12:05pm Jul 19 2010
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Aatara scrambled back as she saw what happened to Dusk's body. She watched the pup and screamed as the stuff hapened to her. Aatara's eyes widened, was that Dusk's purpose in life, to be the alpha's host. No, it seemed parasetic. The gods were just giving Dusk another chance...
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12:07pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:08pm Jul 19 2010)
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((interresting elamant *shifty eyes* lol)) Silvie lowered her own head in respect towards her loyal pack. She turned to Shin. She clsoed her dark green eyes and nudged him affectionatly with her muzzle underneath his chin. "And she owes it to her Knight." she breathed into his ear. She was given another chance at life. Apparently hers wasnt meant to be over. She senced Dusk's precense as well.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
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12:08pm Jul 19 2010
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((Elamant: Do you like your pic?))
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12:09pm Jul 19 2010
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ooc; *Doesn't know how to jump in* *and has been stalking* >:D
12:10pm Jul 19 2010
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The pup recoiled in suprise and pain as some prescence flew into her body. Dusk knew what was happening. The alpha had been given another chance. She felt her own life fade away and the part of her body that was once an innocent young pup died. Dusk had come back with all the wisdom she possesed. She was younger though and this time, she wouldn't make the same mistakes...
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12:14pm Jul 19 2010
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Shin smiled to himself. "We will not fail. We'll be strong and we will fight, we are the creatures of the Night." he whispered almost silently. Yuni saw Aatara, but pulled her close. "Shhh." he whispered.
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12:14pm Jul 19 2010
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((feyth, where is it?))
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12:15pm Jul 19 2010
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12:17pm Jul 19 2010
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((Ok people i am still off in the forest somewhere so now imma come back lol)) Aria slowly walked back to the scene and was shocked to find Silvie fine. She was behind her and saw a mark on her leg... she didn't care though. "Well that is just amazing!" Aria said smiling. "Now who will be the new runaway alpha cause its not gonna be me?" She had set her mind on that matter...
12:17pm Jul 19 2010
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Zyrakk narrowed his eyes at the whole ordeal. He looked around at the wolves before growling and stakling off into the woods, this was all too strange. -- Viola and her group watched from the sidelines, it apparently wasn't over. But Viola hoped that Silvie's change of appearance would change her heart, though she highly doubt it. And when she looked again, she noticed a pup lying on the ground. She grinned lightly, knowing it was Dusk.
12:20pm Jul 19 2010
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Silvie nodded and pulled away. She felt stronger then she was before. She circled her pack. "I want to thank you all. You are strong and I admire each and every one of you for different reasons. Your hearts are in the right place...I just wish I had one to share. And I thank you." she stated in a familiar leadership tone. Her knowledge was abundant, as she took a deep breath into her unshattered body. Tre rose his head and nodded. It was late at night, and everyone was far from exhausted. Silvie smiled in her familiar coldhearted way, and rose her muzzle to the air she let out a long bone chilling howl. Tre heard his leader and rose his own head, his throat vibrating as his own howl filled the empty night. Sari smiled with tears in her eyes and repeated after her pack, her own howl filling the empty space.
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12:21pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:22pm Jul 19 2010)
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Dusk stood up, her legs wobbly. "Who's the new alpha?" Her voice was wrong, more young, but the same tone was still there. The sadness in her voice was not gone and she regretted ever wanting to fight. All she wanted was to be free and she would never accomplish that if Silvie didn't admit her mistakes.Dusk lifted her head for some unkown reason and let out a low mournful howl, matched Silvie's tone with her own...
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12:21pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:22pm Jul 19 2010)
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((So do you like it Elamant?))
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12:24pm Jul 19 2010
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Shin smiled as he and his brother rose their heads together and released their own distinguished howl. Silvie was strong. She was the same Silvie. Yuni thought of Aria. He wanted to find her. Shin's strong voice filled the air he hoped Silvie hasnt changed one bit. She did nothing wrong.
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
12:25pm Jul 19 2010
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((feyth, I LOVE IT! thanks so much! what is your price?))
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12:25pm Jul 19 2010
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((I am already right behind Silvie cause i came out of the woods))
12:26pm Jul 19 2010
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((Whatever you want. Your a friend, I don't want too much. I am saving for a cyid egg though.))
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12:30pm Jul 19 2010
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((i'll pay 150k. is that to low?))
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12:32pm Jul 19 2010
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((Nope, that's fine.))
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12:33pm Jul 19 2010
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Silvie ceased her howl and gazed at the faces of her pack. "I thank you all, once more." she whispered "Dismissed." she said strongly. Tre nodded nudging silvie quickly before going off on a long hunt. He knew Sari was following to as.sist him. Sari smiled once more at her sister, before following Tre into the wood. Tre glared at Aria as he left. Silvie smiled at Shin nudging him once more. "Yuni?" she asked in an understanding tone.
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