11:32pm Jul 6 2010
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Lumasi rose to her pads and followed suit with Sari's actions, Walking forward with a slight grin. ~ "Same." Blade said, Snickering behind the plant that hid him. And to think she didn't even see me. He got up and walked off into what he thought was Ash's territory He smirked and lied down, Ready to ignore the She-Wolfs demands for him to leave.
11:35pm Jul 6 2010
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Silvie heard the approaching wolves...one she reconized as Sari, the other...a lone? Her eyes narrowed as a low growl erupted from her throat. sari stopped at the base of the stone in which her sister sat... she looked at Lumasi, hoping that she would speak...
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11:37pm Jul 6 2010
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Ash turned around for a second. "Bye," she said, out loud this time. She walked off. ((Failure))
11:39pm Jul 6 2010
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((ash its fine :D at least your trying :D))
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11:43pm Jul 6 2010
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Lumasi walked up beside Silvie, and lowered her haunches to the ground. "Hello, Silvie." Lumasi started, "Sari took me here in means of joining your pack." She finished, pinning her ears slick against her head in a act of submission.
11:54pm Jul 6 2010
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Silviana's eyes narrowed as she glared at her sister... a low growl erupted from her throat as she glared at Lumasi with threatening eyes... but she then relaxed, and she looked briefly at sari before anwsering in an expressionless manner, "If it was my choice, you would not be involved in the bloodshed... If you promise to stand by your packmates and be strong, not only by force and strength, but by knowledge and wit. I would be honored to accept you into this pack... but you are to be warned, a battle is approaching fast... your life will be threatened. If your heart is truly in it, then...Sari!" she called to her sister..."Give this new packmate a tour of our family and the territory...if she chooses to accept." she said in an expressionless manner... turning and starting to walk away, "Oh right, and what is your name?" she asked the lone wolf, her eyes still cold but with a bit of calmness hidden.
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12:17am Jul 7 2010
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Lumasi's tail flicked and she cleared her throat. "This battle, The sun and the moon." She started, "Was of my thought. I presume I could be half of the cause, Knowing I am partially the moon spirit herself." Lumasi finished.
11:14am Jul 7 2010
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Silvie knew of the ongoing battle between the spirits, she sighed heavily and narrowed her eyes..."I care not if you are the moon spirit herself." she growled lowly... Sari whined giving her sister a worried look... "Silvie will we fight alongside Lumasi?" she asked trying to stay calm. Silvie glared at her sister before returning her gaze to the one supposedly called Lumasi..."If she prooves she is worth fighting for." Silvie stated expressionlessly...
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11:55am Jul 7 2010
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12:18pm Jul 7 2010
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Zyrakk was nearly back at the camp when he froze in his tracks. He sniffed the air. He curled his lip slightly, the oddest scent was in the air(That would be blade and his awesome armor :B) but he couldn’t put his finger.. Paw, on it. He brushed it off quickly and peered behind the bush into the camp. There was another loner in there, he could tell easily. From what he knew, there would be a battle. He growled to himself, the Runaways would need help, seeing how easily they could be weakened by the Trackers.
2:39pm Jul 7 2010
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5:59pm Jul 7 2010
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"With an atitude as yours I don't think I would pleasure in fighting with you." Damn mutt.. She thought to herself. She turned around with a lowly growl and walked off into the brambles of the forest.
Blade's olfactory sensors began picking up the smell of another wolf. A faint scent, That was. He flicked his head to the direction of the smell, But it was moving fast. He flickered his optics up, His body following suit. He creeped through the brush slowly, The smell of the other wolf growing more powerful with each pad.
6:08pm Jul 7 2010
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Sari shook her head..."Silvie whats your problem?" she felt tears welding up now... she wanted Lumasi to be her friend. Silvie snarled, "The mutt would not tell me her name... how loyal does that sound." she growled. Sari whined, "She wanted to join our pack! I've spoken to her before... shes nice! And way to be kind to a spirit!" she yelled. Silvie jumped down and came face to face with her sister...."The spirits have done NOTHING for us, hundreds die every day, what difference does it make... I lost faith in bloody spirits long ago." she stated... Sari looked at her and tried not to back down... "What happened to you? What happened to my sister..." she began to cry..."I know this isnt you Silviana, you used to tell me stories of the spirits you used to sing to me... you used to make sure that everyone was happy and believed in comp*censored*ion, friendship-" Silvie cut her sister off... "I no longer live in dreams Sari, maybe you should learn to do the same." she stated expressionlessly... Sari shook her head and took off into the forest follwoing Lumasi's scent.
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6:16pm Jul 7 2010
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(( I got nothin ))
6:47pm Jul 7 2010
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((here let me get sari to find lumasi :))) Sari's heart was racing... she knew something was off about her sister...ever since the accident. Then Sari remembered, Silvie could onlyremember the last 3 years of her life... and she took pity... Silvie only remembered the bitter times. She found Lumasi... and rushed over, "Im so sorry." she said sincerly, tears in her eyes.
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7:07pm Jul 7 2010
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Zyrakk looked over his shoulder. There was something gaining on him, but the scents didn’t help him identify who or what it was. He used his powers again to look through the eyes of a bird that had seated itself on a high branch and he found himself looking down on a strange metal wolf.
7:24pm Jul 7 2010
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Lumasi looked at Sari and lost her angry ex pression. "I'm sorry I went off on your sister, Sari." She said, "I just don't do well with people who have an attitude." She finished, Glancing ahead of her, then back at Sari. She flickered her eyes up to the overhanging blue sky and sighed. "I'm so tired of all this.." She said quietly to herself.
Blade's claws dug through the gras.s silently as he gained upon Zyrakk. His senses told him he was close, And his ears told him a different story. The chirping of an bird ringed through the triangles on his head. Looking up, He spotted a bird. He could sense that it was channeling some sort of magic, Sending slight anger into Blade's entire body. He jumped up from the earth below him and raked his hard metal claws over the branch, Slicing it in to two pieces. The bird flew away, Riddled with shock. Meanwhile, Blade fell back to the earth with a rather loud thud. He got up and rubbed his face on his paws, Trying to shake the life back into himself.
7:28pm Jul 7 2010
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Sari sighed heavily..."You shouldnt be sorry... these last few years have been...rough. Silvie's never been the same since her accident." she said apologetically,,,"Silvie dosnt say the right things usually, but you can always count on her... no matter how hurtful she can be." she finished trying to convince herself of her own words...
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7:31pm Jul 7 2010
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Lumasi sat down. "An accident..?" Lumasi said, somewhat biting her tongue so that she didn't cross the line over into prying. Come to think of it, Lumasi told Sari about her past, Why not Sari do the same? Lumasi leaned over and scratched her head with her hind paw, Then started to loll.
7:49pm Jul 7 2010
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Sari sighed, "Yeah... a few years back a group of runaways ganged up from her... she was betrayed by three of our own. They all used their abilities, she eventually killed them off... but at a cost. She can only remember the last 3 years of her life. She cant remember a time when she was happy...or when she believed in love and freedom." Sari replied. "I grew up with her," she smiled at the thought. "Although she was older then me, she was my real parent... both my real ones died when I was a pup... my older brother wasnt of much help. He cared for us, but he treated us like weapons. When he died, his last words to Silviana were 'why did you fail me' Silvie never forgot that day... It happend several weeks after her own accident due to a group of runaways. She used to sing to me, and no matter how sad I was, her smile always cheered me up. She made jokes on everything and even laughed and made friends with almost everyone..." Sari continued looking up at the sky. "She used to encourage me to never give up, and I believed her... I lived a pretty good life, two siblings taking care of me, had a group of friends, had a lovely homeland... I didnt learn of the war between runaway and tracker until many years later... my life took a turn for the worse after Silvie's accident and Jurip's death. Everything became serious... I realized the death that occured every moment... I began to loose my innocense... I grew up over one night." she sighed... her eyes filled with saddness... she relaxed her muscles and relaxed on the earth
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