12:42pm Jun 29 2010
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"The life of the party I see. May i join you?" Zora said trotting up to the spot where Silvie sat. She russled her wings a little nervously, for she didnt know how much more dangerous this one wolf could get. "Beautiful right. The sky i mean, with all the stars and the moon. After we got separated, i would go outside and look up hoping you were looking too. I missed you." Zora swung her tain around her paws, keeping them warm in the slight chill of night.
12:43pm Jun 29 2010
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((Its ok but i dont think anyone should know just yet))
12:45pm Jun 29 2010
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"You have to know... she was born a killer. I must warn you so you dont fall like Sierra did." he looked away, "If I lost you, it would torture me more than any of my other losses combined." he came up to her. "Silvie dosnt use her power much, which is why sierra's death was such a shock to me... Silvie can deliver a gaze. A gaze that can torture you within your own mind. Her energy climbs within your body, making you feel pain so unimaginable it can disable anything in a matter of seconds... she can kill on the highest level... she dosnt even have to touch you, simply...look, it is a fate worse then death...and a slow, painful way to go." he stated, "Please, do not anger her... I wouldnt be able to bare to see you in pain." he said nudging her lightly on the head.
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12:50pm Jun 29 2010
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Silvie didnt look at Zora..."Feel free to." she stated expressionlessly, her green eyes empty as the stars twinkled in her death eyes. She ignored the chill...winter was approaching fast...the most common time for a prisoner to escape...she was ready. Her trackers were skilled... but some runaways were strong...if Yuni did have feelings for Aria, he would help her to escape... She couldnt bare more treachery.
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12:51pm Jun 29 2010
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"I won't don't worry." Aria nudged him back. She gave him another smile and knew if they were together everything would be alright. "Now onto and even more complex matter. What will we do if they figure it out. You know what I mean." Aria didn't dare say it out loud. "I might be able to hold some off for a minuted of too but if I had to make all of them think they were somewhere else that would last for about 30 seconds." Aria said
12:51pm Jun 29 2010
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Zyrakk let the crow go and it flew back towards the forest. Screeching and flying past Zora and Silvie. Zyrakk turned slowly and lied down under a tree. He didn’t fall asleep but just watched the movementss in the forest.
12:55pm Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 12:55pm Jun 29 2010)
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"Silvie, you shouldnt take it so hard. Its been 3 years already and you're alpha. So act like one instead of sitting here moping." Zora looked over at her friend hopefully but diddnt even earn a glance. Yawning Zora got up and began to walk away looking for a place to sleep. "Maybe I will see ya 'round." She called over her shoulder, yawning again.
12:56pm Jun 29 2010
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"Dont get on my bad side Zora." she hissed... jumping down from the rock and starting to go to her sleeping spot, although she may never sleep.
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12:58pm Jun 29 2010
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Yuni looked nervously around..."I can drain must powers...I dont know about Silvie...she is stronger. And she can gaze a lot faster then I can." he said..."They wont find out." he said trying to convince himself...he senced Silvie's eyes upon him, and looked at Aria, "I have to go." he said before taking off without another word.
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1:00pm Jun 29 2010
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Zora chuckled to herself. She knew that somewhere Silvie had a soft spot or she wouldnt be alive. Finding a small abandoned fox hole, Zora wriggled down and slowly fell asleep and dreaming of the day Jurip died.
1:01pm Jun 29 2010
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Silvie saw Yuni wandering around camp. She wondered if he were with Aria... he knew the consequences. But she ignored it. She was in no mood to deal with him, she had all morning.
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1:04pm Jun 29 2010
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"Goodbye" she whispered as he was running. She laid down and ate a little. She was tired. All of the events had worn her out. She was thinking about what to do if someone did find out. Maybe he could take half of her powers for a while. Then Aria and Her would be equal. Her usind bad powers and Aria using light powers. She could hold her off until they could escape. She could do this to everyone else without a problem. Silvie was to strong so she was the only one that could resist and shake off Aria's power.
1:04pm Jun 29 2010
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((lets wait a bit for the others :)))
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1:06pm Jun 29 2010
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ooc; Wow. I only have four posts in character. -.-;
1:08pm Jun 29 2010
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((ya i agree funna))
1:10pm Jun 29 2010
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((shadowolf, try posting charry at a time, or make your lones come to camp :) and heres my last post)) Yuni thought of what he would do if anyone found out about his feelings... he took a deep breath and made his way to his spot in his den, where he curled up for a long rest... tomorrow would be rough.
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1:12pm Jun 29 2010
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ooc; Lol I'll do that. I always have trouble getting my charries to comunicate. :P I think I might take out Kerr and replace him, too.
1:14pm Jun 29 2010
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((you know i just started this today, but i think it's the best one yet lol i luuuuuv it!!!))
1:15pm Jun 29 2010
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((This is the funnest one I have done and also when you said to stop for a while it broke my heart lol))
1:18pm Jun 29 2010
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((its fun once you get the hang of it :) and same here laken, i just stop so the others dont get left to far behind, I get so sad when that happens to me :(...and thanks guys! this is only my 4th rp ever :)))
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