3:29pm Jul 1 2010
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((awww sorry blood :())
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3:38pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 4:17pm Jul 1 2010)
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Kakarion yawned and saw Karuko get up.He seemed a little dizzy but he shook it off.Keyari giggled at him and flicked her tail with happiness.Karuko made a low growel he didnt like being laughed at.He shook it off and walked to them.
3:43pm Jul 1 2010
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Lumasi nodded solemnly. "A war." She said, "Like a raging storm. It won't end until all is finished off." She said, looking down at her paws.
3:53pm Jul 1 2010
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Sari's heart was beating fast.... her sister was strong, but would she survive a war as big as this? Her gift was dangerous... and Sari hated seeing it in action. would it work on a spirit? Even with the help of Yuni...would she be able to attack a spirit? And what about her... she didnt have attacking gifts, simply ones used to track... "Will we have a chance if we fight?" Sari asked hopefully, she felt like the foolish pup she used to be...her head still in the clouds. ((waits for silvie :)))
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3:57pm Jul 1 2010
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4:00pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Jul 1 2010)
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Kakarion got up and looked at his family"ill be back"they nodded and watch him walka little further to the hill.He stood there and looked out.He sniffed the fresh air and sighed.His eyes gazed apon the wide open space.He walked back and sighed in the darkness.
4:10pm Jul 1 2010
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Zyrakk thought for a moment. “I’m still quite new to this.” he finally said, “But if you don’t mind me asking, why are the tensions so high?” he ventured. Remembering what he had learned from Kakarion, but he always needed to confirm everything. If this was a prison, why hadn’t the loners been taken in? he thought to himself. He ignored his thoughts and waited silently for an answer. ooc; Hey Ash. :)
4:14pm Jul 1 2010
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(( Atlanta it is night. o_o ))
Lumasi thought for a second. She looked at Sari. "Maybe." She said, "But you wouldn't imagine how powerful the Sun Spirit is. He killed the Moon Spirit. But I think it could be possible we could defeat him is we all used our powers to good use." She said.
4:16pm Jul 1 2010 (last edited on 4:19pm Jul 1 2010)
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((oops let me change it)) His family had already fallen asleep.Another sleepless night awaited him.He layed next to Keyari and sighed.His eyes wee open and his ears were alert.And since he never slept it would be a long night of keeping alert.
4:32pm Jul 1 2010
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4:45pm Jul 1 2010
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(( Read plz. o3o ))
4:46pm Jul 1 2010
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((I gots confuzzled))
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4:47pm Jul 1 2010
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OoSi: hey shadow *lurks*
4:53pm Jul 1 2010
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Lumasi yawned. "I shall be back." She said, Before she left the other wolf and broke out into a stride. The soft long gra.ss whipped at her pelt as she sped through the hunting plaines. The brush began to thin out, And all kinds of delicious smells filled her maw. Berries, Hare, Deer, It was all fresh, And easy. She stopped to catch her breath when the familiar scents rang into her nose. Scents of more loners.
4:55pm Jul 1 2010
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((I really need a recap.))
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4:57pm Jul 1 2010
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ooc; @Feyth: Silvie is talking with Zyrakk Lumasi and Sari were talking Now Lumasi is hunting. I think that's all that's happened.
5:00pm Jul 1 2010
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(( Shad- http://xat.com/chat/room/101323809/ :D ))
5:01pm Jul 1 2010
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Dusk trotted back to camp... ((Writer's block))
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8:52pm Jul 1 2010
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Silvie sighed, "Its not a tension I prefer speaking of...but as you wish...it is a long story so relax." she began, taking a deep breath..."The tensions began long ago... perhaps centuries, these lands are ancient, as are the stories behind them... it is true, this is a prison...a prison where a pack keeps others under control... preventing them from escaping, preventing them from causing more harm... these are the trackers... their job is to chase down any prisoner who attempts escape. The runaways, well, are the ones who are trying to escape..." she looked at Zyrakk, her eyes calm. "I am begining to wonder if there ever was a peace... the hatred fills all of our hearts, and we battle... and fight....and kill." she stated expressionlessly. "I do not look down upon the runaways, they are strong, but I keep them weak. The filthy mutts took everything from m--" she stopped, her heart feeling heavy... she doubted there was one left. She looked towards the sky, the stars shimering in her dar green eyes... she wondered, could there be another life? Sari nodded as Lumasi left... she trotted back to camp...this was her chance to speak to Kakarion, once again she took food and approached the family, tears begining to flow from her eyes... she sat several feet away and lowered her head, placing the meat at her feet, rolling it to Kakarion. "Can we talk?" she asked, her voice sad.
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8:52pm Jul 1 2010
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((of course ash :) post ur bio :D))
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