3:53pm Jun 28 2010
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Chyna sat, relaxing, a few yards away from Silviana. Her firey eyes watched the prisioners. She huffed and growled lowly, mumbling somthing to herself. A brave wolf, one who was already missing an eye, approched her and glared at her, his one eye peircing. As he did this, a vine of some sor tof nearby plant pulled at her tail and prodded at her ears. "Watch yourself, mongrel." She warned. --- Retribution just snarled at the Tracker and wound his way back into the pack of Runaways. He gouged the dirt with his claws, realeasing his anger and fustration on the dirt. --- Merciless watched Retribution with an odd, sort or admiring look in her eyes. She couldn't belive the old-timer actually did somthing to one of the trackers. She blinked, glancing up at the sky where a few buzards circled. She didn't feel like they should be there. None of the Runaways would die. She padded away from the center of the pack and trotted in a circle around the Runaways, looking for a break in the Tracker's defences. Nothing. They were here to stay. At least until they found a way out.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
3:57pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 3:59pm Jun 28 2010)
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"It is not I to be afraid of Kakarion. My gifts are for tracking purposes only...But there are some..." she chuckled darkly, "...To be feared, if you were truly unafraid, you would have run by now." she smiled cooly, "But we would be expecting that." she taunted. She began to turn, "Be careful of your actions Kakarion... there could be an...accident." she stated with a growl, giving a threatening look at Kakarion's family. Silviana saw the threatening pose by Retribution, she jumped down from her perch, "have something to say?" she snarled threateningly
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4:01pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:03pm Jun 28 2010)
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Kakarion looked back unexspressionaly"to not fear you means i must be wise...of course i havent left yet."he rolled his eyesThen looked back at his family.He snarled at the way she gave the look.He walked off pa.ssed her and then looked at the sky.He looked back down and sat where he was the first time.Karoku got up and saw sari.He rowled and woke up his sisters.They all went over to kakarion whos fur stood up.
4:02pm Jun 28 2010
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Yuni gave a slight bow and started to walk away. he turned and saw the healing wolf. He knew for a fact, her gifts were drained by his ability. he stalked over. Sierra senced him coming. "What do you want." her ears flat against her skull. Yuni growled, "Watch it." he threatened.
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4:05pm Jun 28 2010
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Sari chuckled, "cute." she smiled slyly, the same threatening look in her eyes. She began to walk back to Silviana who seemed to be preoccupied.
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4:05pm Jun 28 2010
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Retribution, also kown as Tri, just huffed. He turned to gaze at Silviana, his one staring her straight in the eye. Narrowing his eyes he shook his head nad turned to look for the rare scraps of food. He found a small bone with a few peices of meat still on it. Snarling at a few other brutes who where heading for the same bone, he snatched it up and padded over to his nest, made of still alive branches. There, he knawed on the bone and watched the Runaways mingle about.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:07pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:09pm Jun 28 2010)
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Karoku looked at his brother"what is it".Kakarion moved his eyes back at sari"she is so tempting me to slash that mouthe of hers off.Im telling you im soo close"he growled.Karuko laughed"im with you".All four of them laughed.It was awlays a good time when they laughed.Even though they were in bad times they found a way to always have a laugh.
4:13pm Jun 28 2010
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silviana snarled and glared at Retribution. "His days are numbered." she stated calmly. Turning to see the family of runaways. She strode over, "slash her. I slash back. At all of you." she said expressionlessly. Sari chuckled behind Silviana, who immediatly turned and stared at her. "Silence Sari, it is not your place to speak. I thought I put you on patrol." she hissed dangerously. Sari whimpered and began to back up. "Please forgive me. I will return to it." she anwsered. Silviana snarled, as her fur pricked. She bit at Sari's ankles. Sari yelped and raced away, tail between her legs. Silvie relaxed herself and returned her gaze to Kakarion.
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4:16pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:18pm Jun 28 2010)
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Kakarion didnt really give into her threats or anger.He thought she just had anger issues.He looked at her with no ex pression then looked away.He truly was bold.He never backed down.Neither did his family.They all had looked at her.Keyari rolled her eyes and so did Katany. Karuko kept looking at her"problem?"
4:21pm Jun 28 2010
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Silviana snarled and rose her paw, slashing Keyari in the ribs, sending her to the ground. "Your smarter then that." she stated, her fur rising, but relaxing just as fast. She saw no reason to use her gift. Even the bold family didnt deserve that fate...yet. She growled lowely before turning her back to the family members, blood dripping from her front left paw.
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4:23pm Jun 28 2010
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Yuni snarled once at Sierra before turning to Silviana... she just damaged a runaway, of course. She approached, "Silviana?"
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4:24pm Jun 28 2010
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Dell sat by herself, farther away from the other Runaways and Trackers. She eyed the wolves as they went about their business. Her multicolored gaze was filled with anger as she kept remembering what the Trackers had done. Her claws scraped at the ground as she clawed lazy circles into the earth to occupy her boredom. The Trackers were nothing but trouble from the start, and the fact that they thought so highly of themselves made Dell gag. She still felt disgusted by herself. She had once been a member of the Trackers. She remembered the power she felt when she stomped all over the Runaways, and how it had nearly corrupted her. She was still unable to fathom why she had began to feel sympathy towards the Runaways, and it was always a thought that remained in the back of her head. -- On the other side of the prison, the Omega of the Trackers, or the lowest pack member, sat and watched. Kerr’s ears lifted as he tried to listen to what the others were saying. His ears were usually kept flat against his head for some reason, making him look strange. He knew that no one thought highly of him, since he was the least brutal of the Trackers. He sighed wondering if they would just chase him away. -- Somewhere hidden deep within the undergrowth, a lone figure was circling the group of wolves. It was Zyrakk, a lone wolf that frequented this area. He never knew what was going on, but he knew it wasn’t something good. Zyrakk was a lone black wolf. He had a dark blue-grey back and piercing grey eyes. He was very skinny and would often outrun other predatory animals that came looking for trouble. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to outrun so many wolves. He wasn’t sure how many were in the pack, but he could feel tension between two groups. He began to wonder if they were even one pack at all, but two. He had never come close enough to hear what they said, and he was intent with staying out of sight.
4:24pm Jun 28 2010
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Silviana looked up, "yes." she asked calmly, wiping the blood on the stone.
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4:30pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:31pm Jun 28 2010)
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Yuni senced the lones around camp, "there are loners around." he reported. He wasnt sure what mood Silvie was in, sometimes she sent the pack after the Lones other times not. His gaze traveled down to Silvie's paw...soaked with blood. He knew another was hurt somewhere but he kept his mouth shut. Sierra saw Silvie slash the female runaway. She made her way slowly over, sure to avoid Silvie and Yuni's eyes. Especially Silviana's.
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4:33pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:35pm Jun 28 2010)
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Keyari managed to dodge the attack bt got a little scratch on her back.The whole family snarled at her.They were ready for anything and even if cost them.Kakarion was exspecially ready to fight.Noone hurts his little sister..noone.He snarled and growled and was ready.He didnt back down.The family had nothing to lose.
4:34pm Jun 28 2010
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Silviana nodded. "I senced them, they are no threat as of now. Investigate them before they come any closer." she stated. Silvie ignored the runaway healer and began to walk in the direction of the omega tracker. Sari was ivestigating the runaway prisoners. She was unsure what to do, Silvie seemed bitter.
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4:35pm Jun 28 2010
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ooc; Should we wait for the others??
4:38pm Jun 28 2010
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Yuni chuckled, "Silviana, why dont you just stare them down?" he said teasingly. Giving a taunting look at the family of siblings. One was bleeding from Silvies threat...he glimpsed at them. "Shes not kidding pups." he chuckled. Sierra made her way over to the family...having lost her own siblings to Silviana's gaze and her brute methods...she hated to see another tortured by Silviana... she was to be feared.
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4:39pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 4:43pm Jun 28 2010)
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Kakarion was fired off he checker for keyari who said she was fine.He was too fired up.His powers could go out of control.He walked away a little farther from them.He huffed but it still had a snarl to it.The other three watched sadly.They knew there brother had problems controlling his powers when he was mad.Kakarion losed his eyes trying to calm down but he couldnt do it right away.He took deep breaths huffing. Karuko looked at his brother and sighed.i hope next time he wont explode..it will bring death to us all.and since hehas power mimicry he cant copy all out powers and make them one.this isnt good.He thought to himself.
4:47pm Jun 28 2010
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Silviana chuckled and turned to Kakarion. Her gifts were extremely dangerous. She was aware of Kakarion's power, but she also knew her own was strong...it could kill him if he decided to steal it. Although she was unaware if her gift could be used against her. Her black fur shimmered as the sun began to sink. Sari instinctively turned, "Its curfew, best to get your family home, Kakarion." she taunted, "Unless you want another slashed." she continued, but instantly shut her mouth when Silviana gave her a dangerous look. ((and yes, i think we should wait, i hate to see people fall behind))
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