8:02pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,005
I did, zo. XD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:03pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gtg D: ill be on tomorrow :D ))
8:05pm Feb 8 2010
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He looked sadly at Calyx. "I am NOT afraid of you, either. Let's go." He knew he was risking his leadership. But he had to defend her. With that, he growled and sprung. He bit onto Cinder's neck, drawing loads of blood.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:05pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 867
Zane woofed,"Umm,Ruka..do you know how we get back?If it's only in your power,then we can go back here and do stuff...yes?"He looked at Ruka,expecting a flash of light again,but she just stood there looking at the ground. "I-I don't know...Zane,I don't even know if I can control my powers steadily...I'll try though!"Ruka woofed convincing Zane he could finally get out of this place,even as its beauty charmed him."Shall we try this,Zane?"she asked,standing up,and closing her eyes.I guess that's a yes!she thought,readying her soul for the light.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
8:34pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 867
Ruka sighed as her attempt to get that burst of light energy out,"Gah!It doesn't work!"she barked angrily."Well,we can't risk getting stuck here,can we?!"she tried once more,this time,focussing her power on one and only thing,getting out of the cave and practicing her powers."Kay,Zane,I need your help o this try.When I say go,you make a strong cyclone and I'll make it into a portal out of here.We'll just get swept up,but nothing bad will happen to us. Okay,are you ready?"she woofed at Zane.He nodded."Now,Go!"she barked,and Zane made a small cyclone with some powers left in him. Zane focused his on the cyclone and Ruka on her portal,"Are you done yet?!"he barked over the loud winds blowing around them. "Ok!Follow me!"Ruka barked as she pulled him into the portal and they plopped onto the ground,on someplace.It seemed like another cave."Oh,please tell me this isn't the cave we were at!" "Um,Ruka,I don't think this is the same one!"He woofed as he pointed his paw over to a sleeping wolf,"See!that wolf wasn't there before!"he woofed quietly."I've seen him before somewhere!.." "We better get out of here!"Ruka woofed as she ran towards the entrance and stopped to take a breath of fresh air."Ah!This feels good!finally!some sunlight!"she barked.Just then,she saw who looked like Calyx's brother fighting with some other wolf,"Hey,Zane,Does that wolf look familiar to you?" Instead of responding,Zane padded over to the black wolf,"Hey!It's Alpha..."
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
11:20pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Feral sat at the mouth of the cave, his tail curled around his haunches. He spoke, "I live here. No one ever care's. I lethal to most." He sighed and lie down. "You don't want to see my true self, That's why most try to avoid me and hide there children." He growled and his his muzzle in his paw's.
12:50pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 730
Maxx was fed up with Cinder. He snarled, but stood aside, because Alpha had challenged him first. Shiara looked at Midnight, and saw that he would protect her. "Thanks," she said. "But, in case anything happens... I love you." She blushed.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
5:09pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder laughed and smacked Alpha off of him. he pinned him down and bit his neck as he did with Maxx and others. but this time harder. he licked his fangs as if he liked the taste. " this is gonna be fun....." he said smiling elivishly. he rammed Alpha into the tree and snapped his leg as he did to Shiara. he turned around to Calyx " StarFrost is worried sick about you. come on. " he smiled and motioned her to come. she did as she was told and saddly walked with Cinder crying all the way. " who said i diddent want to see your true self? " she smiled and layed down next to him. she licked his face and smiled. she nudged him playfully.
5:27pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Alpha shook it off. No ugly old wolf was going to bother his pack. He bit him, nearly piercing his skull. "It's on. I don't like to do this, but.." He scratched up Cinder's back up violently. ((I don't wanna powerplay. So I can't kill you. xD Don't mess with Alpha.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:53pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( lolz its hard not to powerplay xD )) Cinder ignored it and continued to walk with Cinder. " hey, im sorry for messing with you eareler. i was being to strick." he apologized. " oh and Alpha, i can see your not the " leading" type. " he smiled messing with him.
6:17pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 730
Maxx snarled at Cinder. "Hey, why don't you get your own mate? She's mine," He couldn't attack though, until Alpha backed down. Which Maxx didn't think he would.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
6:24pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"Go ahead, Maxx. I feel like murdering this cur."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:38pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder stopped. he started to laughed until a tear ran down his face. " you think shes my mate?! " he asked laughing. " shes my sister!!! " he blurted out and started to laugh again. " well if you feel like murdering my then go ahead. its your chice the only think you would lose is your leader spot and no one would trust you again." he smirked.
6:39pm Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Feb 9 2010)
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Posts: 730
Maxx promptly mauled Cinder. He lunged for his throat, and clamped down, hard. He released and flipped him over, locking his jaws around Cinder's spinal cord, below his skull. If Cinder so much as turned around, he'd be paralyzed for life. "I know she's your sister. Just go find another person's mate to terrorize!" he snarled, never loosening his grip.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
6:44pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyxs pupils got huge and turned to his all-most-to-death brother stuck in the jaws of Maxx. she then turned to Maxx tears in her eyes. she gave a scared gaze at Maxx and darted into the forest running away from Maxx.
6:53pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"Cinder, you have caused everyone enough grief. No one likes you. Leave and NEVER come back." "Or I will murder you." He turned to Maxx. "I'd love to finish him off."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:56pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
" Y-your the one... that S-started this " he muttered trying not to move. " you dont own me or Calyx im a wolf. im not afraid to die. " he muttered under his breath watching as Calyx ran into the forest.
7:02pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,005
He wanted to nudge Cinder's head just enough to crack his spine. Maxx may not have the guts, but Alpha sure did.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:02pm Feb 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 867
Ruka wandered in the forest and bumped into Calyx,"What's wrong?"she asked,wondering what happened that made her so sad.She sat down in front of Calyx,waiting.
 Hearts to anyone who clicks this egg! <3
7:03pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder rembered. Shiara did the same move. if he tripped maxx he would be free. but how? he thought. i need to get to Calyx....