6:45pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 6:46pm Feb 12 2010)
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Aurora looked around hungry and tired. she knew nothing about earth and the wolves that lived there. she missed her home world but was banned from it. her mate and her were seperated and she was expecting pups. she fell exhausted not able to move. she layed there whimpering and her stomach growling. Cinder sighed and layed with the pups and tryed to go to sleep. he couldednt so he just layed there. Xaiven looked around. no wolf in sight. he wandered near the den where Cinder and Angel stayed.
6:47pm Feb 12 2010
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Angel heard the growling and headed out side with a small rabbit." dg tu sax zxch xsd " she said ( translation- here you are poor wolf )) She smiled at Aurora then headed back to her den.
6:49pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Aurora reached for the rabbit but couldent reach. she tryed to get up but fell of exhaustion. she whimpered as she cept trying to get to the rabbit.
6:50pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,165
A wind blew the rabbit towards Aurora The whole family snuggled in different rooms of the den, Angel and Cinder in one room and the pups in another.
6:54pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Aurora gobbled up the rabbit and tryed once again to stand. she wobbled then fell. she whimpered and layed there.
6:56pm Feb 12 2010
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A mystical wolf god lifted her and made her well.
6:57pm Feb 12 2010
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(( next day)) Angel and the pups were up early, Angel was dipping them in shallow water as baths.
6:58pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Cinder splashed some water at Angel. when she turned to him he acted as nothing happened. he giggled and did the same to the others.
6:59pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 6,165
Angel whispered something to the pups. All of them pups and Angel splashed water on Cinder, which made a HUGE wave.
7:00pm Feb 12 2010
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Feral woke back up. He was breathing heavily. He fell again. His entire body structure changing. Once he awoke, He was nothing of his former self... 
7:18pm Feb 12 2010
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" Feral! " StarFrost yelled as she darted twords him. she licked his face and looked at him. " are you alright?! " she asked looking concerned. Cinder fell into the water and sunk to the bottom. she blew bubbles to look like he was stuck under the water and stopped. when the pups looked over the water he jumped out and made a mega splash and soaked all of them. he laughed and shook all the water off him.
7:44pm Feb 12 2010
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( *pokes* any 1 here?? O.O ))
7:51pm Feb 12 2010
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Feral cocked his head as he looked at his body. "Yeah, I'm fine. This is just a.. It's just something that happen's in my family." He looked at the chain on his leg. "Damn it." He growled. "They just HAD to put a chain on me." He turned his attention to the crystal's and diamond's on his wing's. "I can deal with that." He said. He was much bigger than starfrost. But he didn't care. He slung her over his shoulder and laughed. "Just so you can see on my level." He looked back at her, and then ahead.
7:56pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:00pm Feb 12 2010)
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StarFrost laughed. she looked at his wings.. " you look pretty ." she smiled as she nudged him. " what do you mean somthing happened in your family? " she asked looking curious.
8:08pm Feb 12 2010
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He looked at the ground. "Mmm, It's just something that happen's every now and then, It mean's that you've been blessed, or something like that." He looked back at her. "But your supposed to have a angel.. And where would it be?" He looked around.
8:11pm Feb 12 2010
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" an angel? " she asked smiling. " i come from a wierd family. my brother Cinder goes on a frenzy on full moons if he gets the taste of blood and my sister Calyx is crazy she keeps talking about some wolf that talks to her all the time i think she calls it... hrmm.. i dont rember for some reason. btu she always zones out on me! " she laughed.
8:14pm Feb 12 2010 (last edited on 8:15pm Feb 12 2010)
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Posts: 130
 click please! The cute egg will die if you don't! btw, it's a friend's egg
8:16pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( O.O umm..... u can join if u want to and if iheart says ok.... ))
8:18pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Feral did not say anything. He looked ahead and continued walking.
8:22pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx told maxx to watch the pups and she walked into the forest. she sat under a tree right where Feral was walking. she started to talk. " Kohaku....? are you there....? " she whispered. " on there you are...! oh.. i know... got to get rid of that... hrmm .. dont ask me things i dont know silly! she said as she nudged a invisible thing. she laughed and smiled. " i know right! "