11:38am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:39am Jul 15 2010)
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ooc; Hey Fun, no offense(seriously none intended xP), but wouldn't attacking another player's character and causing such damage without giving them any time to respond be power/gameplaying?
11:39am Jul 15 2010
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ooc: Agreed
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11:43am Jul 15 2010
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((shadow, thats what people do in other wolf rps... so I was just following their lead.)) Silvie cocked her head at Dusk, "I never will regret my logic. Your words don't hurt me. You are simply throwing hurtful phrases, to get over your own insecurities of being who you are. I pity you." she said slowly, turning and climbing calmly on a stone, sitting stiff and looking once more at the sky. "Attack me then." she dared calmly. Sari's eyes went wide, "Silvie! Fighting will nto fix anything!" she yelled.
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11:43am Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 11:43am Jul 15 2010)
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11:46am Jul 15 2010
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((yay people! and I agree with fun. In a whole bunch of wolf rps, thats what happens. The wolves attack and inflict an amount of damage or what ever. And they can die or not. Sorry, but I dont see anything wrong with fun's damage post o.O i'll post in a sec))
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11:46am Jul 15 2010
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Kakarion looked to see if she would take the dare.He was eager to see what would happen but kept quiet and still so did his siblings.Keyari didnt like to fight or see fighting but this one time she wanted to see what they would look orard too later on.
11:48am Jul 15 2010
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Yuni looked at Aria. Silvie was smart. She knew about him and Aria. He sighed, surprised that Silvie allowed him to still remain alive. She was against treachery. Is that why she allowed Aria into the pack...because she thought it was the best for him? All the trackers had respect for Silvie, but always knew she was wiser then she appeared. He glared at Dusk. "Dont pick a fight. It will just cause more bloodshed...theres a reason Silvie wont fight. And its NOT because shes a coward." he growled, looking up at his alpha, who seemed calm...dispite the threats.
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11:48am Jul 15 2010
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Reoko growled and ripped up the ground as she thundered away from her den. With snips of growls and barks, She thudded over to a rock and stood gracefully on the top. Down the hill she saw Dusk in a argue, And it didn't look as if it where going to a good ending.
11:49am Jul 15 2010
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Dusk shook herself off. "I regret that I must do this, but whatever. I want this to be a fight between you an me. No helpers and no powers, just a fight of strength, strategy, and wits." dusk said coldly...
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11:51am Jul 15 2010
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Lumasi slowed to a stop and watched in horror at Silvie's acts. Her fur bristled up, And a ring filled her ears. "IT'S TIME!" She yelled before running in a circle helplessly.
11:52am Jul 15 2010
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Yuni glared at Dusk, but looked up at Silviana... she would kill, but he could tell something was off. Why hasnt silvie attacked by now? Yuni rolled his eyes, To bad Dusk dosnt have any of those things. he growled lowly to himself. He looked at Silvie, would she accept?
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11:53am Jul 15 2010
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Kakarion glared at them.He made a growl inside and turned awa.This was a waste to him.He knew war was taking place now.He shook it off and listened carefully and cautiously.
11:55am Jul 15 2010
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ooc; I agree, I've seen a lot of that. It's still unfair to shatter bones and crack backs without giving others time to dodge, if they decide their character takes the damage then their character takes the damage. ic; Zyrakk watched the group. His face gave away nothing. His fur prickled slightly but every time he forced it to lie flat.
11:55am Jul 15 2010
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Silvie shrugged, "Attack me then." she repeated darkly, her eyes closed,as the wind brustled through her dark fur. She took in the fresh aroma of the beautiful scenery, knowing this was the last time, before the cold scent of rust filled the lovely wood. Her eyes opened and she looked down at the onlookers... her eyes were as cold as ice, but she simply stared, didnt nod. But stared.
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11:59am Jul 15 2010
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((I think its fair. I mean its not like we have no healers, and its not like their killing anyone. And if its a fight. Its not like funs going to go, "Im going to hurt your charry really bad, is that okay?" because then they could just go, "Before so and so attacked, so and so jumped out of the way." and it would go on and on. We should just leave it. And if it was seen in other rps, what makes this one different? sorry if im taking sides, but its true...)) Yuni awaited the fate of the others quietly, he was ready to strike when needed.
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12:01pm Jul 15 2010
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12:04pm Jul 15 2010
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ooc; Ehh, I guess. >.< Besides, what I picked up comes from a much smaller site. :P
12:08pm Jul 15 2010
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Dusk stood her ground, feeling the shifting paws of her opponent. She leaped at Silvie and crashed her into a tree. She delighted at the sound of cracking bones. It made her grimace, she didn't want to kill Silvie...
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12:15pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 12:16pm Jul 15 2010)
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Versailles' ears percked. She was hearing many troubling sounds. Getting up she shook the dirt off her snow white fur and looked around. She had strayed a bit away from the clearing. Dammit, again? she growled to herself, as she trotted towards the camp. -- Fell sat in a group with three other runaways. The three being Jalang, a dark wolf who disagreed with the fighting. Viola who shared the same opinion as Jalang, and also had a sister with the runaways. And Dell, who was a former tracker. "Heh, it's gonna start soon. I'm as.suming." Viola said solemnly. The others nodded their heads in agreement. (>.> Post= fail.. Like, a lot.)
12:17pm Jul 15 2010
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Silvie snarled and grabbed Dusk's muzzle in her own jaws, crunching down until she tasted the bone fragments in her mouth. She threw the mutt several meters away, rebounding with a powerful hit to the ribs. she did her best to shake off Dusk's damage. She did not want to kill the mongrel, but simply remind her of her place. Sari's eyes went wide with horror. "Silviana! STOP!" she screamed, tears rolling down her face.
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