12:13pm Jul 20 2010
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Keyari wagged her tail"dont be afraid"she said in a swet voice.And removed the branches.
12:14pm Jul 20 2010
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Silvie ceased her gift. Her eyes angry and threatening. "I will not have my pack split." she knew of the rivalry between the brothers and knew why.
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12:15pm Jul 20 2010
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Dusk feltSilvie's power, but her shield in her mind was up and Silvie couldn't do anything, not that she felt silvie was trying to hurt her anyway. Dusk scrambled to her feet and folded her now white wings over her body...
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12:16pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 12:17pm Jul 20 2010)
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Sheah blinked as a wolf started to removed the branches trapping her leg. Once she was free, she ran to the nice wolf and cuddled close, hoping that she would protect her. "I'm scared," Sheah said in a small voice.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
12:17pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 12:18pm Jul 20 2010)
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Kakarion looked at silvie with an expressionless face.He looked back to where he saw keyari and something else.Keyari nuzzled her"its ok dont worry"she picked the pup up and put her on her back.
12:18pm Jul 20 2010
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Shin felt the paralyze leave his system as he struggled to his feet. He inhaled deeply, and looked at Silviana. His alpha was smart and always knew what was best. He looked at Silviana, he knew she knew what had occured. Zir took longer to recover but he stood and lowered his head in respect towards his alpha.
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12:20pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 12:21pm Jul 20 2010)
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Silvie gazed upon the brothers. "I know the truth. You are all strong. You have to learn to listen to your heart, and not just your strength. Think about that." she said in a suddenly calm manner. She turned to Yuni and helped him to his feet, knowing he was hurt. "Its okay Yuni. Your strong. I know you will live." she whispered before returning to the forest.
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12:21pm Jul 20 2010
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Dusk felt warmth flow through her body as she felt Zir. She sighed and wandered back to Sari to hear what she had to say./..
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12:25pm Jul 20 2010
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Yuni felt the strength return to his body at Silvie's as.sistance. Her words meant a lot. "Thank You Silviana." he whispered. Struggling to stay on his feet. She was truly a great alpha. Shin watched Silviana go. He glared once at his brothe rbefore disappearing up the rock once more. Zir looked at his brother. Although he was never in the rivalry he turned and looked at Yuni, helping him return tohis den. Yuni was glad Zir was there for him. Shin. well. was another story.
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12:31pm Jul 20 2010
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Silviana smiled back towards her pack, before her paws thundered on on the hard soil oncemore. She had to return to that place. the place she refused to go to for so long. Sari sighed and anwsered Dusk. Tre made his way over and watched Yuni and Zir.
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12:31pm Jul 20 2010
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((Answered ?Dusk how?))
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12:32pm Jul 20 2010
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((feyth, she anwsered dusk severalposts ago.))
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12:36pm Jul 20 2010
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Sheah felt safer against the nice wolf's back. She almost forgot about the bloody scene that she saw earlier. Against the soft pelt, she got drowsier and drowsier, when she finally drifted off to sleep. *** In her dream, she saw a battle. She knew it wasn't really a dream, because it was much too real, and she doesn't dream in colour. She saw the two wolves from before, in perfect condition, ready for battle. She wanted to shut her eyes or look away, but she couldn't move nor bl ink so she just sat there helplessly,wantching a battle she didn't want to see, all the way until the seemingly younger one lay motionless. She woke with a start.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
12:39pm Jul 20 2010
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Keyari was back with her siblings.Kakarion looked on his sisters back"whos this".Keyari looked back at the pup"a young puppy i found alone and scared"
12:39pm Jul 20 2010
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Dusk's eyes widened, "All except for me because I was there, but the gift did not affect me." SDusk closed her blind eyes. "How can she redeem herself, why can't she just understand that she did nothing wrong?" Dusk asked...
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12:40pm Jul 20 2010
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Yuni smiled at Zir. Zir looked foward, "Silviana is smart. Even though she shouldnt interfere. She did the right thing. She ceased the battle." Yuni nodded weakly, "I have full respect for her. She figures things out, and wants whats best. She is amazing. I would follow her until death. Just like I will die for Aria." he said Zir nodded, "You almost did die for Aria. Silviana saved your a$$." he stated. Yuni nodded.
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12:42pm Jul 20 2010
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((I have to go, don't go too far without me!))
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12:42pm Jul 20 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Jul 20 2010)
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Sari cocked her head. "She didnt need to killyou. Remember? She dragged you back here for you to suffer. And... you didnt actually fight against us. Just tried to run." she stated looking towards the sky. "She slaughtered them all." she repeated. Tears comign to her eyes. "She lives in the past. All she remembers is war."
Grace was alone she watched the battle scene. Her eyes wide with shock.
Tre saw the young pup with the runaway siblings. He reconized the pup as a tracker. He shook his head, "betrays this young? The filthy mutt will join the other traitors." he growled to himself.
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12:44pm Jul 20 2010
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((kk i gtg to. so see ya everyone!))
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12:46pm Jul 20 2010
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((see ya))