3:00pm Jul 5 2010
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He nodded and went to his siblings"Prepare yourselves for a war"
3:14pm Jul 5 2010
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Frostbite: -bursts ou of the wolfs stomach- Ew... Me: xDDDDDDD Frostbite: >:c Me: Sowwie. :C ))
3:18pm Jul 5 2010
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((Ash: *Looks in jar* Hey! Its emptey! Me: *chews*Thats odd *Spits crumbs out while talking* Ash: ):< I HATE YOU!))
3:21pm Jul 5 2010
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ooc; Lauren&Ash: Wth lol ic;
Zyrakk ate his full quickly and allowed the birds to take over the carc*censored*, but not without taking a few minutes to snarl and snap at them for the heck of it. He looked over at the sun again, it was progressing. His maw was stained with the deer’s blood and he quickly became thirsty. Sprinting again, he headed in the opposite direction of the camp. He knew there was a stream nearby. Finding the stream quickly, Zyrakk lapped up the ice cold water. It really hit the spot since he hadn’t had a drink since yesterday morning. When he was finished, his muzzle was completely blood free, same for his paws. Zyrakk began to trot back and began to decide which pack he would join. He wanted to help them both, strangely.
3:29pm Jul 5 2010
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Aria saw Yuni. He was looking for her. Everyone was acting different like a battle was about to start. She wasn't sure because she had been asleep. She didnt dare walk over to anyone or they might attack. She walked to where Yuni could see her and then back to where she had been. She waited...
8:51pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari ran to Silviana... "Theres a-" Silvie cut her off. "A war... yes I know Sari. A battle is approaching quickly" Silvie stated expressionlessly without turning around. Sari whined..."Silvie?" she asked trying not to cry. Silvie remained still, "yes?" she said in the same tone. Sari gulped, her question was a stupid one but it needed to be asked, "Can you..." she gulped, "Not use your gift during the fight?" she clenched her eyes, expecting to be slashed across the muzzle. To her surprise, Silviana just sighed. "Sari. You know that I will only use what is needed." she stated. Sari looked at her paws...if the runaways were going to fight, Silvie would use her gift."Can you not? Oh silviana, the screams of those being tortured is unbearable...I wince at the sound of it." tears were flowing from her eyes... "Please Silviana...please." she begged. She closed her eyes and sobbed lightly. To her surprise she felt her tears being wiped away...she opened them to see her sister cleaning her face. "Dont shed a tear. The-" Sari cut her off, "They show weakness..." she finished looking into her sister's eyes... "No." Silviana anwsered, "They show defeat... and Sari, you of all creatures, will never be defeated... your strong physically and of heart. And I envy you." she said looking back to the sky. Sari shook her head, "Silviana, your strong physically and mentally... your the ultimate fighter!" she tried to compliment realizing she had done more damage. Silvie looked into her eyes, "But I have no heartbeat...I am already dead. I stole the lives of many, and for what? Revenge? Amusement? Or for who they were." she growled, "I wish you luck in the battle... I will find you at the start... be careful Sari." she said before disappearing into the rock.
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9:07pm Jul 5 2010
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Yuni saw Aria and did a quick look around before running over... He nudged her gently and got right to the chase..."Theres going to be a battle. A big one. Trackers vs runaways...lones are getting involved." he said nervously.
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
9:10pm Jul 5 2010
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"Hello, Silviana," Ash said telepathicly, just to mess with her. She grinned. She was still wandering around.
9:23pm Jul 5 2010
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Silviana grimaced... stupid lones. Get out of my head you worthless mutt. she thought bitterly... unsure if the dog could hear her. She was in no mood to deal with another lone. If this one joined the runaways it would be a pleasure killing her... Sari sighed and went back to the center of camp.
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9:32pm Jul 5 2010
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(( Must.Have.Interaction.With.Lumasi. O_O Hurry before I go to wal-mart and then go buy transformers 2. >:C ))
9:33pm Jul 5 2010
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((lauren, sari is alone so maybe they can meet up again :D))
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9:36pm Jul 5 2010
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"Im not in your head, Im just talking to you from a distance," She said. ((fail))
9:39pm Jul 5 2010
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Silviana felt a low growl erupt from her throat... And I can kill you from a distance...what is it you want. she said calmly but expressionlessly. ((its fine ash :D))
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9:47pm Jul 5 2010
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"Fine, I will leave, maybe I will meet you one day..." Ash said, and stopped talking to Silviana
9:54pm Jul 5 2010
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Silvie growled... when wolves got in her head... she dispised the idea. She felt defenceless when they managed to use their gifts in her mind... Perhaps sooner then you think Siliana thought, not knowing if the strange lone had heard her.
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10:00pm Jul 5 2010
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(( Okay :D ))
Lumasi finished her meal and headed over to a puddle, Caused b the now pouring rain. Her lush black fur matted at her bodice as she leaned over to lap at the cold water. Rh scraps of her kill where being washed away into the day, As was the blood on Lumasi's pelt. She reached her fill of the water, And went back into the brush for a stroll. She wriggled her cold black nose and smelled another wolf.
Quietly padding over the floor of an forest, She soon came upon Sari. "Well hello there." Lumasi said calmly as she Stepped from the brush, Smiling.
10:05pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari jumped at her name she turned to see Lumasi, she smiled back. "Hello, pleasure to see you again." she said trying to hide the past events... The rain dripped down Silvie's pelt. Even in the cold rain... her eyes were full of fire... Her coat was growing damp, but most of the water dripped off. She stood in the downfall as the water dripped over her muzzle. She was stiff, and sat with her front paw placed in front of her...her tail wrapped around her body and resting at her feet. She was not cold. She sat silently as lightning flashed in the distance.
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11:00pm Jul 5 2010
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"Nice to see you as well, Sari." Lumasi said, As she fixed herself and laid down. The rain thumped on her head. ((Fail))
11:02pm Jul 5 2010
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ooc; Imma post in a minute. :B
11:18pm Jul 5 2010
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Sari looked up, squinting through the rain, she looked at Lumasi, "Are you fighting?" she asked nervously, she couldnt get the battle of her mind.
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