2:38pm Aug 12 2010
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Septemberr went to the front desk. "We need her hand fixed. It's broken."September said. The nurse nodded and brought them to a room.
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2:41pm Aug 12 2010
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Mia and Kia just Followed September and Akila in Silence.

2:47pm Aug 12 2010
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They got into the room. The doctor came in. "So, how did this happen?"The doctor asked. Akila was too scaredc to speak. "My brother."September said. "I'm Akila's friend."She said. "How did he do this and why?"The doctor asked. "Him and her broke up a couple days ago and just today he ran into her and she told him to watch where he was going and she started halking off and he went after her and squeezed her wrist really hard and broke it."
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2:48pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Mia growled slightly when September Told the story.

2:59pm Aug 12 2010
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Akila sighed.
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7:20pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ D8 What did i miss??!! D| ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:22pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Eathen broke Akila's hand because she walked away from him. Now Akila, September, Mia,and Kia are at the hospital to get Akila's wrist rapped up.))
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8:31pm Aug 12 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[o.o yikes~]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:33pm Aug 12 2010
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1:13am Aug 13 2010
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[I might drop out >.<]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:15am Aug 13 2010
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1:17am Aug 13 2010
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[;-; My charas aren't important ^^ So I don't want to just put posts down]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:20am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((I'll talk to your charas. Let me post this.)) When the doctor wrapped up Akila's hand, She handed September her phone. September, somehow knew his number, texted Eric and James. Meet us at the mall please. September sent the text. Her and Akila left to go to the mall. "Take Shane's car to my house."Akila said to Kia. They arrived at the mall.
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1:34am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 7,187
(( You don't have to XD lol )) Alex felt his phone go off in his back pocket and pulled it out to read the text from Akila and threw it to the couch cushion beside him. He stood up and closed the bag of chips and turned the TV off before he traveled upstairs to drag James out of his room. he set the bag down on the table as he went upstairs. James didn't hear his phone ring over his music and he had it on his bed so it didn't vibrate and catch attention like it normally would on his night stand. He almost didn't hear Alex banging on his door if it hadn't been for the dlight pause in the guitar solo. he turned down th music and went to the door. "Come on James, Akila just texted me and told me to mee her at the mall." he explained. "What does this have to do with me?" James replied, "Check you phone...." Alex sighed. Leaning on the door frame. James got his phone, and there was the text. "Oh..." He said quietly, putting it into his pocket and turning off his stereo. "Yeah, lets go." Alex turned and went back downstairs,
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:41am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
((Well, I don't want anyone to be ignored.)) They sat down on the bench. Eathen went past them. September got up. "Wait here for them. I need to talk to my brother."September sighed. Akila noded. September went to Eathen and started to talk to him.
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10:06am Aug 13 2010
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Posts: 1,584
Mia stayed with Akila and september. Kia sighed when Mia got out and looked at her with a peircing glare. Mia smiled and waved. Kia drove back to Akila and shanes house and opened the door. "Shane!" she called "I've got your keys!"

8:13pm Aug 13 2010
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Eric pulled into the parking lot at the mall a few minutes later, driving James' white Corvet instead of his own Mustang. He liked the car but he preferred to drive his own, he looked over at James doodling away in his sketch book, his feet up on the dash as he did so. He didn't care if he messed up his own car so he didn't say anything about his feet. James stowed the pad under his seat when they parked, jumping out and closing the door behind him quickly. Eric, on the other hand, was as slow as ever getting out of the car. But when he finally managed that task they bothe went into the mall and started looking for Akila. James spotted her first, completely missing the arm cast. "Hey!" He waved to her, Eric did notice the cast however and the first thing out of his mouth and said over the way in the mall was, "Holy *censored* what happened to you?!"
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:27am Aug 14 2010
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"Eathen."She said. "I'm kind of mad. He like crushed my wrist." Shane was in his room, singing. He didn't hear Kia at all.
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9:11am Aug 14 2010
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Eric came over to her, "Are you ok?" He asked, looking at her cast carefully. "Why did he hurt you?" He asked. James hung back a little, not sure what to do other than listen to the two of them.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:58pm Aug 14 2010
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Posts: 12,418
She swallowed. "Yeah. He ran into me and I told him to watch where he was going and a walked away from him and he grabbed my wrist."She said.
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