2:35pm Jun 28 2010
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((yay im so anxcious to start))
2:37pm Jun 28 2010
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ooc; Haha. This is gonna be good. :P
2:40pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 2:45pm Jun 28 2010)
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Full Name:Chyna Called:Chy Age:Five Years Gender:Female Persona:She is very fiesty. At the slightest tease, her temper flares and she will attack almost anything near her. Pack:Trakers Rank:Warrior Appearence:
 Full Name:Retribution Called:Tri Age:Five Years Gender:Male Pack:Runaways Rank:Warrior Personality:Urm... Appearance:He is missing an eye. 
Full Name:Merciless Moon Called:Merci Age:Four and a Half Years Gender:Female Personality:Urm... Pack:Runaways Rank:Warrior Appearance:{{Can her eyes glow?}} 
Other: Chyna-She can influence rain and thunder storms. Retribution-He can influence earth. Merciless-She can influence blood and pain.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
2:42pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 2:45pm Jun 28 2010)
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((yaya can we start and fun katany is a beta and kayari is a healer))
2:51pm Jun 28 2010
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((what happened to everyone))
2:54pm Jun 28 2010
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ooc; I'm waiting for the roleplay to start and drawing my characters..
2:55pm Jun 28 2010
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((oh no i think fun left)
3:29pm Jun 28 2010
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((sorry guys! power got knocked out....here i go.)) Silviana surveyed the prison. Her claws dug into the hard earth as she made her way across the ground and climbed onto high ground, a coldhearted glare in her eyes. Sari was several paces away, keeping an eye on the prisoners. She sat and relaxed her muscles looking darkly over the powerless runaways. Sari looked up at Silviana..."Silvie, all prisoners are accounted for." she reported cooly, her sister simply nodded.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:30pm Jun 28 2010
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ooc; Are all the Runaways prisoners?
3:32pm Jun 28 2010
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((its ok)) Kakarion sniffed the air as he walked carefully around.He made a low yawn and looked around.As his fur blew in the wind he layed down in a patch of mud to cover his scent.He closed his eyes breathing in the fresh air.He opened them to the scent of a deer nearby.He got up slowly looking aroun.He put one paw up moving slowly forward.
3:36pm Jun 28 2010
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((shadowolf: yes. they are trying to escape, the trackers keep them prisoner. sorry again guys :()) Silviana looked out and saw Kakarion. Her eyes narrowed. "Sari, keep an eye on Kakarion, dont let him stray to far, stay close but not to close." she commanded expressionlessly, "And call for Yuni." she added. Sari nodded and gave a dark grin, rose her head and howled... letting Yuni know he was needed. She took off slowly after Kakarion.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:38pm Jun 28 2010
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((yes it has begun :D)) Yuni heard the call and nodded to Sari, running to Silviana and bowing slightly, "you called?" he asked calmly but with respect. Sierra was looking out over the runaway graveyard. "So many lives lost. Why do they try and run." she stated sadly.
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
3:39pm Jun 28 2010
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Kakarion huffed at the scent of Sari.Hegrowled lowly.He was irritated by her coming up behind her.He turned to look at her.He walked right past her with a snarl.He rolled his eyes and sighed.Then he stopped dead in his tracks.
3:40pm Jun 28 2010
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ooc; Ahh, itsn't your fault. ^^ I'll just finish drawing Zyrakk, since I'm so close to finishing, and then post my intro.
3:42pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Jun 28 2010)
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((yes, so many people are on :))) Silviana didnt look at Yuni, just continued to stare out. "Disable abilities to a controlable level." she commanded sternly. "I was ivestigating, an escape will occur soon...when? I dont know." she said expressionlessly. Yuni was one she admired, strong abilities, a trusted guard. Sari smirked, "careful mutt." she stated calmly. Giving a low snarl back.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:43pm Jun 28 2010
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((and my charrys can be mean, im sorry if i offend anyone :())
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be back tonight
3:44pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 3:44pm Jun 28 2010)
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Kakarion looked at saria and huffed."look whos talking"He went to sit down by a tree.He looked along the hills and sighed.He snarled a little while still loking out into the horizon.His claws came out but he calmed himself down.
3:45pm Jun 28 2010
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Yuni nodded slowly. His job was important, he was to keep the prisoners weak. He closed his eyes and felt the energy draining from the prisoners. He knew very few were immune, and Silviana knew that... but those who were, were kept on special watch. Sierra felt her own power draining, her heart beat faster. If they do escape, they will need to take out Yuni. she thought to herself. ((fun, its cool :) most of us are used to having mean charrys right?))
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
3:49pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 3:49pm Jun 28 2010)
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Sari's eyes narrowed. "Best be careful Kakarion, we know your family. Your not the only one to be punished." she teased calmly, her muscles relaxed as she licked her paw, completely at ease. She knew as well as Silviana that some runaways were strong... and they were to be watched closely. Silviana turned to Yuni with her venom like green eyes. "Good." she stated.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
3:50pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 3:52pm Jun 28 2010)
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Kakarion didnt feel the energy draining from him.He sayed standing and bold.He was angry and sick of being treated this way.He saw his sisters and brother was asleep.He never slept not in this hostile place.He kept his eyes opened at all time.He tried to keep from blinking.He looked at sari with a snarl and looked back at his family."we are not afraid of you sari"