11:27am Jul 2 2010
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((lauren, maybe lumasi could come into camp and meet the runaways and trackers? i think sari is with kakarion and silvie is hunting, i'll bring her back in a sec :)))
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11:28am Jul 2 2010
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(( Okay. And you should join my Dragon Rp. :D ))
11:28am Jul 2 2010
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((okay, i'll go look for it :)))
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12:30pm Jul 2 2010
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12:40pm Jul 2 2010
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ooc; @Ash: Is your character anywhere near the packs' clearing? Or is she just in the forest walking around?
12:41pm Jul 2 2010
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((She walking around))
12:46pm Jul 2 2010
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((im here and no prob fun its been an honor)) Kakarion made a low growel then looked up at her.He saw tears and put his head to the side.He huffed then nodded a yes"what is it sari..why are you of all people crying"He said with concern.It was the first time he ever felt pity for a tracker.It put a bad taste in his mouth.
4:45pm Jul 2 2010
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Sari sniffed...trying to pull back tears..."How do you do it Kakarion? Keep your family together." she managed to get out... she was a lot younger then many of the wolves here... and was acting like a pup, it made her sick, but she couldnt help it. She was raised to show no fear, no pain...and here she was revealing both... to a runaway.
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4:48pm Jul 2 2010
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((Ive got no idea what to post, so while I try to think, BUMP! :D))
4:51pm Jul 2 2010
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((I need atalanta to continue :) and i gots nothen for silvie...one sec))
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5:26pm Jul 2 2010
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ooc; I hope the big fight between the Runaways and Trackers start soon. :B
5:45pm Jul 2 2010
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Yuni was looking for Aria... he had overheard Sari....Silvie was cracking.... she may not realize it, but she was growing weaker...not strength wise, but emotionally. Something was eating Silvie alive, and he had to find out what it was and fast. He ran to Aria, checking to make sure there were none around... he told her what he knew, "Something is eating Silvie emotionally, I have to find out what it is." he stated expressionlessly. However his eyes showed he was happy to see her. ((I know, fun and I were talking about that, she says were just going to role with it :) so idk))
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
5:50pm Jul 2 2010
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((lol, yeah elamant xD just roll with it :) lets not plan a fight :D just see where the rp takes us!))
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5:52pm Jul 2 2010
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ooc; Yep. Build up the suspense and stuffs. :B But will all the loners have to have joined a pack?
5:56pm Jul 2 2010
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((lol, yeah...and umm, idk, it is up to all you guys :)))
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6:28pm Jul 2 2010 (last edited on 6:35pm Jul 2 2010)
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ic; Zyrakk grew bored easily. It was natural for him to lose interest in things pretty quickly. He prowled back toward the camp, careful to keep low to the ground. He noticed a white wolf who seemed to just be walking around aimlessly(Ash). She didn’t seem like a threat and he just continued on, though he wondered what the white wolf was doing, just pacing around. He continued walking the normal sounds of birds and other animals were mute and the moonlight still highlighted the area, brightening the eerie backdrop. And to add to that, the wind suddenly picked up. It whispered and moaned. Zyrakk's ears twitched, it was as if the wind were urging him to turn around. Staying away from the centre of the clearing, Zyrakk sniffed the air. The aroma of blood mingled with the scents of other wolves. But the scent of blood was almost overpowering, he guessed there were a couple wolves out hunting. Maybe he should join one of the packs. He now wanted to speak with the Runaways, but he knew it would practically be turning himself in, begging to be attacked. The thought was gnawing on him, he now desperately wanted to help the Runaways. He remembered how unhappy Kakarion looked. Then he realized that the body in the centre of the camp he had seen earlier had been, in fact, one of the Runaways. Zyrakk felt stupid for not realizing it earlier, bur he just shook his head.
7:15pm Jul 2 2010
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Silvie through the elk over her shoulder, it was small but enough to feed most of her pack. Sari and Yuni had gone out earlier, and therefore was enough food to go around. She was heading back to camp when Zyrakk's scent filled her nose. She almost dropped the elk, did he not heed her warning? She stalked behind him and spoke calmly, "If you want to join them, theres no one stopping you." she tried to be gentle...although she didnt want any of the surrounding lones to be dragged into this war.
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7:16pm Jul 2 2010
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((I need Kakarion for sari :D))
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7:17pm Jul 2 2010
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((and btw, im trying to interact with everyone, but I only have 2 charrys...sorry if it seems you are being ignored!))
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7:18pm Jul 2 2010
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((Hrm... Where is everyone? xDD ))