6:56pm Feb 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730
((Kohaku is the wolf god of betrayal and such, Death is the wolf god of death (what a shocker XD), Angel is having more pups, Death is trying to kill everybody (see upper posts), and idk what else. Ask others.)) "They are fine. And," he kissed her. "So are you." He sat down, determined to stay awake. He trusted Kohaku, to an extent, but he didnt want to fall asleep. Yet.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
7:08pm Feb 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:41pm Feb 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730
((Did ya see my recap?))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
10:05pm Feb 22 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,662
(( Woah. Missed a lot. Recap? ;p ))
8:00am Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730
((Did anyone see my recap? Top of the page.))

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
1:14pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
1:22pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( XD wow, no one pays attention to the first post of a page =P )) Saint slinked down the side of the rocky cliff like a snake, his eyes set staring at the place where he spotted the small few of deer. Moments later he came within 30 feet of them, as he ran through forest like lightning. He grinnned, licking his lips greedily in hunger
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
1:41pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 3:19pm Feb 23 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 730
((lol no they don't)) New Charry!! =D Name: Raya Age: Teen Gender: Female Mate: None yet. Finds all other wolves too normal. Personality: She is different, and she loves it. She is hard to anger, but when she is mad, get out of the way. She has a dark personality, but has cheery moments. History: She wanders, looking for the wolf that understands her. Looks: (if they don't show up, she is black and gray and white.)  
Other: She is very strong and fast.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
3:43pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 730
Raya ran toward the herd of deer, skidding to a stop when she smelled another wolf. She crept forward, trying to distinguish if the wolf was a friend. "Hello?" She asked, hoping he was friendly.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
4:10pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
Calyx woke up, and wondered where her sister was..."Maxx can you help me find StarFrost?" she asked. " i guess Angel could watch the pups..." she growled.
4:12pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
Saint stared at the deer, his eyes burning with antisipation. He lifted his head, hearing another wolf, and he gasped. He turned and looked at the deer, Thehad risen their heads. Before they could make a move, he leapt out of the trees, faster than a cheetah as the turned to run, and he leapt on the smallest male, pinned to the ground and killed it
He lifted his head, the limp deer in his jaws, as he stared at the newcomer wolf. "They were going to run. I had to jump out at them.' He explained clamly, wondering if this wolf hadn't had a meal in a while
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:32pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((Knock, knock. Anyone homee? xD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:34pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( mehh ish homee!! :D ))
6:34pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( *opens door* I DON'T LIKE GIRL SCOUT COO- oh it's you iheart Hi! XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:39pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( xD lolz . . . . . . . can some one help starfrost? the one who jumped off the cliff? with 3 broken ribs cracked neck and 2 broken bones? the one who ish bleeding to death? . . . . . . . . . . . . help starfrost pplz!!! ))
6:46pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((Scourge- I am a girl scout actually. and hi. Zaneybabeh- Well, hi, and Alpha is asleep, and my babeh wonn't be much help, and I need to do some c*censored*s. ;C))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:47pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( I KNEW IT! lol, cool, that would be my mom's reaction though XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:10pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((Would you like a box of thin mints? JK. xD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:12pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,662
(( o_o'' ))
7:13pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( I DO!!!!! *takes cookies and runs* does it has chocolate in eet?!?!?! mehh WANTS CHOCOLATE!!!!! ))