Vampires are being hunted by humans, either by having a wooden stake stuck in their heart or by being tied up and pulled out into the sun during the day and being burned. But obviously they have to feed, so they still kill humans (or make them one of them). So basically the humans and vampires are killing each other.
But some vampires 'take others with them'. What I mean by 'take others with them' is that they intentionally transform a human into a vampire, so that they would get killed too. This is happening often, over half of the vampire population is doing this, trying to get more people to die. They then either tell the human, actually now vampire, that they would die or just walk away.
But not all of the vampires that 'take people with them' do this so that others would die. Sometimes its out of pure loneliness. They turn another human (usually opposite genders) into a vampire, and force them to stay with them, and maybe become mates or simply partners. Or maybe just two vampires who are always side by side, hunting together and protecting each other.
1. You must be literate like me. D< Unless you're my friend, that is. ;D And one liners, don't beg to join and send me a respal request just because I said that i'd let my friends join regardless of literacy. You have to be a really good friend, one that I know well. :/
2. Romance and violence is HIGHLY, really highly, really really really really super highly, super duper duper duper, SUPER DUPER HIGHLY ENCOURAGED. xDDDD Don't mind me, i'm crazy. ;D Really really really really super dup- *gets whacked in the head* D:
3. No Twilight vampires, they are based on real vampires. :/
4. No pp/gm. ;c
5. If I don't want you to join I have a reason, so don't argue. Likely it's because you're not literate or I have seen you doing rude/mean things around the forums. :/
6. The vampires MUST feed on human blood, no animal blood. Actually, they can, but your vampire will be weak and vulnerable in many ways. So if your vampire feeds on animal blood only and I see you posting, 'they are very powerful, but hate killing so only feed on animal blood. they never get weak.', I will banish you to the middle of nowhere and never let you return. D<
7. I can kick you out if I need to (probably if you misbehave). :/
8. No special abilities, powers, or anything like that. ;c It's unfair to those who make their characters like regular humans/vampires. D:
9. No needing special treatment, or being extra special among the others. D< Like being a Queen. Yes, I am sometimes a Queen, but only in rps that are supposed to have one; like if it is part of the plot. ;c I won't just bring in a Queen into an rp like this one when it is totally unneeded. :/ And for the special treatment I mean like being tired and needing to be carried, or needing other characters to treat them really well. D:
10. Please ask the owner of the character you plan on biting/killing before biting/killing them. This also includes turning them into a vampire and making them your character's partner. :/
10. I think thats all I need for now. ^^;
Has a partner? (name the partner if they have one):
I will be playing as:
Name: Crystal
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Personality: Rp it out.
History: Not important. :P
Has a partner?: Open. ;D
Other: Nu-uh.