7:53pm Jun 29 2010
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Dusk pricked her ears and felt around to stand. She leaned back and then wandered forward, hearing the footsteps of Silvie. "Silvie..." Dusk growled. The shield of light went up in her mind and she wandered towards the heavy pawsteps of her archenemy... ------------------------------------------------- Aatara wandered to Silvie's side, "Silvie" Aatara gazed up at her...
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7:56pm Jun 29 2010
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Silvie saw Dusk, she wasnt afraid... she simply smirked darkly, her cold eyes torturous and dangerous. She looked down and saw Aatara, "Yes?" she asked gently, sencing something has happened.
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7:58pm Jun 29 2010
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"The runaway's killed Filitia" Aatara looked at the ground and barred her teeth as she saw the big black paws of the aplpha of the runaways come towards them. She had bite her own tail to keep herself from leaping at the blind wolf...
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8:02pm Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 8:03pm Jun 29 2010)
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Silvie pulled Aatara close..."Shhh," she cooed. "Its okay, she is relaxed." she comforted. Her anger flared, they had killed another Tracker... Aatara's siter...Jurip... she then looked up to see Dusk. She growled lowly... and her fur pricked..."Decide to murder have we?" she growled. Remembering the death of Sierra earlier... she wondered if Dusk found that victim yet.
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8:25pm Jun 29 2010
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Yuni took a deep breath when she saw Dusk, Aatara and Silvie... he knew Dusk was one who was immune to Silvie's gift, however Silvie knew how to fight, due to the fact she didnt use her gift often. He was kept as a guard because he could lower any other gift from any other wolf in camp. His lowered his head and lowered Dusk's power ability, after quickly looking around to see if he could find Aria...if Dusk were to attack, Silvie's power should work, if she decided to use it... he hated hearing the screams of those being tortured, but it made him excited to.
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8:25pm Jun 29 2010
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Aria noticed the scent of the loner and saw Silvie and Aatara. Both looked sad and Aria walked over to them. She was still 5 yards away but she knew something had been killed. A wolf. " I am sorry if I am intruding but are you ok?" she asked Aatara. "And Silvie I am not trying to annoy you I just wanted to see what was wrong. Aria lowered her head nervously wondering if Silvie would use her power on her...
9:04pm Jun 29 2010
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Zyrakk was slightly confused. The female wolf had smiled. At him. But there was the dark feeling that seemed to surround the wolf, and that only confused him more. He sat down and watched the other wolves. He still wasn’t sure if they were to be trusted, since the very atmosphere of the place was filled with confusion and anger and grief… -- Dell looked over her shoulder. There was the Runaway Alpha, Dusk, facing the Tracker Alpha, Silvie. She immediately became interested.
Aatara was by Silvie’s side, not a happy look on her face. Dell still watched closely. She wondered if Dusk would need help. Though she knew Dusk was strong, her power was matched with Silvie’s. Silvie also had the advantage of having a guard, Yuni, who could drain the power from others.
9:19pm Jun 29 2010
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Silvie growled lowly at Aria... "Your help is NOT needed." she stated darkly taking a threatening step foward. Her eyes matched Dusk's... she was unafraid for her own safety and gazed at Dusk with soulless unmerciful eyes. She would kill. Sari ran over and stepped between the two. "Silvie." she lowered her head in submission when Silvie snarled, taking a threatening step foward...as Silvie stepped foward, Sari stepped back. "Silvie dont fight. You killed one already." she squeaked motioning toward Sierra. Silvie snarled, "The mutt was worthless, bold, and stupid." she repled darkly... Sari knew Silvie and Dusk were pretty evenly matched...but Silvie did have amazing speed... but Dusk, Dusk had amazing defencive moves... the two have never really fought... but the Trackers had dwindled the runaway numbers.
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9:25pm Jun 29 2010
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Yuni gave a scared, warning look at Aria...before turning to Silvie. "silvie. Sari is right... dont kill another." he stated looking towards the ground... he didnt want to clean more blood... and he was worried, if she attacked Dusk, Aria would be next... he swallowed hard, and lowered the powers even more... he snarled lowly as he senced the lones.
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9:33pm Jun 29 2010
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Silvie snarled... she wanted to put Dusk in her place... she waited to long, gave mercy for to long. She looked at the faces of her pack...Sari looked at her. Sari was angry, she wanted Silvie to stop... "Silvie, Killing the runaways wont fix the past!" she yelled, backing away when she regained control...her tail between her legs. Silvie felt a snarl erupt from her throat..."I know that Sari..." she nipped at her ankles, causing one to bleed, Sari yelped and backed away...her sister was still dangerous...she knew why... she needed to talk to the most closely bound family...Kakarion and his siblings. silvie looked at Dusk, the same soulless ex pression in her eyes...
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9:46pm Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Jun 29 2010)
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ooc; Prepare yourselves for the worst fail of your lives: ic; Dell still watched from where she was. She grimaced as Silvie snapped at her own sister. She growled silently. --
Zyrakk was still confused. He slowly padded into the camp. He crouched lowly and cautiously, though he had the feeling he was being watched when he was sure no one was there to see him. He stood back up into a normal stance. Most of the wolves seemed to be on the other side of the camp. He heard snarls coming from that area.
9:47pm Jun 29 2010
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Lumasi had grown tired of her observing. She rose her hackled from the ground and walked out through the terrain.
6:50am Jun 30 2010
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Dusk growled at Yuni and pulled ehr power levels back up. "Silvie, you killed Sierra. And none of us killed any of yours. We found a body of ours on our border with scorch marks and I know of no one that has the element of fire in their control." Duslk stated, hearing Aatara gasp. "Silvie, you know as well as I do that I control water, not fire, not earth, and not air." Dusk started to circle Silvie, water lapping at her fur...
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7:55am Jun 30 2010
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Aria was shocked to hear that Silvie didn't want Aria to help Aatara feel better. If she was a real friend she would have wanted to make her feel beter however she could, not by spreading more blood. She showed those words in her eyes so that Silvie could see but no one else. Aria turned and then walked away. Back to her small den.
8:02am Jun 30 2010
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Lumasi walked slowly through the under brush, Not knowing she was crossing territory. The moon shone on her fur, provoking her marking to glow brighter. She yawned, semi tired.
9:03am Jun 30 2010
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Silvie snarled, "Your kind murdered one...long ago...and Sierra's death did not make it even." she snarled, beggining to circle... the memory of that terrible night echoed in her mind... she senced the lones approaching...they were better then these filthy dogs they called a pack. She had no trust towards any of them... she stopped her circle when Sari came back..she gave a warning growl, her ears still against her head. Sari's eyes were full of tears. "Silvie, a wise wolf once told me that threat and murder simply weakens the soul...and weakens your life....and those who fall, will always remember..." she whispered sadly, looking at her feet, tears dripping from her eyes. Silvie's eyes softened, and her fur relaxed., Sari had remembered her words since she spoke them when Sari was nearly a pup. She looked back at Dusk, "We're done here." with that she strolled past her sister and gave a disappointed look... then Sari remembered, her sister felt tears showed weakness...interference a terrible crime, when one was not willing to fight., interference with a runaway. She tried to wipe the tears but couldnt, they continued to flow. "Silvie?" Silvie didnt turn around but her ears perked showing she was listening. "You still love me as your sister...right?"...Silvie kept walking, seeming to ignore the question... Sari was heartbroken, she looked at the ground, her tail hung limply. As she turned to Aatara, "Lets go." she stated simply. Taking a look at Yuni...she sighed and left.
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9:28am Jun 30 2010
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((Could someone reply to my charrie. ))
9:47am Jun 30 2010
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((idk if i can lauren :( maybe I could get sari to wander off and find your charry :) I'll do that...)) Sari shook her head miserably, tears streaming from her eyes. She knew it was her turn for patrol...Silvie didnt tell her the command though. She was going anyway, she had to redeem herself. She took off out of camp, and found the aroma of the lones was strong. She growled slightly, as her fur pricked. The moonlight was strong. There were many lones in these parts...to close to camp. One smelled of confusion...One caught her off guard... a wolf the smelled of the White winds...but was alone. She cocked her head, she used her gift and found there were more then 2 lones around... she growled at this and took off in the direction of the wolf.
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9:47am Jun 30 2010
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((and I gtg, bro needs computer :())
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9:53am Jun 30 2010
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Lumasi sat down on the forest floor, she let the cool breeze bristle her soft fur. She opened her eyes and rose her ears, The footfall of another wolf rang through them. She flicked one of her ears, Then rose her snout to pick up the smell. The thick waft of other Lones filled her nose, and the smell of the wolf coming to her.