12:16am Jul 6 2010
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Lumasi ran her pink tongue over her lips, And rolled over to her back. "Well, Not right now but I surely will be soon." She sighed and got back up shaking the mud from her pelt. "I'd say lets take a stroll down to the river to wash off this mud?" She asked, Wincing slightly as the sun beamed in her eye before going behind a cloud.
12:21am Jul 6 2010
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Sari nodded and started the walk down to the river... her pelt was damp and dripping with dirty water. The white spot on her back was a shade of dark brown... not a great looking color. She tried shaking the mud off, but it clung to her fur, it seemed to taunt her. She began to pant. The sun was heating up her already hot fur.
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12:33am Jul 6 2010
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(( Can I make another charry? o3o ))
12:57am Jul 6 2010
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((sure lauren, as many as you can handle :D))
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7:14am Jul 6 2010
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Kakarin and his family walked around the place.They smelled that something was coming soo.Kakarion remembered what sari said and growled inside.
8:01am Jul 6 2010
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Aria listened to Yuni then sank to the ground. She wanted to escape but Yuni... If the Runaways won then Yuni might be hurt or even killed. But if the Trackers won, which would probably happen because of Silvie, Then One of them still may be hurt or dead. And if she just sat here everyone would know something was up. "What are we going to do?" Asked Aria. ((I wont be on here until next Sunday so somebody keep a record ofwhat happened)) ((Ill probably just stay in the place because I have to leave at 12 pm))
12:53pm Jul 6 2010
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ooc; Haha, Sunday? I can keep a record. :B BYEEEEESSSSS!!
12:58pm Jul 6 2010
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Zora was returning from one of her longer hunts, and spotted Silviana. Knowing of the rapidly aproaching battle, she trotted over topack leader. "Silvie, what is to become of those who fight in this battle? Are you going to fight as well, gaurds included i hope?" Zora looked at her friend's nervous ex pression. "SILVIANA!!!!! I know you are an amazing fighter, and with an extremely powerful weapon at your dispense, but you are the alpha and you will be targeted more than any other. You must not go and fight without someone with you. I will go if i have to but you will not fight alone!" She growled under her breath at the hard headed wolf.
1:06pm Jul 6 2010
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ooc; Since there's gonna be a fight soon I'll add a few characters in with the Trackers and Runaways. :P But I might add a lot.. so would it be alright if I have some decide this fighting was stupid and just leave after the fight so I won't have to deal with all of them? xD
1:22pm Jul 6 2010
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Silvie gazed upon her friend, "The guards have their own lives to protect. In order for my foes to kill me. They must touch me... and they will not get that close." she anwsered calmly turning back around, she scanned the area for her pack but found them all accounted for, "My friend, I know what Im doing. Take care of your own life." she said in the same tone.
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1:23pm Jul 6 2010
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((shadowolf: sounds good :)))
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1:27pm Jul 6 2010
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ooc; Alright. I will add them in once the loners have joined a pack. They are supposed to join one one of the two packs, right? xD
4:14pm Jul 6 2010
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((yuppers :D))
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5:51pm Jul 6 2010
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((ok laken :))) yuni sighed, "I dont know. I am going to fight alongside my pack." he said sadly, looking at the ground..."I just dont know. What are you going to do if the fight breaks out?" he hoped she would say hide and stay out of it but he also knew this was a slim chance. He didnt want her to fall to Silvie's power... or fall to any of the other attackers.
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
7:14pm Jul 6 2010 (last edited on 9:06pm Jul 6 2010)
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Name: Blade Age: Adult Gender: Male Pack: Lone for now. Rank: Power: Can slice through almost anything and its very VERY hard to penetrate his armor. And has a secret power that many don't know. >:D Personality: Blade is quick to react and sometimes snappy. He doesn't take any crap and goes by his own rules. Sometimes hard headed, And sometimes wise, He is the wolf to go to in a bad situation. History: -Shows fangs- mate/pups/family: No, No, And no. looks: Blade
Other: Is not a real wolf. Just a synthetically grown wolf. xD And he is also much larger than other wolves.
7:17pm Jul 6 2010
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ooc; I'm guessing blade was inspired by Trasnformers? xD
7:23pm Jul 6 2010
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(( Yus? xD I'm too big of a fan for my own good ))
7:24pm Jul 6 2010
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((me too lauren))
7:40pm Jul 6 2010
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8:52pm Jul 6 2010
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(( At- Coolio. :D Transformers animated or the movie? I'm a fan of both~ Bumblebeeeeee 8D He's only seventeen you know. x3 Proof? He is 67 Solar Cycles old, But was in hyper sleep for 50 years once crashed into earth. Hence; Seventeen. ;D ))