1:10pm Jul 3 2010
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Sari nodded feeling sorry for Kakarion...she was raised with hatred, but saw...the runaways felt fear, did they not? Did they not feel love, or loss? "Im sorry." she said sincerly. "But Im sure she loved you...Jurip thought I was the runt of the family, always bringing me down... he only cared for Silvie and I once our powers were learned. Silvie worked really hard and Jurip saw she could be strong, he compared me to her, and soon Silvie was a weapon in his eyes, a murderer, and she didnt care anymore..... then on that night..." her tears welded up. "a group of runaways overpowered him, and Silvie found him half dead... there was little we could do...his last words to Silviana were, "why did you fail me.."" she quoted sadly..."Silviana was never the same. She slaughtered those runaways with her gift... together, at the same time... I was scared. She told me not to fear, told me I was weak... she works so hard, trying to prove to Jurip that she wont fail ever again... trying to redeem herself... she needs to learn to forget the past...I dont think she can." she sighed heavily after her story... she looked with envy over at the siblings, who seemed to care so greatly for each other....
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1:19pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 1:22pm Jul 3 2010)
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Kakarion had a frown that eased."Thats why she captures runaways.."he turned to his family and closed his eyes then turned back to her.He felt empathy for the trackers little by little."how sad..but..why are you telling me this..Why risk your life to come and talk to me without your sister knowing.."he paused and sighed."Your brother was wrong and so is your sister..you are not weak at all..I dont really think he was much of a brother at all..if i were him i wouldnt try to compae powers we are all special in our own way...with me and my family encouragement is what keeps us strong and makes us stronger...You dont have to be afraid..i show no fear because i know whatever happens my family is there and my soul will remain..sari dont be afraid at all..even though you have your struggles believe in yourself that you can pull through..its not about power its about heart"
1:34pm Jul 3 2010
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Sari nodded, hoping now that Kakarion wouldnt only see Silviana as a evil soul, but she has had her past... and is still living in it. She sniffed, "I needed to tell someone... I realized a while ago, Silvie once told me when Jurip was still around, 'Do these runaways not feel comp*censored*ion? Do they not feel pain? Are we so different after all?' she told me that...and it took me many years to realize, and I understand. Silvie dosnt want this life, even if she cant remember any of it...she can only remember the last 3 years of her life... she dosnt remember being happy." she sighed heavily, "I want my family back. I am weak... I cant fight, I dont know if its I cant, or if its I dont want to..." she thought, then remembered, the one thing Silviana would say after a killing..."I remember a conversation I had with silvie after she killed Sierra, I asked, 'do you not have a heart?' and she replied, 'I do but sometimes I cannot feel it beating, I am already dead.' I was scared when she said this, her heart is empty, and she is afraid to feel..." she was looking at her paws, there was one thing she wanted more then her family to come back together...."You know, you may think you are in he!!, but trust me, I would do anything to be you right now." she said, smiling lightly at Kakarion and his family through tear stained eyes.
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1:45pm Jul 3 2010 (last edited on 1:50pm Jul 3 2010)
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He sighed and looked at her."I see though you keep saying your weak and its not true"he paused"silvie is in pain i understand that much though she shows it through anger.It makes me sad to feel her aura feeled with regret and sadness.To be me is to feel what i feel and what i feel you dont want to feel.Im not at ease even though im loved im not at ease"He smirkd and had a sad look.Keyari made a low gasp knowing what her brother is talking about.She had tears welled up in her eyes.She remebered what he told her.A tear ran down her face.
1:51pm Jul 3 2010
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"Is anyone ever, completly at ease? In this land...its always something." she sighed, looking to the brightening sky..."It is true. I gave up long ago." she said sadly squinting to see if any of her pack mates were near... "There will be a battle, I sence it. Anytime now...runaways and trackers will clash... and I have a feeling my time is drawing nearer." she said expressionlessly.
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1:54pm Jul 3 2010
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He looked at her and huffed"i knew i wasnt the only one who senced it"he made a low growel."Its coming fast..Whatever happens we will be ready"He looked at the sky.He was always ready and waiting when he could use his powers again.He was done with being captured it was time to take action.
1:54pm Jul 3 2010
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((I got nothen,))
1:57pm Jul 3 2010
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"Its horrible. I hope Silvie dosnt use her gift....many of the runaways and trackers alike have never seen it, or felt it... dusk is the only one who can block it. Sierra and many others fell to it... I hope she wont use it... but I know she will." she looked at her paws again, she would die in this battle... and she knew, many others would to. ((hmmm, maybe ash could find Sari and kakarion talking?))
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2:01pm Jul 3 2010
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((wait i gtg guys))
2:06pm Jul 3 2010
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((kk bye atalanta :())
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2:34pm Jul 3 2010
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ooc; I always get on when everyone leaves. :B ic; Zyrakk was thoughtful for a moment. The voice came once more, telling him to stay quiet about his choice when Silvie seemed to have no problem. He now wonted to find the wolf that was speaking. But he pushed the thought to the back of his head. He looked over his shoulder and gazed over the packs. “Can I ask you something?” and without waiting for an answer, he continued, “Why is there war?” The choice of which pack to join rested heavily on his shoulders. He knew both sides were strong. Zyrakk shook his head. “I hope to make my decision soon.” he said, “And I see you have just finished hunting.” -he pointed his muzzle towards the dead deer- “You should take it back to your pack. And I need to hunt also.” he needed to hunt also, surprised at how hungry he was. Especially since he was perfectly fine not too long ago. He began to trot away. “I will be back.. And hopefully by then I will have made my decision.” He was leaning towards the Runaways. Kakarion had obliged to speak to him without questions, and so had Dusk.(Zyrakk doesn’t know their names, though :P) And for the Trackers, Zyrakk was aware of Silvie’s dark side. He was unsure of what was provoking it. But he also felt she had a good side. He growled to himself in frustration and turned back to his hunting, hoping it would help him think more clearly. He needed to eat.
6:48pm Jul 3 2010
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((im back))
10:43pm Jul 3 2010
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Silvie sighed, "As I said once before, the land is ancient... and same with the stories behind them." she stated calmly before dragging her kill back to camp. She thought to herself... she knew Zyrakk was thinking of joining the runaways. She didnt care... if it was her choice, he wouldnt get involved to start with, she knew however...this was unlikely. All the lones are getting closer by the day... sooner or later, they will join one of the two packs, and become instant enemies of the unchosen pack. She sighed heavily...as much as she would hate to see Zyrakk killed, she knew it was always a possibility, no matter what his decision was. Why did she care for the safety of a stranger... this question confused her as she dropped the kill... she wasnt hungry...
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10:23am Jul 4 2010
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((why must no one be on :())
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10:40am Jul 4 2010
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Dusk sighed and mucnched down on the dead stag she had caught. Her ears pricked as she listend to pawsteps of other wolves, seething with anger that Yuni had tried to interfere with her and Silvie...
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11:27am Jul 4 2010
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Kakarion looked at saria and huffed"I wonder about it sometimes.i would like to see it"he said with a smirk.
1:16pm Jul 4 2010
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Zyrakk sniffed the air. He could smell and sense a small roe buck nearby. He knew it was injured and he knew it was alone. He looked to the east for a moment, the sun was climbing up. It’s head poked out behind a mountain. Most of the wolves had remained awake the whole night. Turning his attention back to the hunt, Zyrakk followed the scent of the injured animal. He reached a large group of bushes, there was just barely enough leaves to shield him from the deer’s frantic eyes. It could sense Zyrakk, though it didn’t know where he was. The area they were in was thickly lined with trees and bushes, already going to sleep for the winter. The forest looked dead, though the animals it harbored were very much alive. The deer was grazing in a clearing that had a look of clarity to it, compared to the clusters of dead plants around them. Zyrakk watched closely before he catapulted into the air and onto the deer’s back. The animal responded quickly and reared up and Zyrakk fell to the floor. It began to run, speeding into the woods. It’s attempts at escape would be in vain and Zyrakk was at it’s heels in a heartbeat. The deer’s injury, which Zyrakk noticed was a severe sprain on it’s left hind leg, would be to the hunter’s advantage. Zyrakk pounced again and ended the deer’s life quickly with a swift, yet powerful, bite to the neck. Lying down where he was he began to eat as his mind strayed back to the choice of which pack he was to join.
1:32pm Jul 4 2010
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(( -looks at top of page- -shivers at the word "sari"- You stalker. xD HOW DIDJU FIND MY SECRET AUTOBOT la yer!?!?! -transforms and zoomz- Okay I'm done.. Maybe. >3< Anyway, I have nuthin' to post. :I ))
1:33pm Jul 4 2010
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((I got nothen))
1:34pm Jul 4 2010
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(( Ash! 8D ))