7:20pm Jul 2 2010
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((uh, kakarion and his family are asleep... well sari is talking to kakarion yuni is with aria lumasi is hunting im pretty sure the other lones are roaming around sorry im to lazy to name them all :())
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7:21pm Jul 2 2010
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((It's all good. :3 I'll intrude somehow. xDD))
7:23pm Jul 2 2010
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Ash continued to wander aimlessly. She could smell Zyrakk. "Dont tell her if you want to join the Runaways, she may attack you..". She said telepathically, only to Zyrakk. No-one else would be able to hear it. She continued to walk, aimlessly, on her journey to nowhere. ((For those who dont know, a journey to nowhere is just stressing the fact that she's just wandering, aimlessly, not caring where she is going. ))
7:24pm Jul 2 2010
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((haha okay kink :) oh i forgot about ash's power! coolio!))
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7:32pm Jul 2 2010
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((Thanx XD))
7:34pm Jul 2 2010
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((lol, now I need to wait for shadow and atalanta :)))
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10:43pm Jul 2 2010
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((thanks for waiting D: Im lost again))
10:53am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 10:53am Jul 3 2010)
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ooc; Oh, hey Emerald!! :3 Ack, you missed a lot. -
(I'm copy&pasting these from most of the recaps I did. :P) Sierra has been killed by Silvie Aria and Yuni fell in love Aria got in a little quarrel with Silvie Silvie becomes suspicious of Yuni and Aria's relationship. Though she's not completely sure, I'm guessing. Zora talked with Silvie. They are now resting. Loners are coming. (This one right below me is from Fun. :D) Silvie is still in a bad mood and Sari fled to investigate the lones Sari met Lumasi and they are speaking of her past and of spirits Zyrakk was speaking to kakarion of where he was, and started talking to dusk Silvie saw one of the lones, Zyrakk, talking to runaways and has asked him to follow yuni is looking for aria yuni is with aria lumasi is hunting im pretty sure the other lones are roaming around (Now back to meee. :B) Silvie is out hunting (Succsesfully) Zyrakk left and went back to camp cause he got bored, on the way he notices Ash. Ash is wandering around(I think you know that, though. xD) Silvie comes up behind Zyrakk and tells him he can join if he wants Ash warns Zyrakk(I'm sure you know that too :P) -- I think that's all. :D ...does it make any sense? xDD
11:07am Jul 3 2010
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"I know that but she doesn't have to be so mean" Aria said "Don't worry Ill make sure that i dont go near her." She couldnt help but feel like someone was watching them...
11:09am Jul 3 2010
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((Shadow: your a good recaper 0_0))
11:26am Jul 3 2010
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ooc; Haha, it just took me a minute or two to put that together. :P Since Ash contacted Zyrakk through telepathy, could Zyrakk do the same? (But only to Ash. Since she's the character with that specific power. :P)
11:28am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 11:30am Jul 3 2010)
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((No, I think, im not sure though. Better ask fun when she comes back tommorow. Then again, I think you maybe able to, :/ im not sure. XD))
11:30am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 11:30am Jul 3 2010)
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ooc; Well, I'm just gonna try seeing how your character has nothing to do atm. D:
11:31am Jul 3 2010
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((Okay XD *is uber confused*))
11:41am Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 11:42am Jul 3 2010)
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ooc; Confusion, why? :o ic; Zyrakk could sense Silvie behind him. But as she appeared, someone or something’s voice chattered in his mind before he could respond to her. “Don’t tell her if you want to join the Runaways, she may attack you.” it seemed to say. If Silvie had not been right behind him he would of tilted his head. “Who are you?.. Well, I still haven’t made the decision of which pack I want to join… If you can hear this.” he hoped it would reach the wolf that had contacted him. But Zyrakk began to wonder if it had just been his imagination or someone had been speaking, telepathically, to him. He knew wolves here had all sorts of powers, so he wasn’t as shocked as he would have been. He remembered Silvie was right behind him.. - Zyrakk was slightly shocked with Silvie’s change in moods. Maybe she just needed to think and going out hunting must of helped, he thought. Zyrakk spoke without turning around, “I know there’s two of ‘them’,” he responded, “Which one of ‘them’ were you talking about?” With a small sight, Zyrakk turned and met Silvie’s gaze. “I will watch for a little while and decided. I’ve been a loner long enough and there doesn’t seem to be any more packs nearby..” he let out a small whine before speaking again, “But when I chose, I hope I make the right choice.” While he waited for Silvie’s reply, his thoughts went back to the voice it heard. Could it have been that white wolf he had seen earlier? Or was it one of the wolves in the packs? He wished he could gain knowledge to the powers of other wolves, it would have been a great advantage here.
11:45am Jul 3 2010
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Kakarion looked at her with confusion.Why was she asking him this.He sighed and looked at her"I make sure noone tries to run up on them..im always being visual over them so they wont get hurt.We mostly keep to ourselves and stay toghether.We have limited arguments and try to make the best out of things."
11:48am Jul 3 2010
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"I can hear you. But if you decide to, then Dont Tell Her..." Ash said back to him one more time. Ash glanced around. She walked off.
12:47pm Jul 3 2010
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Silvie sighed, "The runaways...no ones stopping you from joining them." she stated expressionlessly. "Only you can make the right choice... the information that any of us gives shouldnt seal your fate..." she replied. If Zyrakk joined the runaways...would she kill him? If she attacked, she may feel she was attacking her.... she stopped the thought. She sighed, "Choose wisely, if it was up to me, I wouldnt allow you into this war. But that decission rests with you." she said gently. Sari sniffed, and looked at her paws. She wished Silvie would care for her again, she wished she could change the past. "I know you must think Im crazy for asking you this... but my family, is nonexistant at this time...ever since Jurip's pas.sing..." she stopped, and thought about that night several years ago... His voice echoed in her ears... she hated her brother for killing Silvie inside...and therefore killing her, and her hopes of keeping her family together.
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12:48pm Jul 3 2010
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((I dont mind if you guys can talk telapathically, its your power :D))
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12:55pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 1:10pm Jul 3 2010)
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Kakarion saw that she was in destresss.He walked closer to her and sat down infront of her."I know how you feel..Our sister died a while back too..so so very young"he shook his head and closed his eyes.He opened them with a sad look on his face but then shook it off.
Keyari woke up and saw the two of them talking.She shivered a little watching them.She wondered what they were talking about.She wondered why she was there in the first place.