6:48pm Feb 7 2010
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(( ok :D ))
7:14pm Feb 7 2010
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Calyx waited for the right moment. suddenly the bull elk perked his ears up. " now! " she said to herself as she jumped on the bull elks back. she bti his neck and held on. she was tossed all over.
7:15pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 730
((Anyways)) Maxx laid low, watching the lead elk run straight into Calyx's clutches. He stalked over, ready to help with the kill.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:16pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 730
He leaped on as well, dragging it down so that it couldn't snap her neck. The kill was all hers.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:17pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 730
((Have to leave))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:17pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:25pm Feb 7 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
7:32pm Feb 7 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Feb 7 2010)
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StarFrost walked up to Feral and acted as if she diddent know he was there .she turned the opposite way of him and flexed her bladed wings. she looked up in the sky and howled.
7:40pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Feral was lying down. He shifted his eye's to StarFrost. His abnormally large canine's perched on his lip's. He scented the air, and decided to look into the female. His large venom green and midnight black draconian wing's folded at his side. He padded silently to a boulder and sat down. He cocked his head as he watched the female, blazing green eye's scanning her up and down.
7:43pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 17,364
StarFrost sat beside Feral and took glance at him. she folded her bladed wings and stared up at the full moon. she opened her mouth and let out a long howl.
7:47pm Feb 7 2010
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Feral curled his tail around to his side. He flattened his ear's sightly, and let out a soft growl. "Who are you?" He said, standing up, he shuffled his wing's and arose his tail.
7:54pm Feb 7 2010
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" i am StarFrost. " she answered smiling. "you are? i havent seen you around these lands. "
8:00pm Feb 7 2010
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Feral raised his ear's. His tail still high. "Feral. The thing is, I'm very quiet. Almost no one know's I'm here." He hopped down from the rock. Pink flushing on his cheek's. He liked the wolf. Like he would ever show it. "And you would better stop howling. Don't want to alert nearby predatory's, Ai?" He said, lowering his tail, whilst the wind blew his bang's all around. He talked, but did not turn to look at the wolf.
8:05pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 17,364
StarFrost jumped and followed Feral. " its not like any one can hurt me ive got you with me. " she smiled. " i cant belive no one has found you here yet . " she looked around. " nice night huh? its beautiful out here all the sparkling stars and bright moon. she smiled.
8:09pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Feral continued, ignoring the female. Finally, his good side got to him. "Yeah, Nothing is going to get through me." He said, tail swishing.
8:16pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 867
Zane stood up and walked over to Ruka who was lying down near an old oak tree,"You haven't told me your name yet,"he woofed to her."I'm Zane,if I've already told you or you've heard."He sat down next to the white wolf,relaxing his thoughts and himself. "My name's Ruka..."she answers,looking up at Zane,knowing this was a sweet wolf,"You're sweeter than you look."she woofs."Where do you come from,Zane?"she asks him,curiousness filling her senses. "I come from the north,where the silver snow falls each day.It looks really nice there,and it seems like my paradise."he says,steadying his heartbeat to match Ruka's.He stands up and walks over to the small cave where Cinder used to be.He senses a strong,angry presence and decides to leave instead.Better not go in there!he thinks to himself.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
10:16pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 867
((I feel so lonleh!))
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:35pm Feb 7 2010
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Feral perked his ear's. He swiveled them in different direction's. A long growl pierced the silence. "Wolves in MY territory!?" He snarled and burst through the brush. Grabbing Ruka by the tail and slinging her out of the way. "Shoo, You pestering BRAT'S!!" He snarled, his tail rised dangerously, guarding his cave. His fang's hung down from his jaw, bubbling the acid green poison that was so commonly summoned in himself. He noticed that the wolf still stood. He charged and bit the wolf slightly. Snarling dangerously.
11:53pm Feb 7 2010
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Posts: 867
"What the HELL do you want?!"Ruka growled at the green,dark wolf.She bared her fangs and howled for Zane.Oh Zane!How I need you now!she thought to herself.What in great wolf spirits am I thinking about?!I can manage by myself!I don't even know Zane that much!"Let go of me!"she barked at the strange,offensive wolf as she struggled free."Where are you Zane?!"she howled and freed herself from the clutches of the dark wolf.Ruka ran as fast as she could,bumping against Zane as she ran away."Where were you..."she woofed as she slowly lost conciousness."Zane..."she woofed quietly. "RUKA!"Zane howled in anguish."How could this happen to you.."he woofed and thought I'm going to get you someplace safe!Far away from this place!"Hold on Ruka!"he barked as he picked her up by the scruff and flung her over his back.Zane started running as soon as he was sure Ruka was safe on his back.Don't worry,Ruka!I'll save you for sure!Zane looked quickly at his back,seeing a horrorific figure of a lean,green,dark wolf with wings chasing them."Oh!great wolf spirits!What do you want?!"he barked as he ran away from this nightmare that came alive.Then,it started to rain for some reason and sharp winds blew all around.The cold,icy winds tugged at Zane's pelt,only his confidence driving him forwards.Meanwhile,the dark wolf behind gained on them,like if nothing came by him.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
2:00am Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Lighting struck, not even phasing the wolf. A deep growl bellowed from his throught. Suddenly, in a flash, It seemed like all hell and been let loose. Row's of needle sharp claw's brazed the skin of them, whilst row's of fang's that seemed to have no mercy peirced the muscle and tissue, whilst injecting GALLON'S of the venom that is commonly ised fot getting ris of other's. Two huge black wing's spread, and in a flash, the rain stopped. It was morning. the sun slowly arose, yet the terror was not was gone. Everything was fine. Only a set of four midnight black leg's circled the couple. A un-godly laugh came from it, as it only creeped into the brush, and returned to StarFrost. "Don't mess with me. Eh?" He said, Smiling. He brushed his tail against her and leaded her to his cave.
3:46pm Feb 8 2010 (last edited on 3:52pm Feb 8 2010)
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" dont worry i wont!" she laughed as she followed Feral into the cave.she sat in the middle of the cave and groomed herself. she turned to Feral. " your kinda cute. " she smiled. she looked around the cave. " how long have you stayed here?" she asked. " i brought my sister and brother to the mating grounds for them to start over. my brothers mate and pups died in a fire made by humans.... and Calyx her mate took her pups away and left scars all over her. thats all i know." she made a frown on her face. " why have you came here? to the mating grounds? " she asked.