10:25pm May 17 2011
Posts: 1,586
((Can I suggest that we edit posts instead of posting two and three times in a row? Makes the thread less cluttered)) Ceres sat in her cage with her head against the wall, her back turned to whoever it was that shared her space. Her feet ached from pacing and not once had she turned her attention to her cellmate, who hung back in the shadows. She heard the clinking of keys as the guard walked past, she sensed the fear in his aura. Her side still throbbed from the jab of the tranquilizer needle. She had refused to shift. They knew she was an owl and a white tiger, but they were unsure as to whether she had more forms. She was nearing the end of her second day here, and something told her that they weren't simply going to keep her in this cage and draw a syringe of blood. She was not fearful, though she could not identify the dark emptiness that swallowed her up like an abyss.
3:44pm May 18 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((Can Artemis be Ceres's cellmate? And sure.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:30pm May 18 2011
Posts: 1,586
((Of course weba :) She would be honoured. ))
4:47pm May 18 2011
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Artemis uncurled herself as best she could from the ball she was curled up in. Blinking her golden eyes and stretching, she scrabbled up onto her elbows and pulled herself forwards. She grabbed a bar, using it as leverage, and pulled herself into a sitting position. She grinned mirthlessly at the new guard, her sharp canines glinting in the luminescent lights. He paled even more. Artemis would have laughed if she could. Glancing at Ceres, she attempted to sign. When do you think they'll give us water? I'm thirsty.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:00pm May 18 2011
Posts: 1,586
Ceres turned her head slightly towards her cellmate, who was finally illuminated by the harsh corridor lights. She was making strange signs that Ceres couldn't make out at first. She turned her body towards Artemis and leaned her back against the hard stone wall. Water? Ceres thought, that must be what she's flailing about. In response Ceres shrugged. Stretching her tight muscles, she stalked up to the bars and peered out, squinting against the light. The guard was trying hard not to look at the two of them, and she could hear the shuffle of the scientists' feet out of her line of sight. She growled deep in her throat. If she caught sight of that stupid, good looking scientist she would waste no time in sinking her teeth into his jugular.
6:33pm May 18 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey opened his eyes finally to the sound of scientists feet getting closer. He turned his head to see a couple of the white coats walking down the corridor twords the room everyone was in. "Finally getting us some water how nice of you" he said to the men his voice cold. He knew they weren't bringing them water though. Kasey stood up and cracked his back and neck with a simple twist and tilt. He walked to the front of the cage grabing the icy metal cylinders in his alread numb hands. The scared new gaured turned to Kasey his face covered in sweat. He gulped. Kasey gave the man a malicious smile and a stalker like wave. The gaured was scared witless and it seemed he did all he could to supress a blood curtling scream.
8:21pm May 18 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((*pokes last post on previous page.... Is I even allowed to join?))
3:49pm May 19 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((Yes Emerald. ^^ Sorry, I didn't see the post.)) Artemis bit her lip, her teeth slowly elongating and sharpening. Her whole body ached, except for her legs, which she couldn't feel. She continued watching Ceres curiously. She mentally cursed the scientists for taking away her ability to talk and walk. "...Get Five-forms," she heard a voice saying. She froze, her eyes widening in terror. "We need to perform some more tests on it." It, Artemis thought bitterly, rage flooding through her body with every heartbeat. Is that what I am? An it? Before she could think more on it, the footsteps stopped before their cage. The bars suddenly opened, and at the same time, a needle was jabbed into her arm. As the world went black, she dimly heard the sound of the cage closing again.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:39pm May 19 2011
Posts: 1,586
Ceres bristled as the door to the cage was flung open, and instinct had already caused her claws to spring out of her nail bed. "Stop that thing," a gruff male voice ordered, and something hard knocked her against the wall. Already weakened from lack of food she whined and slumped to the ground, but made an effort to stand up. "Don't hurt her, we will need her soon." At the sound of this new voice Ceres shook her head, trying to get rid of the fatigue and dizzyness. It was that scientist. In a flash she was on her feet, her muscles thick ropes under her hide as she sprang at them, a tiger. There was a loud clang as they slammed the gate shut and a resounding rattle when she hit the iron bars. One of the men hauling away Artemis was almost within reach, and she clawed at him and managed to snag his pant leg. He yanked his foot away and all Ceres got was a shredded piece of cloth in her paw. She growled as she received a sharp jab to her shoulder, by a senior guard carrying a long rod. "Behave you," he said angrily. Snorting, she withdrew her paw and shifted back to human form, listening to the sound of footsteps die as they dragged her cellmate away.
6:43pm May 19 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Kasey watched this all happen. He shifted into a monkey and began banging on the iron bars of his cage screaming out like a maniak as he punched at the closest gaurd and knocked him out. Another gaured rushed over to him with a needle in hand and injested him in the shoulder. Kasey screamed with rage his eyes turning red and bit down on the gaurds arm at a last atempt to rebel. He could taste blood seep into his mouth and hear the distant scream of agony of the gaurd whos arm he heald in his mouth. He bit don harder but his mouth began to feel numb making it hard put pressuer into the bite. He fell to the ground limp and slowly began to morph back into a human as he slept from the anastetic that was jabed into his shoulder blood still rimed him mouth and he could still hear the scientists and gaurds but they seemed far away. A slight smile spread on his face.
9:25pm May 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((So uh, give me a sec to finish the bios and... Will my characters just be new shipments then, since you already started?))
10:37pm May 19 2011
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Posts: 1,060
10:38pm May 19 2011
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Posts: 4,258
Scientists Name: Jade Katanna Gender: Female Age: 24 Looks: (I'm adding the persona too. XD) She has long, dark hair, and deep colored eyes. She has a habit of dying her white lab coats black, to match her black, heeled boots. No one really complains though, being in the profession they are you have to be strong. And boy is she strong. She can easily out match a grown man in a hand-to-hand combat situation but she is impatient and a little short tempered at times. She treats the experiments like dirt and has a superior attitude towards most of the other scientists. Clearance level: 7 S.O.: Straight Other: This is the tle="Anime pic">pic I used. AIDs Name: Jake Cintara Gender: Male Age: 17 Animal DNA: Panther and Avian(bird) Looks: Jake is a little on the taller side, standing at about six feet. He has lighter brown hair to match his rich eyes. Because of the constant testing, Jake's hearing and eye sight is far more advanced than any humans. He can also walk silently, having feline DNA, and is a fast runner. S.O.: Straight Other: tle="Picture">Picture Shifters Name: Sakura Sora Gender: Female Age: 15 Forms: tle="Wolf">Wolf and small tle="Dragon">Dragon(?) Looks: Shortness, only because of youth, Sakura makes up for in flexibility. She is extremely graceful and acrobatic but she is also young and very curious. She pretends to be the smartest person alive but she lacks confidence and tends to stay silent rather than talking to others. She is very self conscious and is calm around the scientists so as to not stir up trouble with them. Sakura is extremely fearful of pain. She has long, black hair and odd violet eyes. S.O.: Straight Other: The wolf is black with purple eyes/ The dragon's shoulder would only come up to a man's hip; just a head shorter than humans/ This is the girl:
 ((None of the pictures mentioned/shown are mine. Credit to the artists.))
4:01pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 2,713
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:19pm May 20 2011
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Posts: 58
sorry about that
How hard is this!!!! I'm buying and nobody has what I am in need of??? It's simple what I'm in need of... It's a DK... any color other than Amber... how hard is it to get one of those?
8:25pm May 21 2011 (last edited on 9:08pm May 21 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
Her heels clicked on the solid floor, the sound echoing about her for a moment before fading into oblivion. Long, black hair swung freely behind her for she didn't care enough to pull it up. The creatures would be too scared to try to mess with her anyway, so she wasn't worried about them pulling her soft hair. The lab coat rustled around her slender legs as she scanned the hallway ahead of her. About her was a strong, independant and determined air, a sense of calm urgency. She came up to the guard, who looked about ready to cry, and showed him her ID card. "They are behind cages, and are more afraid of you than anything else. So get a gun, grow a pair and just do your job." She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked past him. She looked around at the small group of other scientists that were on duty. "Don't we have a new shipmeent coming? Who's going to help me bring them in?" She asked looking around. When no one answered for a moment she rolled her eyes, placing an agitated fist on her hip. "I'm not in a patient mood today." She swore she heard someone mutter 'Fantastic, Jade has arrived'. Jade smiled, pocketing her badge. Jake sat quiet in the dark, the motion of the vehicle somewhat soothing. Ofcourse it was hard to be soothed when you had practically been kidnapped off the road and you were only the age of 17. He tried not to think about it too much, attempting to clear his mind and calm himself. If he were to try to escape, he would need a clear mind. But, again, he was a 17 year old boy who had just been picked up and shoved in a cage that just barely fit him. He listened to the cries of a couple other people who were in the area with him. Frightened whimpers and full out crying, ds of even breathing of those who cried themselves to sleep. It had been a long journey so far, or at least that's what it seemed like for you really couldn't tell the time. He could feel the malice from some, ually have a clue of what was going on. As the ride went on, Jake's mind wandered. He thought about a hazy memory that originated from before he woke up in this strange place. Memories of a strange room with bright lights and strange men. Memories of pain and exhaustion, nausia and confusion. Though even through all this, he still didn't think it strange that he could hear what everyone else was doing. Weither it be crying or sleeping, he could hear them, but he brushed it off as akward silence. He groaned with pain as the vehicle hit a bum and snet Jake's head rushing into the bars of his little prison. He heard a low growl from a little distance, a sound he had not heard before. It was strange to him, but he was more preoccupied with the sudden pain in his head. She growled and hissed, attempting to chew on the cell bars. Her jaw, by now, was exhausted and she sat back. Though tired, she was not ready to give up but she didn't have anymore ideas. Dang monsters. Just because I can change my form doesn't justify kidnapping. She banged her shoulder against the side, then whimpering in pain at her stupid move. The vehical's wheels screetched as the whole mas.s came to a violent stop. Moments pas.sed and she waited, the car not moving anymore. Why have we stopped. The door creaked as it opened and the small girl cowered slightly as the light flooded in. A large man wrapped his hands around the bars, reading the name off of the tag. "Sakura; Do not let it reach skin. It bites... Lovely." He growled, clearly unhappy about his job. "Just be a good little girl. I have a taser." She was tempted to bite him anyway but she stayed as far back as she possibly could.
8:58pm Jun 4 2011
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