12:35pm Jul 19 2010
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Dusk wandered up to Silvie and folded her wings against her body. She sat down next to the other alpha and sighed. "I meant what I said... about being sorry, but I don't understand why we are kept under guard. Why can't we all be equal." She raised her head, enjoying beig able to see and looked at the alpha...
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12:36pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:36pm Jul 19 2010)
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((sent feyth :))) Shin nodded towards his love, before disappearing farther into the valley... he knew it would be a bad time to admit his feelings. Yuni turned to Silviana "yes?" he asked, coming up next to her and beggining to follow, his eyes on Aria... not paying attention to Dusk
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12:37pm Jul 19 2010
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((Is tre a runaway or tracker?)) Aria saw Tre look at her and ran after him. "You have a problem with me Tre?" Aria asked and snarled...
12:41pm Jul 19 2010
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Silvie turned away from Yuni. "You cant change the past. An apology is just a group of words...they mean nothing." she growled calmly towards thepup she reconized as Dusk... her eyes like venom once more. "We will never have peace. We are not equal." she stated once again expressionlessly. She couldnt remember a time when there was happiness, or compas.sion. All she knew was war, and her unbeating heart. She turned away from the foolish pup... and looked at Yuni, "Walk with me." she stated turning away and beggining to stroll up the path. She felt Yuni nect to her, and began to speak. the breeze blowing through her pelt. "Love is a confusing thing. You cant control it." she began.
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12:41pm Jul 19 2010
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((I have to go, don't go too far without me...))
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12:43pm Jul 19 2010
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((Is tre a tracker r runaway i said somethin to him))
12:44pm Jul 19 2010
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((we wont feyth :) and tre is a tracker)) Tre took a threatening step foward, his snowy pelt in a dangerous position. He felt a low growl erupt from his throat. He lunged and threw Aria to the ground. "If you werent one of us. I would kill you." he growled dangerously, his fur pricking... his lip curled, revealing his muderous fangs. Sari ran up to Tre, "Stop." she growled...turning to Aria. She shoved Tre backward... and toward the forest. Tre growled once more before allowing himself to be forced away.
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12:45pm Jul 19 2010
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Yuni flinched when he saw Tre's actions but he did his best to hide it. "I am not in Love." he growled to his wise alpha, trying to protect Aria.
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12:46pm Jul 19 2010
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aria growled at Tre and walked toward him. "What is wrong with me then?" She growled. "I asked to be a tracker and then i turned into an alpha runaway... But Dusk is back I non't care if she's a pup... she will be the alpha i don't want it..."
12:49pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:50pm Jul 19 2010)
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Tre turned and looked at Aria. "Betrayal." he snarled at the foolish mutt. Silvie gave a warning growl at Tre who lowered his head in submission at his alpha's scolding. She returned to Yuni. "I think you are. You were even when you two were seperated by war." she whispered...she ignored Yuni's shocked look. "I told you. Be strong of heart and of strength." she tried to hear her own silent heart... "Your heart is strong Yuni. Follow it." she stated nudging him softly, "I cannot control who you are. Or what you are meant to be." she whispered before disappearing from his side, and toward the darkened wood.
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12:52pm Jul 19 2010
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"Yes I betrayed the runaways but I did that for a few reasons. One reason is that I didn't belong. They didn't talk to me and I hated it. And the second is..." She almost blurted out her secret but stopped. "Thats all you need to know!" Aria snarled in his face. And then turned her back to him...
12:52pm Jul 19 2010
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Yuni shook his head. His alpha was one who was wise and strong... "I will follow you until the bitter end." he whispered, repeating his brothers words. "You are the angel of darkness." he breathed turning towards Aria. Shin stood on a high stone, overlooking the pack
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12:56pm Jul 19 2010
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Tre snarled and lunged once more missing aria's face by inches when a strong force threw him to the ground. He looked up to see Silviana looking over him from a few feet away. He fell silent. Silvie turned and looked at Tre, "The second is because she fell in love." she stated expressionlessly, looking at Aria. Tre's eyes went wide and he growled lowly getting to his feet. Sari looked at Tre.
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12:57pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 12:58pm Jul 19 2010)
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Aria looked at Silvie and then turned around and walked towrds Yuni. That's what they were talking about...
12:57pm Jul 19 2010
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(( i gtg! sorry!)) Yuni forever admired Silvie. As much as she hid it, he knew she had a heart.
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1:00pm Jul 19 2010
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((see ya elamant!)) Silvie nodded towards the others before fading into the forest. Tre snarled and looked at Yuni. He knew. he was the traitor. A forbiddon love with a runaway mutt. He snarled darkly at Yuni before leading Sari from the scene.
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2:54pm Jul 19 2010
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((Can Dusk and Shin be in love?))
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2:59pm Jul 19 2010
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Aria walked over to a tree and sat by it. Then she ran over to Dusk. "Take it back you are still the alpha runaway, okay?!" Aria was confused still...
3:04pm Jul 19 2010
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"I*m a pup, no one is going to follow me any more and plus, I want to do it right, I want to earn our equaly. I want you to help. Will you be my beta and help me lead?" Dusk asked solemnly. She grew a bit until she was a full sized wolf as if the god's had heard her plea...
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3:09pm Jul 19 2010
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"I am a tracker..." Aria said slowly. "I switched sides. Did you hit your head or something?" Aria howled. "It doesn't matter if your a pup and you surely don't look like one now so you can work by yourself..."