I'm Random and I Know You Love It(Open RP)

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6:56pm Nov 18 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( xD Parking xD))

"Well Parker seams upset" Luni said as she walked her dog. " do you want to come to my house to sleep over? Please!?" Luni pleaded.


7:04pm Nov 18 2011

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"I want to but I think Paige needs the company right now." Nyy said.


7:09pm Nov 18 2011

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" Okay ill open her room. I can pick locks" Luni said.


7:22pm Nov 18 2011

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"No then she'd just get angery. I have my ways of opening her door without even having to touch it. You should go be with Parker I'm sure he needs some company too." Nyy said.


10:40am Nov 19 2011

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" He is sleeping" Luni said. " He has his dog with him also" Luni replied.


7:56am Nov 30 2011

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(( BUMP))


8:29pm Nov 30 2011 (last edited on 8:30pm Nov 30 2011)

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Posts: 5,578

((Uno Momento))


8:35pm Nov 30 2011

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"Look Luni," Nyy said stopping and turning towards her," I like you, I really really like you and I like your brother too...not in the same way of course because that would be weird but...thats not the point. I like you both but I have to be with Paige. I'm sure she still likes you but it's hard for her to be with you since you remind her of your brother...at least I think..." Nyy put his hands on Luni's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. He was serious this time. He hoped Luni would understand that he wanted to be with her and that he wanted to spend the night but he was kind of scared that she wouldn't because of how she acted when he said he wasn't found of dogs.


7:21am Dec 1 2011

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" Okay.... Bye" Luni said with tears welling up and quickly grabbing her things  with Tears falling down her. " Your Not Her Girlfriend. Your Her Sister. Im Your Girlfriend" Luni Said Crying and looking up at Nyy. " So Your saying you cannot be with me" She Seconded Crying Hysterically and Picked up Her Dog.Well if thats how it is Come on Reuni Lets Go" She said.


12:48pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"No...that's not...Luni..." Nyy watched as Luni left walking away down the road. He watched her untill she rounded a corner and he couldn't see her anymore before turning around and walking back into the house. He sat down on the couch bringing his knees up to his chest and hugging them as he stared at the dark T.V. screen in front of him.

Paige looked at her finished drawing. She liked it but she was too mixed up to smile. It was a detailed drawing of a figure sitting beneath a dead tree. You couldn't see the figures face but you could tell it was waring a long dark cloke.


3:51pm Dec 1 2011 (last edited on 3:58pm Dec 1 2011)

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Posts: 2,836
Luni Cried and cried. She felt so bad.  He said that. But who doesn't feel bad? She cryed and called Paige. The phone rang and she heard a hello. " Hi, Paige. I'm Really sad now. Nyy doesn't want to be with me anymore. I'm not even sure id he cares. I'm Wondering if you are okay?" Luni said. She didn't hear Page and hung up.The Luni Called Nyy."We gotta settle this Nyy. Im Youur girlfiend! How could you do this! I thought you cared about me! It was All a lie! And the first time i trust somebody. I Cared. Now  Can't you Care. You know what. I am not your girlfriend. Or your buddy, Or your Pal. I cant beleave This. If You really care be a man and come over.  ." Luni said crying hysterically. From her perspective She was depressed. she needed to talk to him. in the comfort of her place.


3:54pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((Could you not control my characters please.))


3:58pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( Sorry Edited ^_^))


4:13pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,578


Paige heard the phone ring which brough her back to reality. She shook her head and picked up the phone not bothering to see who it was, "Hello?" she asked keeping her voice steady and bored sounding. She heard Luni at the other end of the line saying that Nyy didn't care about her anymore and asking if she was OK. Paige highly doubted that Nyy didn't care about her anymore. He may not be the most easily accepted person but once he is accepeted he never forgets about that person or stop caring about them. She didn't want to answer Luni's last question. She didn't want to lie but she didn't sound weak either so she ended up hanging up on her.

Nyy heard the phone ring the first time but the ring ing stopped before he could get up and answer it. It was sislent after that untill about five minutes later the phone rang again. Nyy asnwered the phone this time not trying to mask his sadness, "Hello?" He asked and just as he finished that he heard Luni on the other end practicly screaming at him. He tryed to cut in to tell her that he wasn't lieing, to tell her that he did care, but she wouldn't listen and before he knew it she hung up. He didn't want to abandon Paige and he didn't want to run into Parker and find out what he might do to him if he found out that he was some how the cause of Luni's unreasonable breakdown but he wanted to still be with Luni fome some reason. She was the first person who actually understood him and he felt that no one would ever understand him again but he sat there on the couch hugging his knees again.


7:22am Dec 2 2011

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Luni Was Crying siting down on the fluffy beige couch hugging her dog, Reuni. She decided to go over there again, To talk things out. She brought Tissues and her dog and Drove in her Sky Blue  car. She Got to Nyy's House. She Got out of the car and lifted up Reuni whick relaxed. Luni knocked on the hard door. " Hello?" She Said. 


7:29pm Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Nyy heard the knock on the again and gripped his shins tighter for a moment before getting up and opening the door. When he saw Luni he wasted no time in trying to explain,"Luni I'm sorry you think that I don't care about you and that I'm lieing but I do care about you and I don't know why you called me a liar but I'll just forget about that part. Look I know that your my girlfriend," He paused, "I mean were my girlfriend but I would be lieing if I said I didn't care about Paige more. She's my sister and I will allways be their for her and if you have a problem with that then I'm sad to say that we cannot be together anymore." Nyy took in a deep breath after talking so quickly and looked down at his feet afraid of what Luni might do. He was starting to think that maybe he didn't like Luni as much as he thought he did. She was turing out to be someone completly different than what she used to be and he didn't like it.


11:09am Dec 3 2011

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Posts: 2,836
"Same with Me and Parker. If you cannot accept the fact people change and i stick by him , Well its over. And i was still your girlfriend. we never ended it. I Have to confess. Parker isn't my brother. He Feels like my brother. You see, ever since my i was born i was best friends With Parker.  When my Parents died it was even tougher. He has always been beside me. I Cal him a brother because it feels like that. I was an only child. And i feel like you guys don't like him! Im going to have to call it off if you cannot accept this. And He is my brother now. My Dad died  but my mom married his Dad. Then they died so its My Step brother/ Best friend Against the world. " Luni said. She started to burst into tears and Hugged Nyy. She was sure that |Paige heard hr but it didn't matter to her.


10:41pm Dec 3 2011 (last edited on 6:00pm Dec 4 2011)

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"If your asking me to take sides Luni then I-I have to stick with Paige." Nyy said as he looked down at Luni. He took her by the shoulders and pulled her off of him.

Paige had indeed heard Luni and Nyy down stairs and had walked silently out of her room and listened to them from the top of the stairs. Once Luni started crying again Paige walked down the stairs quite angry by then, "Look Luni, I have nothing against you. Your a sweet kid and I thought Parker was cool too but if he's going to blow every time I don't do something he wants then it's just not going to work out between us. Your right about me not liking Parker anymore but I can't speak for Nyy. I'm fine if you two stay together it's non of my business what yout two do but you make it seem like I'm just a big monster when really I'm not.I'm saying Parker is either it's just..." Paige stopped and took in a breath trying to yell at the crying girl, " Parker blew up because I wouldn't ware a stupid dress well it's because it's not me and I'm not going to change who I am just for some guy." Paige stood behind them her arms crossed over her chest. Her hair was up in a messy pony tail her eyes a bit puffy but it did nothing to mask her anger.


7:51pm Dec 4 2011

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Posts: 5,578



7:48am Dec 5 2011

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Posts: 2,836
" Well Sorry for offending you Paige. I just needed somebody. Parker is blaming me. For being your friend. He is moving out. My Best friend. He is probably gone by now" Luni said drying her tears and facing Mad Paige who didn't show a hint of sympathy. " Forget it. Its no use. Parker is gone. Bye Paige Bye Nyy." Luni said as she left The house. She started to cry but stoped and Knocked on the door. She walked it asnd said " May i sleep over? Ill just take the floor if you want. " She calmly said.

Parker woke up. He started to take his things. He called movers. He had found a nice house about 15 minutes away. He sadly got his things and left. He walked out and drove to his new home.

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