10:14am Jul 20 2010
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(( You can have Lumasi if you want. <3 Bye!! ))
10:16am Jul 20 2010
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Aria could see he was nervous. "Its ok... I am a tracker now. And i want to be!" Aria said leaning on his shoulder. She was fearless. Life without Yuni was not life at all... just a black hole. Life would be worse than death if Yuni was not with her.
10:20am Jul 20 2010
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((kk feyth :))) Tre stalked through the silent wood. His breath fell still as his heart pounded against his chest. He lowered into a crouch and manuevered through the undergrowth... the pounding of a stag's hoofs rolled into his ears, the aroma of fear stung his nose. His lip curled revealing his dangerous fangs, as he dug his claws into the earth and lunged out of the brush in a quick movement. He gave chase to the fleeing animal, his limbs running in rythm with his prey. He gained speed and jumped foward, gripping the stag by the neck with his powerful jaws, and causing it to collapse to the ground. The neck shattered in a moment, and tre dragged his pack's dinner back to camp. Sari was alone at that moment. Silvie wouldnt change easily. She knew she should hate the runaways. But just couldnt. She admitted Silvie's past to Kakarion, and he seemed to understand. Dusk needed to know. The steady beating of her paws on the dry soil, pushed her foward. A silent ghost in the mountain's secrets. Her dark pelt shimmered under the forest canopy, as dust collected behind her agile movements. Silviana kept going. She had to go somewhere. Somewhere she hasnt gone in 3 long years.
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10:20am Jul 20 2010
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Dusk felt the ground rumble slightly, but she ignored it. She felt the wind pick up, but she stayed rooted to the spot. She heard the sound of rushing water, but she did not run away. She burned with the hot fire, but she did not die. She hissed. She needed to get the truth now or she would never get it. "Sari..." Dusk muttered to herself. Sari would have, maybe, been told. "Sari!" Dusk raced over to the wolf. "Can you tell me, I know Silvie won't, why we are runaways in the first place. Have you ever heard why?" She asked, sitting down..
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10:25am Jul 20 2010
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Sari was taken by surprise by Dusk. Maybe now would be a good time to admit the past. She gave a low sigh and checked around the area, reas.suring the fact that they were alone. She rose her muzzle to the air. A tracker wasnt in sight for miles. She looked into dusk's eyes, "It is not a story I am fond of remembering." she whispered slowly.
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10:26am Jul 20 2010
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Kakarion looked raising his head a little.He sat down and watched the two talk.
10:27am Jul 20 2010
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"And I can't remembre at all." Dusk sighed. The memories she had were of her family and when she had really lead the pack, as opposed to now when she looked like a 5 year old and acted like one, but had no memories of why they had ever been in prison. She sighed. She had fought the other alpha and won, long after they were imprisoned...
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10:31am Jul 20 2010
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Yuni nudged Aria gently, and held her muzzle underneath his neck. "That won't stop them." he whispered, fear collecting in his heart. He would protect Aria with his life. And they would still not claim her. "Silviana..." he began. He wasnt sure if she would harm ARia, he knew this was unlikely, he changed his statement, "Tre..." he began again. "I saw how he treated you. I dont know if he would attack again." he whispered, "I can't lose you." he said, kissing her cheek gently. Shin gazed down at Yuni, Zir came up next to him, positioning himself in a less stiff manner then his brother. "Baby Yuni's growing up." he whispered, smiling down at his little brother, who had Aria at his side. Shin was silent and glared down at yuni and his beloved. His body was stiff and strong, his golden eyes angry and cold.
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10:35am Jul 20 2010
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Aria kissed his cheek and then smiled. "I'll be fine. I can fight or run" Aria said. "Don't worry about me. And Tre... hes just another wolf that wants to act tough." Aria was tired now. "Well I'm going to go lay down somewhere in the woods now..." Aria started towards the woods.
10:40am Jul 20 2010
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((Elamant, the wolf gos made her grow and Dusk looks like her old self with a punctured lung from when silvie cut her open. So she is old enough for Zir now.))
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10:44am Jul 20 2010
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Sari sighed, "I don't know why exactly, they were imprisoned in the first place. There are many stories. But I know why Silviana and the others KEEP them imprisoned." she said sadly. She looked at Dusk. Silviana had killed many runaway alphas in the past, Dusk was the first to end it at a draw. She continued, staring at teh ground. "She wasnt always like this. She used to have dreams, and follow her heart. But now." she stopped, it stung her own heart to speak of the times when her sister was happy. "Silviana had an accident, that cost her her memory. She can only remember the last 3 years of her life. Her childhood happiness was wiped out, she can only remember war andmurder... after a week of recovering... My brother, Jurip. Was theprevious alpha. He wasnt much of a brother. He pointed out our mistakes, and raised us as weapons. He favored Silviana. The two had a strong family bond. We were betrayed. By 3 of our own, when the largest runaway escape in history had taken place. Of course the trackers went in pursuit. Our once packmates fought against us. Jurip was in the lead. They all attacked him. All the runaways as well as the traitors. He collapsed and they left him there, with his last bits of life. He pulled Silviana close...and" she took a deep breath, she hated these words. She knew he killed Silviana right then and there. "He told her, 'why did you fail me?' those were his last words to her." her voice craacked. "Its horrible. she is trying to redeem herself when she did NOTHING wrong! Jurip made her alpha, she tracked them down. ALL of them. The runaways and the traitors. She slaughtered them on the spot with her own gift. The screams of the dying echoed in the forest. It still rings in my ears to this day. I regret everything...I just watched. Watched them die. Laughed at their pleads." she said, her face full of regret. "She keeps runaways locked here, because she is angry. She believes they had cost her everything. In her eyes, she is doing the right thing." she finished sadly, turning to the sky.
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10:48am Jul 20 2010
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((Can I join? xD))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
10:50am Jul 20 2010
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((feyth, okay :D wait do they know each other or still have to meet?)) Yuni ran after aria, "Just dont go off alone. The trackers arent just talk. They bite. Hard. And Tre. He was one of our best warriors. He turned down the offer for beta. He is dangerous. His sister is a runaway. Its disgusting, he hates his own sister, would kill her if he got the chance. He wouldnt spare you, no matter what Silviana says." he said nudging her once more. "Dont make me lose you, I would follow." he breathed looking up the rock face and seeing his two older brothers. His eyes went wide with shock. Zir and Shin. He hasnt seen either of them in a long time. They had changed. Shin, was now well built and dark looking. Shin, his pelt had grown in and his eyes became fuller. He seemed less tence. He knew both his brothers were dangerous, Shin by far the most threatening. Shin met his brothers gaze, his golden eyes glared down at his brother sending fear threw him. Zir looked once at shin, before disappearing down the rock face.
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10:51am Jul 20 2010
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((inna, sure everyones welcome :)))
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10:54am Jul 20 2010
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Kakarion made a low growl.He didnt like being here for her suffering.He stopped and continued to listen(i knmow this is epic ffail))
10:54am Jul 20 2010
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"Well then where should i sleep?" Aria said rubbing against him. She looked up and saw a wolf that looked just like Yuni. Except she could tell the only difference that would keep her with the right Yuni: Yuni was the one she loved.. "And who is that?' Aria said kissing his cheek.
10:58am Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 1:03pm Jul 20 2010)
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((Yay! :D)) Name: Sheah
Age: Eighteen days old. :O
Gender: Female
Pack: Runaways? xD
Rank: Well, she's really young so I guess she's a pup. ._. She wants to be a healer or a guard when she grows up though. :D
Power: She can control emotions. xD She can also talk to birds. Oooooh, sounds sooo evil. >.< Not really. xD
Personality: Happy, playful, doesn't linger on depressing thoughts much. :D You'll know more about her later. xD
History: Very sad history. Mother died, doesn't know her father, brother scrificed himself for her. D:
mate/pups/family: Currently, none. >.<
looks: Light brown with apparently white eyes. xD
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
11:01am Jul 20 2010
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((Inna: Water power is mine.)
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11:02am Jul 20 2010
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Yuni couldnt take his eyes off Shin. Shin was his most powerful and feared brother. He swallowed and looked at Aria. "That. Is my older brother." he whispered, his eyes wide with fear for Aria's safety. Shin wasnt one to accept new packmates kindly. He hardly was even around. Shin only appeared before a fight. Or to check in on the others. His eyes scanned the area, he just noticed his other brother had disappeared. Zir. Where was he? Shin was still sitting stiff. But his posture was threatening and frightening. His golden eyes still burning holes of fear threw his brother. His eyes narrowed and his fur pricked. Zir was making his way down the rock, he wanted to meet the girl his brother was with.
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11:03am Jul 20 2010
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ooc; Where are you guys? >.<