5:01pm Jul 4 2010
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Ash: *Runs up to Frostbite and noms her foot* Me: What the? Ash: *Omnomnom*))
5:16pm Jul 4 2010
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Frostbite: O_____O .... This feisty Organic has a fierce bite.. Much like that of an Decepticon! -rubs hand through fur- BAHA! Oh wait thats just a birthmark. >.> -Sits down and removes wolf from foot- :I
5:28pm Jul 4 2010
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Ash: *Scrambles back to foot and omnoms it* Me: *Sneaks up to frostbite like a ninja and steals cookie jar, and sneaks off* Ash: Im tired of foot. *Walks off*
6:54pm Jul 4 2010
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Frostbite: -Hand turns into sizzling stinger- I wouldn't if I where you. ;D Me: Yeah goooo! Frostbite: -_- Me: >> << >3< I love you. Frostbite: o.O -rubs slobber off foot- Blegh.. Me: ... xDDD -rofl- Frostbite: -picks lauren up by the back of her shirt- -_-
7:24pm Jul 4 2010
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(( Me: *Eats all teh cookies in the cookie jar while frostbites not looking, puts lid back on and hands it back to her, then runs off* Ash: *Sniff* Do I smell... Coookiesss?! *eats frostbite while trying to get the empty cookie jar*
9:44am Jul 5 2010
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Sari shuddered at Kakarion, "Trust me... you would rather die yourself then see it in action... it was torture listening to Sierra..." she stated in fear. ((yeah failish post))
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11:04am Jul 5 2010
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He looked at her seeing she was afraid but he wasnt.He knew the feeling already."ive already died once..whats a second time"he stated emotionless.
2:02pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari looked up, saddness in her eyes... "Its worse then death itself." she said in a serious tone. "Silvie waits until your begging to die. Only then will she kill you. Or leave you to rot, because she knows keeping you alive would be far worse then you dead." she said in the same tone. "And you must remember, it is not only your life at stake..." she made a motion towards Kakarion's siblings. "She can target more then one at a time." her eyes were full of fear and saddness... her sister believed she was a monster, but Sari wanted to prove otherwise.
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2:09pm Jul 5 2010
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Kakarion growled and eased himself.He thought about it.She was totally right.He sighed with sadness in his eyes.
2:15pm Jul 5 2010
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((woah... i missed a lot! *fails like funlover* <---oh thats really bad xD)) Yuni crept around the packs, trying not to make eye contact. He had to find Aria and warn her of the battle. ((yeah short post))
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
2:25pm Jul 5 2010
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Ash wandered around aimlessly. She could smell other wolves. She stayed away from them, however. ((Fail))
2:25pm Jul 5 2010
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Ash wandered around aimlessly. She could smell other wolves. She stayed away from them, however. ((Fail))
2:38pm Jul 5 2010
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((thanks elamant... I can always count on you xD and ash, u could make ash come into camp and talk to someone :D))
Sari whined, she was worried for this battle. If Silvie decided to use her gift, many will die. She wasnt sure what to do... would this battle ever bring peace?
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2:40pm Jul 5 2010
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Kezu woke up and looked at kakarion.He made a low growl.he knew something was wrong.
2:47pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari's ears perked at the sound of Kezu... she narrowed her eyes but tuned it into a light smile.
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2:49pm Jul 5 2010
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Ash changed her mind. She followed the scent, and happened upon camp ((Fail))
2:49pm Jul 5 2010
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Kezu cocked his head to the side confused.Why was she smiling.Could it be a trick?Kakarion gave him a"its ok"look and kezu calmed down.
2:51pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari caught Ash's scent...whats with all the lones? Where was Silviana? Usually lones couldnt get within a mile of camp and now their pretty much on the doorstep... Sari looked back at Kakarion, "Will all of you fight?" she asked suddenly serious.
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2:53pm Jul 5 2010
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He looked back at them and they were all awake"of course"he said seriously.
2:57pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari stood up, "Then I wish you all the best of luck..." she said expressionlessly before starting to turn..."Kakarion...thanks." she said before running off.
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