1:57pm Jul 23 2010
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Dusk didn't flinch and she refused to fight. "Silvie, stop it. It wasn't you fault that Jurip died." She knew she had hit that mark and she knew that Silvie might try to kill her, but she wanted Silvie to realize that it hadn't been her fault....
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2:00pm Jul 23 2010
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She'd hate to admit it, but Sheah was scared. She nodded a little, watching for anything to come.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:04pm Jul 23 2010
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Silvie snarled and through Dusk to the ground. "Its not your business." she growled lowly her fur beggining to prick. "You try to do whats right for everyone. But you CANT. You cant be the angel for everyone. Pick a side. You have to learn that there is a reason for everything, and you shouldnt stick your muzzle in where it DOSNT belong." she growled, turning her dagger eyes to Sari.
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2:05pm Jul 23 2010
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Kakarion tenced up a little and keyari kept Sheah close.
2:06pm Jul 23 2010
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"And you can't be the devil all the time." Dusk retorted. She hadn't moved a muscle, not even to breathe, which she somehow didn't need to do anyway. She lifted ehr head to stare directly into the eyes of silvie and a sliver of white crossed Dusk's vision...
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2:07pm Jul 23 2010
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ooc; I'll join in later I guess. :B
2:07pm Jul 23 2010
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(shadow we started mine)
2:09pm Jul 23 2010
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"I'm not. This is who I am." she spat, taking another threatening step foward. "This is not your place to be. You have NO reason to be here." she growled darkly. Her muscles were tence, her black fur pricking with every word, her green eyes narrowing dangerously. Sari made a movement foward.
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2:10pm Jul 23 2010
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((shadow: wen ever your ready :)z)))
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2:12pm Jul 23 2010
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ooc; Where is everyone at? Just their location I have to know. xD
2:14pm Jul 23 2010
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Dusk sat up, healing her bones with water. "Silvie, this is not who you are. I know about Junip and I know that you were once a great wolf. You've fallen and you can't dwell on the past anymore." She sighed heavily and dipped her head slightly and then stared straight at Silvie again. Her purple eyes becoming unnerving...
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2:26pm Jul 23 2010
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Silvie stood in a threatening pose. "Leave. Now." she stated expressionlessly, Turning her back to Dusk. "I know who I am. You are wrong. Get your muzzle out of everyone's business. Before I remove it by force." she spat. Sari looked at the ground, "Dusk, Silvie is right. Its time to stop trying to be the good guy." she growled, beggining to stroll out of the clearing.
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2:26pm Jul 23 2010
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Kakarion remained tense and so did kezo.
2:31pm Jul 23 2010
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By now, Sheah had smelled something. She was prepared to use her power, but she decided not to use them, in case she accidentally did it to another runaway.
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
2:34pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Jul 23 2010)
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Dusk, her stubborn side taking over. "You told me to choose a side. Well I have." She growled. "The side that makes all wolves equal. It wasn't your fault that Jurip died and it wasn't our fault, he blamed you probably because he thought it would be good to make you like this or he really believed it wasn't your fault." Dusk heaved a breath, "Now its your turn, will you continue to live in the past, or will you make all wolves free." Dusk blinked and put down her shield. Silvie could kill her, she didn't care. If that was what it took to be free, she'd gladly die. Her now white pelt blazed with a brilliant light...
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2:41pm Jul 23 2010
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((Bump. ))
2:59pm Jul 23 2010
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6:06pm Jul 23 2010
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Silvie shook her head disappointedly. "Alphas are supposed to show respect. Why don't you go get some, when I kindly ask you to leave. Get your muzzle out. Your not needed. The runaways will never be free. Eventually, they will all join these worthless mutts." she growled motioning toward the surrounding remains. "Your logic is uneeded and out of place. I don't care for you. If the runaways want to be free. Let them fight. You are not the voice of reason." she added darkly...."I do not live in the past. This is simply my future. Just because you dont have one. Dont take mine. You are no hero, stop acting like it. Is it because you want all wolves to be equal? Or do you want them to adore you for trying to set them free. Ignorance and hardheadedness are not tolerated... you will go down in history as the stupid wolf who wanted so much, but failed. Miserably." she added, her face darkening and twisting into a disgusted glare. She paced through the bones and rotting flesh, "It is important to know when to stop. Just stop, and go." she finished kicking a small skull to Dusk's feet. Sari shook her head. Dusk needed to stop.now. "Dusk. Your not helping the situation. Simply making it worse. Lets just go." she stated...glancing at the unusually calm Silviana.
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6:11pm Jul 23 2010
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"Silvie, you're wrong. I don't care if every wolf up there hates me for this and I don't want to be a hero, I truely want us all free and you have no right to tell me I can. Its you that wants to be a great leader, but you don't get it, do you. You don't get that more than half of your wolves think that what you are doing to us over one little wolf is wrong. I admit, I would probably hold a grudge too, but not for three years. If Jurip is the only reason we're still imprisoned, then you live a miserable life. in. the. past." Her voice was calm and collected again and she took no breaths as she said all this. She ignored Sair, she knew what was happening and Silvie needed a lesten in respect, not Dusk herself... ((I didn't want Dusk to be a hero... ))
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6:19pm Jul 23 2010
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Silvie snarled and whipped around. "YOU DONT KNOW MY PAST." she growled dangerously taking several threatening steps forward. "If you really cared you would leave, and allow them to act for themselves." she added in the same dangerous tone. "I didnt ask to be leader. I didnt ask to be a tracker. I didnt ask for any of this. I dont care what you think of me. What ever you say will not change anything. LEAVE. This is not your place." she snarled. "My wolves are none of your business. Stop using them against me. You have no respect. For anyone, but.yourself." she growled, her ear flicked disgustedly. She turned her back once more shaking her head angrilly. Sari lowered her head, Dusk was ruining everything. Silvie came here for a reason. She would remember if she was alone. She clawed the ground uneasily, if Silvie couldnt remember. Dusk would be blamed.
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