7:48pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral wanted to spit. He turned around. Scanning her up and down. "To early for that." he barked. And with that he darted out of his cave and ran far.
7:49pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Feb 20 2010)
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Bumpsy. <3
7:53pm Feb 20 2010
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(( awww poor starfrost xD: )) Starfrost layed in the cave. she had messed up everything. nothing life mattered to her any more... so she got up and padded up to a cliff. she closed her eyes, and jumped.
7:55pm Feb 20 2010
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(( DOUBLE SMILEY. :O )) Feral was already in the outskirts of the land. He looked around. "Let's see... I'm hungry." He said, surveying the v*censored*t desert for a elk.
7:57pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
half way down, she howled out :" bye Feral....." she ws now almost to the bottom....
7:58pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral began digging. "What the heck?" He said, as a wild ookoo came out of the hole and hissed at feral.
7:59pm Feb 20 2010
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8:00pm Feb 20 2010
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(( OMG. It.Made.Babies. O____________________O ))
8:01pm Feb 20 2010
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(( BUT HOW?!?!?!?! *thinks of* oh gawd... oh HALP!!! ))
8:04pm Feb 20 2010
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(( ok. back to the rp. XDDDDDDDDDDDD )) Feral kicked the weird creature and continued looking for elk.
8:04pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm Feb 20 2010)
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*watches as StarFrost falls off cliff and comes close to ground.... * *slaps Feral* save her you fool!! xD *throws ookoo baby bewb at Ferals face* xDDDD ))
8:09pm Feb 20 2010
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(( *throws up* e_e EWW. )) Feral continued going ON. :3
8:10pm Feb 20 2010
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StarFrost hit the ground hard..... worse of all she was still alive.. suffering from broken ribs leg neck and blood loss. she diddent want to suffer she just wanted to die a quick death.
8:14pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral quickly found a elk. "DINNER!!!!" He yelled, and ran straight towards it. He smiled and bit into it's neck. The warm blood filled his mouth. Soon enough it died. He sat down and ate happily.
8:16pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 8:20pm Feb 20 2010)
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StarFrost howled for Feral or any other wolf nearby. she knew Feral would hear her.if he diddent ignore her. she whimpered, but eery time she did pai shot from her neck because it was broken.
8:19pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral found a abondoned den and walked inside.
8:23pm Feb 20 2010
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Kohaku looked around, he saw StarFrost but was unable to help, so he dashed to Feral. in a minute he was in the den where he was, but was not seen. he pushed him and planted a dream in his head: in the dream, it showed Starfrost and how she was hurt, it also showed Kohaku in the back ground.
8:24pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral woke up from the living hell. "Leave me alone!" He growled.
8:26pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku was getting tired of this.... he showed the dream again, but it showed a close up on how StarFrostwas suffering. Kohaku next to her with a wicked smile.
8:28pm Feb 20 2010
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Feral had, had ENOUGH. He erased the dreams, and sent a crap load of venom channeling through the dream into Kohaku.