12:30am Aug 15 2010
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[[I might send poor gay, shy James to college ^^ There aren't any other gays playing Rofl]] "No problem." James said, playing with his bracelet. Eric sighed, not only was his best friend possibly moving away but now Akila got hurt. "Oh yeah... did you hear the news?" Eric said flatly, James here just got a scholarship to some fancy college. It way on the other side of the country..." Eric explained. James pulled on his rubber bracelet. "I haven't excepted yet though..." He defended himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:31am Aug 15 2010
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((I'll make a gay guy and him and James will be lovers for ever!))
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12:32am Aug 15 2010
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Name-Haji Age-19 Gender male Looks-coming Persona-Rp itout S.O-GAY! Crush-James Other-he loves james and is his friend.
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12:33am Aug 15 2010
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12:36am Aug 15 2010
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(Rofl~ I can always count on you Koga ~<3)
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:38am Aug 15 2010
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(Yes you can^^) Haji walked over to James and sat on him."Hey guys whats up?"Haji asked.
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12:46am Aug 15 2010
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Eric turned and leaned against the back of the bench. "James is ruining my life!" he joked, kicking at James. James moved out of the way, putting his hand out to catch Eric's boots. "Hey, come one Eric. Thats not fair, we talked about this... you get the house all to yourself now." James as.sured him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:49am Aug 15 2010
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"Wait..where are you going James?"Haji asked.Skylair yawned and stopped when she saw Eric."Hey guys whats....up"He asked.
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12:50am Aug 15 2010
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"California..." James said, picking at his bracelet again. It was a habit. Eric looked up at Skylair's arrival. "James is ruining my life!!" He repeated in a whining voice.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:52am Aug 15 2010
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"James!You can't leave me!"Haji whined.Haji then took out his cell phone and texted James. I love you James!Don't leave me alone here!
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1:03am Aug 15 2010
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James smiled at him, "Well... I haven't excepted the invitation ye-" His phone went off, startling him briefly since it was in his front pocket instead of his back pocket. He pulled out his phone and read the text. Luv u 2 Haji~ He texted back, not realizing the full extent of the text. "I haven't excepted it let." He finished. "But you will and you'll leave me alone in that house with only one car in the parking lot. Without your sketches laying all over the place and you turning your music all the way up in your room and your car won't be parked beide mine." Eric said, listing off the things. "No one's gonna wake me up in the morning or nag me to take care of myself! Nope! You're gonna go off and make a living and a name of yourself and leave little old me here.... and Haji and Akila. And everyone." He told James. James frowned at him, running his tongue over his snake bites from the inside guiltily. "Thats not fair Eric." He told him.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:05am Aug 15 2010
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Haji then texted him again. James I've loved you ever since we started high school together.
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1:20am Aug 15 2010
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"Yes it is. You can't go..." Eric whined. "Eric I -" His phone again, he had put it back into his back pocket this time. He pulled it out, read the text and felt his face get a little warmer thsn usual. He glanced up at Haji, then at the phone. Thats not funny Haji :(
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:24am Aug 15 2010
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Haji looked at him. I'm not joking James i REALLY do luv you
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1:24am Aug 15 2010
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Haji looked at him. I'm not joking James i REALLY do luv you
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1:24am Aug 15 2010
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Haji looked at him. I'm not joking James i REALLY do luv you
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1:27am Aug 15 2010
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James' breathing increased a little. This was too much, he looked at Eric then at Haji then fled. Eric's surprise was evident on his face, "What just happened?" He asked, leaning forward. "Was it something I said?" He asked himself.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:31am Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 1:34am Aug 15 2010)
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"no"Haji said,running after James."James come back!"Haji yelled.
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1:47am Aug 15 2010
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Eric watched them both disappear. "Ok then." He said, leaning against the bench again. James stopped when there was no one else around and pressed himself against the wall, closing his eyes. This wasn't funny, not even close. This was seriously messed up.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:47am Aug 15 2010
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Eric watched them both disappear. "Ok then." He said, leaning against the bench again. James stopped when there was no one else around and pressed himself against the wall, closing his eyes. This wasn't funny, not even close. This was seriously messed up.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~