1:43pm Jul 31 2010
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Sheah flattened her ears and let out a short, low growl when she saw that wolf she had met a few days ago, when she first met Keyari. Soon, fear took the anger's place, and she backed away a little, hoping that Tre hadn't noticed her. ((Brainfail. |D))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
1:45pm Jul 31 2010
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((yes! about time fun :D)) Silviana's howl silenced both Shin and Zir. Shin didnt hesistate to take off through the forest, running towards Silviana's voice. Zir gave one last disapproving look at Dusk before disappearing after his brother. Shin came on the opposite side of the stone in which Silvie stood. Symetric with Tre on the opposite side. Zir arrived beside his brother. Both got into a battle ready formation. Snarls and anxious growls with the trackers stood. Shin's lip curled revealing dagger like teeth. His claws digging into the ground. Zir snarled and lay his ears flat, ready to attack. Yuni looked at Aria. "Its time." he whispered. Before forcing himself up and running towards the battleground
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1:55pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 1:56pm Jul 31 2010)
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Versailles padded, satisfied, beside the large stone Silvie was standing on. She looked at the Runaways with an amused look in her eyes. -- Viola glared furiously at her sister. Apparently, she ment nothing to her own family. And then, she decided, the blood of her sister would be the first of many to stain her snow white fur. -- Jalang stood beside Viola, ready for whatever was coming. His tail lashed back and forth angirly, unjust treatment would be carried out by an undeserving pack of mongrels. -- Fell was behind Jalang and Viola, his ears percked as he sensed Dell padding up from behind. His muscles tensed as she appeared beside him, her lips curled to reveal her pearl white fangs. -- Zyrakk watched silently from the shadows of the forest. His eyes, however, were in the camp itself. He watched the wolves through the eyes of a squirrel that was perched on a tree besides the clearing.
2:01pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 2:03pm Jul 31 2010)
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((ok. I'll wait for the others to post. i dont want to start the battle without them... but heres my last one for now.)) Silviana senced the pack behind her growing...as more tracker wolves came to her side beneath the rock. She kept her same expressionless face as she motioned Sari to join Tre below. Sari nodded and jumped from the rock, landing gracefully beside Tre. Silvie returned her attention the the runaways. "However...." she repeated. "Your lives are not mine to take." she stated in the same expressionless tone. "If you fall today. It will be your own fault, but you must know. At least you were given a chance." she looked towards the ground and took a deep breath. "I wish you all the best of luck. For if you fall. You must know. I envy each and every one of you." Sari and Tre both looked up in shock at their leaders words. "For all of you have a heartbeat... and I have already died." she said. She held back tears, and continued. "This may be the last time you will see each others faces. THe last time I will see your faces. Trackers and runaways stand across from each other now. So that you can remember them, take them in. Make you realize, both believe you are fighting for whats right." she continued, taking another deep breath, her voice cracking. Sari looked towards the ground. Tears dripped from her face. Tre nudged her gently. "But. Are either of us truly right?" she continued...speaking the words she has thought for so long. "I wish you all the best of luck." she finished gazing over the runaways and her own pack. Her green eyes rising to the sky, as the sun began to sink underneath the horizon. Silviana's eyes suddenly became angry. She let out a low snarl, signalling the trackers that they could advance. Tre let out a long snarl and took a threatening step foward.
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2:08pm Jul 31 2010
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((fail i forget my own name so im going to put something down and then edit it)) Zora perked up at Silvie's speech, lightly jumping up next to her friend. "Forever and always." She wispered under her breath to Silvie. It was their promise, the one made when they were cubs, that no matter what they were in it together. "Let the battle be swift." she prayed, though she knew that it would be the bloodiest she had ever witnessed. ((failish ik))
2:14pm Jul 31 2010
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Silviana glanced at Zora. "Forever and Always." she repeated... She motioned for Zora to come beside her. "I will stand by your side. You're not getting rid of me this easily." she gave dark look. but her eyes had a slight smile.
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6:26pm Jul 31 2010
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6:30pm Jul 31 2010
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((feyth: you kinda have to read to understand))
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6:31pm Jul 31 2010
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((I was a CIT at a camp with whiny little girls and my head hurts. I want a recap... NAO!))
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6:32pm Jul 31 2010
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((ew. I would of punched the girls... sorry Im kinda mean to people younger then me xD even though most are taller. But as I said, its kinda hard to understand without reading, pretty much their readying for the battle.))
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6:37pm Jul 31 2010
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Dusk stood up, the ice melting into the snow covered ground. It was time. they would fight for their freedom and she would be there. She knew that whoever won today's battle, would effect everybody and she wished it to be neither so that Silvie understood they were equal. She stepped, paw by paw, over the snow, crunching the frozen water under her paws. Ice crept around her legs and formed sharp points on her claws her teeth did the same. She didn't know who would strike first and she didn't know the outcome, but she knew that by the end of the battle, something big will hav changed. She padded forwards to the front of the pack. Her blind eyes were open and calm. She was collected and unafraid for ice was her weapon, water her element. Her ears flicked and she dipped her head at Silvie...
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6:42pm Jul 31 2010
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((Was that good fun?))
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6:47pm Jul 31 2010
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((Did I miss anyhting important? *Goes off to read posts*))
6:49pm Jul 31 2010
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((great feyth :D did you see silvies amazing speech? xD)) Silvie stood strong and fearless on the high stone. The light breeze blew through her dark pelt as she inhaled the sweet aroma of the wood, which would soon be filled with the scent of rust and suffering. All was silent. Silvie took a deep breath. "I wish you all the best of luck." she repeated, nodding her head towards Dusk. Sari looked up at Silvie...disbelief in her eyes. Her sister was wrong. Silvie did have a heart...she prooved it today. She gave them a chance. Them all a chance. And she knew the trackers would follow her until death. Tre closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. A low snarl erupted from his throat as his ice blue eyes flashed open... flashed with anger and threat. Grace growled. This was it. She would avenge her son's death. This was it. She dug her claws into the earth.
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6:50pm Jul 31 2010
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((ash, get ash to join the battle...it will start momentarily :D))
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6:51pm Jul 31 2010
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6:52pm Jul 31 2010
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"Time for what?" Aria said running after Yuni. Was the battle still on? she wondered to herself. After everything everyone had been to it was still on! She was furious... but maybe she had jumped to conclusions she thought. She awaited her answer...
6:54pm Jul 31 2010
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((Okay. I think Ill have her go to the trackers side. :D))
6:55pm Jul 31 2010
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Dusk closed her eyes and let out a long breath, useless of course, but it felt good to hear the air whistle emptily down her throat. She opened the orbs and she could see everything. All the wolves in front of her. Her now not blind eyes flicked to Yuri and his brother. Something zapped inside of her and she looked away. He was adorabl;e and something was going on. She shook her head, this wasn't love, he hated her. She sighed, the battle was gonig to start, she shouldn't be worried about such trivial things. ((Ember, what if Dusk almost killed him and then at the last minute... didn't?))
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6:56pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 6:57pm Jul 31 2010)
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Yuni looked at Aria, "the fight." he whispered, nervous for her safety. Zir was touched by Silviana's speech. He looked at her... disbelief in his dark eyes. He senced Yuni coming and spoke without turning around. "She's amazing. The lives of the runaways are hers for the taking... and she's giving them back." he whispered. He caught the sight of Dusk. And forced his gaze towards Yuni... he couldnt fall for the enemy. Yuni looked at his brother. "She has a heart. No matter what she tells herself." he replied... his heart racing. If aria died, he would never forgive himself...and he would die soon after. Shin was silent and he bared his fangs, looking up at Silviana "The angel of Darkness has risen again." he whispered.
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