8:58pm Jul 6 2010
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((haha i love blade lauren! sooo coolio :D and if anyone plays a lone, the battle will commence (<--haha cool word huh? *is proud of cool word*) soon so it would be best to pick a pack when you get a chance :D no rushing though... the battle will start when everyones ready :D))
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9:04pm Jul 6 2010
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Lumasi followed Sari, And soon arrived at the river. She plunged in, Holding her breath. Coming up, She dog paddled to the s*censored*. She hooked her claws on the now clean silver and brown rocks, And pulled herself free of the river. She shook her matted fur free of the water to the best she could. Her maw opened to let her tongue loll out. Turning, She thought about drinking some but forgot that they bathed in it and washed off all that mud. She shivered at what would of happened if she forgot.
Blade kept his optics straight, As thumped through the terrain. The rain hit is armor and simply ran off, hitting his servo's before falling to the ground. His olfactory sensors picked up the waft of another wolf. Ash.
9:08pm Jul 6 2010
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(( I was thinking of making a Wolfized transformers Rp but I'm to lazy. xD And also at Very rare times Blade can transform, But it really wears him out and he has to rest for some hours. o3o ))
9:14pm Jul 6 2010
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(( Mmmm whatcha sayyy x3 ))
9:15pm Jul 6 2010
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((okay lauren :) wait he transforms into what? Sorry if you said it already.)) Sari strolled into the light currents of the stream. her tail hung limply behind her as she dove under and arose from the depths several seconds later... She watched the mud come unattached to her pelt as it washed away in the clear liquid. She waded in the cool pool before making her way back to the bank. She dripped with the water and shook most if it off... she panted slightly and looked to the sky.
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9:26pm Jul 6 2010
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(( I'm thinking a Stingray Corvette -Is a fan of Sideswipe- But if thats okay with you. xD ))
Lumasi sat down and looked into the sky, A song she made up began to ring through her maw. "Where are we.. What the hell.. Is goooin' on.." She started, "The dust has only just began to form crop circles in the carpet.. Sinnking feeling.." "Spin me round' Again, and rub my eyyes, This can't be happenningg.." She stopped and looked down, That was all she had learned now.
(( And yes I know the Song its Hide And Seek. xDD ))
9:33pm Jul 6 2010
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((lol, no problem with me :) he's ur charry :D and i love that song xD)) Sari's ears twitched as she looked at Lumasi. "That was beautiful." Sari said in a light whisper, turning out towards the pool of fresh water. She thought of the songs Silvie used to sing to her as a pup. She felt a pinch of pain in her already heavy heart... she sighed and did her best to ignore it.
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9:36pm Jul 6 2010
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(( Yay! 8D Oh and you ought to hear this remix of it I am listening to. o_____o ))
Lumasi turned to Sari and grinned. Pinning one of her ears down she thought heavily of more words to her songs. Suddenly she drew a blank, And couldn't think of anything. Well that was weird. The thought.
9:39pm Jul 6 2010
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((Braindead. Also, have you guys heard the songs 'Last Resort' By Papa Roach and 'If Today Was Your Last Day' By Nickelback? :D))
9:44pm Jul 6 2010
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((im at a brainfail too xD sorry im posting on to many rps right now... and ash i heard "If today was your last day, but not Last Resort...I'll look it up now :D))
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9:45pm Jul 6 2010
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(( Repost ash. xD ))
9:46pm Jul 6 2010
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Blade kept his optics straight, As thumped through the terrain. The rain hit is armor and simply ran off, hitting his servo's before falling to the ground. His olfactory sensors picked up the waft of another wolf. Ash.
9:55pm Jul 6 2010
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9:58pm Jul 6 2010
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Ash glanced around. She could smell someone... "Who are you?" she said to whoever it was. ((I finally read your post and figured out what you meant by repost XD Lol))
10:13pm Jul 6 2010
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Sari looked back over the stream... she pictured the freedom her sister used to want...before any of this...her voice echoed in her mind...Sari, one day Im going to live out in the free lands, maybe find true love... maybe have a family of my own...where I will not longer need to use my murderous gift... she knew now Silvie would never say something like that out loud, if she even thought it at all.
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10:29pm Jul 6 2010
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"My name is not yet ready to be revealed to a stranger of yourself." Blade said, watching the female wolf.
Lumasi turned around to look at Sari. "Sari.." She started,"Would you mind if I joined your pack?" She asked. "I've been thinking about for some time and I think now is a good time to bring it up." She said, Shyly.
10:56pm Jul 6 2010
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Sari was caught off guard by the question...she turned, her eyes wide with shock, usually most lones viewed her pack as the dark side... but she anwsered, "I would love to have you in my pack, but that choice does not lie with me... we should ask Silviana..." she anwsered a light smile on her face... Sari looked up and saw her sister farther away on the rock formations... looking at the sky again.
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11:00pm Jul 6 2010
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Lumasi twitched hr tail nervously and sat down. Looking over the river and through the tree's she could see Sari's sister. A bolt of fear struck Lumasi. What might Silviana do to me if she does see fir with me joining the pack? Lumasi thought, her eyes drifting off into thought. Coming to, She glanced at her paws, then at the sky. The rain was coming to a stop.
11:00pm Jul 6 2010
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"Whatever," Ash said. She started walking off. ((Fail))
11:05pm Jul 6 2010
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Sari looked at Lumasi, "We might as well try... shes been in better moods lately so the worst that will happen is that she will send you away from camp..." she smiled trying to calm Lumasi down... Please let her join, please...come on Silvie be in a good mood. she thought as she motioned for Lumasi to follow her to her sister.
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