9:11am Jul 15 2010
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Aria looked at Yuni. "I had to" she said reffering to the switch of side. "I just couldn't bare to see it..." she whispered. Aria looked alert now. "Is the fight about to start?"
9:53am Jul 15 2010
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"Wait." Dusk stopped and stared at Silvie through sightless purple eyes. "I have a proposition to make." she sat down. She had been thinking long and hard about this. She didn't want to die, but she didn't want to lose more lives. "I say that You and I fight, one on one and nobody else does. If you die, we go free. If I die, you can kill every last one of us." she wasn't too confident that she could win, but she knew moves from back when she was just a pup that could work. ooc: Could they enentually use their powers?
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9:58am Jul 15 2010
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Lumasi's legs sprung into action, And she briskly followed after Sari. "I wonder why?" She said, Ears pinned against her skull.
10:01am Jul 15 2010
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"I don't think the runaways would be very happy if you did offer them up like that..." Aria growled at Dusk. "They would want to fight for their freedom. Let them!" Aria growled again. "You two can still have your big fight but don't let it kill the wolves that just want to escape. Let them fight to escape, that's what they would want!"
10:07am Jul 15 2010
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Dusk spun around, "Shut up you mangy mutt!" Dusk yowled at the traitor. "I don't take orders from traitors or Delta's for that matter." Dusk growled, "this way, less wolves will get killed because I *censored*ume that some will run." Dusk said. she was mocking her pack, but she couldn't blame them if they wanted too...
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10:08am Jul 15 2010
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With a shrug, Zyrakk turned back to the camp. He could sense the fight was near. His fur prickled at the sight of all the other wolves. He spotted three wolves by a large rock. He noticed Silvie was there, and one of the wolves he had spoken to earlier. But he was still clueless as to who was leader of the runaways. He sat down quietly and scanned the other wolves in the area. He felt he should be a few paces back but, still, no one seemed to notice the invader.
10:09am Jul 15 2010
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Kakarion heard the growling and walked cautiously to where he saw the two arguing his siblings followed behind him.
10:10am Jul 15 2010
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"Well I won't stand for it unless Silvie says ok!" Aria growled into her face. "They want to fight themselves out. You are making them seem like cowards!" Aria growled even louder. " and I have my reasons for switching side thats you'll never know! I was on your side once and the runaways want to fight for themselves. Not have a mangy mutt fight for them. Your just as much of a mutt as me except your an alpha. I don't think anyone cares! Aria growled so loud the birds flew away.
10:13am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 10:14am Jul 15 2010)
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Zyrakk spotted the other wolf he had spoken with, also. However, he didn't know his name so he turned back to the three wolves by the boulder. So she is the Alpha. he thought to himself, looking at Dusk. He waited to see what they would do, not wanting to walk in on such an intense moment. (lol intense)
10:21am Jul 15 2010
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"No, nobody cares. We were your family and we treated you like it, so why?" Her eyes narrowed angrily. "And yes, I wasn't born in a pack and yes, my family didn't survive a flood. At least I don't desert to which ever side you think is going to win." Dusk growled...
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10:24am Jul 15 2010
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Kakarion watched the two it was amazing how the war brought them to turn on each other.It was so invigorating.He smirked lightly watching them argue.
10:28am Jul 15 2010
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"Thats not my reason you mutt!" Aria snapped. "No one treated me like anything over there." She gestured towards the runaways. "The only people I ever talked to were Silvie and Yuni...!" Aria realized she had yelled out Yuni's name and stopped for a minute. "you never said a word to me until now. If you had it might have been different. I never had a family since I was 2 weeks old!"
10:31am Jul 15 2010
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(( I'm kinda confused as to whats going on. o-o ))
10:32am Jul 15 2010
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((Me and dusk are pretty much yelling at each other))
10:50am Jul 15 2010
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"Well then we'rekind of alike, but at least I*m not a trainer." she gripped her claws into the ground to keep herself from leaping at this idiotic wolf. she was more powerful than Aria could never imagine. "The reason I never said anything to you is because most of the time, you were talknig to Trackers!" she yowled...
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10:58am Jul 15 2010
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"You never wanted to talk to me!" Aria snapped. "I talked to them because the runaways never talked to me." "I got sick of it and left" Aria spit in her face. "Yeah kill me then. People will gang up on you!"
11:07am Jul 15 2010
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"You just want to that side because you were afraid that we might lose. Your a traitor and a coward. Maybe if you didn't spend all your time talking to Trackers, someone would have talked to you and belive me, if Silvie trusts you that badly, I*ll kill you right after she's dead." Dusk said in a dangerously calm voice...
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11:35am Jul 15 2010
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Silvie suddenly sprang, and grabbed Dusk by the scruff...tossing her with brute force into a boulder...which cracked in her force. She growled when she heard bones shatter. "If you were truly a good alpha. You wouldnt auction off the lives of your family. I am ashamed to know you. You are weak. Spineless. You are trying to play the part of a strong alpha, by challenging me, but you do not realize that by doing so, you have killed your own pack... you will NEVER play the part. Aria is stronger then you will ever be, not by physical force, but by her pride in who she is." she growled in a calm and expressionless manner. She turned her back and nodded at Aria, "She had followed her heart, and I envy her for being stronger then I could ever be." she said in a calm tone, nodding at Yuni. She heard Sari quickly approaching. Sari looked at Lumasi and sighed, disappearing and arriving near her sister. "Silviana." she greeted, she felt the tears coming into her eyes once more.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:37am Jul 15 2010
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Kakarion and his siblings were astonished by what they were hearing.Alsmost everyone seemed to be turning on each other.(writers block)
11:38am Jul 15 2010
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Dusk's voice turned cold. "You will regret those words." silvie." Dusk nodded at her pack. "I was trying to make it easy on you, but fine, have it your way. You have about as much honor as a rat." dusk hissed, glaring straight at silvie throguh blind eyes. "We fight then." She blinked once and bowed her head... ooc: please don't make Dusk seem evil. I couldn't think of anything else because I was braindead on the other post where I said you could kill them.
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