; Shifters Name: Gender: Age: Forms: Looks: S.O.: Other:
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:28pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
u made it!!!
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:33pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 58
Name: Phoenix Gender: Female Age: Adult Animal DNA: Phoenix, Lion, and Bat Looks: Looks exactly like a Lioness but with Bat Wings and is on Fire S.O.: ? Other:
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:36pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
am I accepted or...?
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:45pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((Yup. xD)) Name: Artemis Rutherford. Gender: Female. Age: 16. Forms: Human (duh), king cobra, wolf, cheetah, and falcon. Looks: She has long black hair and fair skin, and wears only black. Although shapeshifters don't have to have animal qualities in their human forms, she has falcon wings and golden eyes in her human form. S.O.: Lesbian. Other: Because of the especially harsh and damaging experiments performed on her because of her four animal forms, Artemis cannot walk or talk. She relies on crutches, wheelchairs, or dragging herself to get around. To speak, she uses her own crude form of sign language, which is barely understandable by anyone else.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:47pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
kk Thanks
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:48pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
OMG how did u get that Icon!?!?
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:50pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((I don't remember, sorry. xD))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:51pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
dang it XD can we rp now?
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:54pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 10:18pm May 17 2011)
Posts: 1,586
Bio; Shifters Name: Ceres Gender: Female Age: 18 Forms: White tiger, barred owl, human Looks: Ceres is quite exotic in her human form, possessing long curly dark brown hair and greenish blue eyes. She is tall and slim, partially chinese which give her a flatter nosebridge. Her european blood gives her an easy tan though she prefers to stay out of the sun as it can be harsh on her fair skin. S.O.: Generally straight but sometimes curious. Other: Due to a taste for travel, Ceres was captured in southern Asia. She had not known another shapeshifter besides her father, and a stranger had approached her from the streets pretending to know her family. The stranger made her feel at ease and she let him show her around the town a bit, unknowingly leading her into a trap. After silencing her with a tranquilizer bearing a dosage large enough to supress the tiger form-her strongest- she was shipped back to the lab and tossed into a cage. Her capture resulted from her carelessness as she was spotted by a local who has seen her shift from owl form, and had tipped off the scientist who then did research on her background before talking to her. --------------------------------------------------------- Bio; Scientists
Name: Sebastian Haige
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Looks: Seb (as he is known by close colleagues and friends) has dark, neat hair and a quite serious look. His eyes are dark and he wears rimless glasses for reading, though generally goes without them. He has a medium build and a slightly square jaw but he is handsome by most women's standards.
Clearance level: 1-10, 10 being the highest
S.O.: Straight
Other:He spends many hours at his work, testing samples and splicing DNA. He goes out in the field once in awhile to help capture animals for use in the lab. He previously studied wild life conservation and biology, so he endeavors to collect his samples with little stress to the animals and then release them if possible. His first encounter with a shapeshifter not on his examining table was with Ceres, the first whom he played a vital role in capturing. Although he was careful in his practice and tried to give his subjects as little pain as possible, his morals are slightly warped. He prefers to leave more strenuous testing to his colleagues as he is uncomfortable with incflicting unnecessary pain.
9:54pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
Phoenix paced in her cage, muttering cruely. Her voice was so low that only she could hear herself but barely. She hated that Stupid Cage, and wished that she could break free and run wild into the wilderness if they chased her, she would fly up into the sky.
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:55pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,713
((Let's wait for more people to join. I have to go to bed anyways.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:57pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 58
(awwww I'll be here tomorrow around 3:00-4:30 rescreatu time)
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
9:59pm May 17 2011 (last edited on 10:00pm May 17 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 5,578
Name: Kasey Gender: Male Age: 17 Forms: bull, and otter. Looks: He has short ish dark brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin. He wares simple white t-shirts, black kind of bagger jeans, and black converse. S.O.: straight Other:he's been known to be a piro
10:00pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
okay they gtg, come back tomorrow
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
10:01pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
let's just rp while they're gone
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
10:10pm May 17 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 58
or not...
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
10:12pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Uh ok if you say so)) Kasey sat down in his cage his legs spread out befor him his feet pointing out. His eyes were closed and his hands stuffed into his pant pockets. He just sat there doing nothing. Well not quite nothing. He was listening and thinking but he wasn't doing anything physical like pacing ot twidling his thumbs. He was thinking of a way out, though her knew that pretty much the only way to get out was to dig a hole out but that wasn't really possible with cement floors. He listened to what he could hear like the scientists in the next room over and the gaurd outside the cages checking on them his forehead beaded with sweat. He couldn't help but smile to himself at the image in his mind of the security gaurd scared out of his mind of some teens. But then again. We weren't just any teens.
10:20pm May 17 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Lols... May I join this? *Isn't really sure if she is allowed* ))