5:40pm Aug 9 2010
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((you are such a weirdo!!!))
5:44pm Aug 9 2010
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Thanks and your a- wait that language is inappropriate.... ok lets stop spamming
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5:45pm Aug 9 2010
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((this isnt a spam its a Bumpa?? lol so rmail me your plot))
5:48pm Aug 9 2010
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((tisk tisk. i wont...Its a surprise...))
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6:21pm Aug 9 2010
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((Can we please make another forum for those who want to rp Dusk and the others as pups?)) Dusk sighed. "What." she asked. She had done all she could to help Silvie and this was how they repayed her. She snorted and swished her tail. "Are you feeling better." Her vocie was calm as if she were Silvie's long lost sister... ((It would be crazy if Dusk was.))
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6:26pm Aug 9 2010
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Silvie senced Dusk's feelings. "you have done NOTHING... You never should have tried to help." she stated in a low growl, her threatening eyes narrowing towards the runaway alpha. She looked upon her in utter disgust. "It is time you showed some respect." she stated in the same expressionless tone. Sari growled angrilly at Dusk. Taking a step foward. Tre coughed but focused on both alphas. Grace felt herself shuddering. "If you're going to kill us. Do it now!" she screamed, surprised by her words.
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6:31pm Aug 9 2010
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Zora turned towards Grace but decided to ignore her, looking back at Dusk. "You best learn your place." She sent a wary glance over at Dusk and Grace making sure that they both got the same message. "I dont appreciate dogs who upset my Silvie and it most certainly be by you." She bared her teeth at Grace.
6:38pm Aug 9 2010
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Grace's eyes flashed towards Zora. "I learn mine, when you learn yours." she retorted, her lip curling, revealing murderous teeth... she was breathing heavily, still damaged from Silviana's attacks. Silvie seemed to ignore all that was around her. She senced the runaways gathering...listening. The surviving trackers doint the same. Tre's heart was racing. He looked at Silviana. Her words meant everything. To both packs. she knew what she was doing. Sari inhaled deeply, giving a dangerous glare towards Grace. "I kept your secret." she whispered under her breath.
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6:41pm Aug 9 2010
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((I thought of a fun twist, what if one of the oldest members shouted out that Dusk and Silvie were sisters. What if it turned out to be true.)) "I tried to heal you and I don't call that nothing." Dusk said, sitting down and folding her wings around her. She felt a tug in her heart as if there was something missing. She ignored, something probably was, but sh edidn't care at the moment...
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6:58pm Aug 9 2010
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((i dont really want them to be sisters. It will mess up my upcoming plot D; sorry!)) Silvie snorted. "I didnt need your healing...I would rather have died in honor rather then accept your power." she growled, her eyes narrowing, her pupils seeming to shrink to slits. Have you forgotton that you used your healing abilities TWICE in our duel? You knowingly disrespected me and my pack...not to mension your own." She growled, her stiff mucsles remaining in place. Her fur pricking even more angrilly. Sari snarled. "And according to YOUR rules. If Silviana won...the lives of the runaways would be hers for the taking... since you used your powers, thats a disqualification on your part." her anger was apparent...it was flaring more and more. She clenched her eyes shut. She wanted Silvie to kill them all. Tre managed a small smile. Dusk finally heard the words from Silvie's own jaws. Grace's heart was racing. her blue eyes dimming, sadly. This was it. She would join her pup soon.
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7:03pm Aug 9 2010
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"You were snuck up on, that isn't honor." Dusk said angrily. "Like I said before, I tried to heal you as well ansd I accepted that I was disqualified, You already said that thyeweren't your for the taking. Why don't you just kil me and get over with it." If Silvie had wanted to kill her, she would have done it, so what was stoppnig her... ((Alright...))
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7:09pm Aug 9 2010
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((I am having a lot of trouble having Dusk be the bad guy. I hope the new plot doesn't keep her that way.))
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7:12pm Aug 9 2010
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Silviana suddenly closed her eyes and looked towards the ground. "You disappoint me, Dusk...I don't kill you because your life is not worth taking" she sighed heavily. She relaxed her fur. Her eyes suddenly sprang open, the familiar cold hearted look sealed into them. "You're right. Their not mine for the taking..." The tracker eyes went wide... many shook their head. Anger flared through Sari. She felt runaways give a sigh of relief. Silvie looked at her pack. "The lives are theirs." she stated expressionlessly. She stood, turning her back towards Dusk, beggining to leave the group of wolves. She strode past the runaway fear struck faces. Tre looked up, turning to a shocked runaway male. Even in his condition he pushed the male to the ground gently. Putting his paw on the runaway's neck. "Die with honor." he whispered, pressing down...hearing the bone snap. He lifted his paw...overlooking the runaways.
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7:13pm Aug 9 2010
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((it depends on what dusk says or does in the new plot :D))
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7:16pm Aug 9 2010
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((Silvie always took things the wrong way. In the next plot, Dusk just is going to be a mime.)) Dusk shook her head sadly. "That's all I*ve been trying to get you to understand this entire time." She said. She shoved Tre away from the body of the dead runaway. "We're leaving." She said. she placed the dead runaway on her back and started to walk away, most of the alive pack following her...
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7:29pm Aug 9 2010
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Zir finally looked up, anger flared. He took a deep breath, and controlled the wind. He blew the runaways back to the center of the battlefield. "I think you should all learn a lesson." he glanced at Dusk. "Especially your leader." he growled. Shin lunged foward, snapping the back of a runaway that had to be about his age. He stood in the center of the runaway group. "A lesson." he stated. Yuni sighed heavily... he looked around...the tracker's fury growing more and more. He finally spoke... "You think we are the bad ones. But look at all of you. Not even respecting or accepting your fate. Its dispicable." he spat, his dark eyes looking at the faces of all the runaways. "She gave you a chance. You ALL a chance. You dont see it?" he questioned, beggining to circle the runaways. "Silviana. she didnt kill you off, even though it was her right. She gave you all a chance to fight for your right to survive..." he shook his head disappointedly. "And you are blinded by your own stupidity to see all that she has done." he turned angrilly clawing the face of a female runaway before trotting further away.
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
7:30pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 7:33pm Aug 9 2010)
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((I can't do this anymore, someone kill Dusk please, I need a new not so dumb charrie...)) ((btw, this post is elite, aka. 1337))
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7:20am Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 7:28am Aug 10 2010)
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Kakariyon managed to hea the others conversation and sighed"well isnt this all suprising"He said to himself.Kezo looked at him with a raised eyebrow"Is their a fight taking place?"He asked.Kakariyu shook his head"Sort of but death has took place"Keyari looked at him with a shocked ex pression"Who?"She asked.He shrugged a little.Being with ther pack again and seeing some of them be attacked was shameful.
10:33am Aug 10 2010
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Silviana overlooked the pack. The breeze blowing through her fur, her muscles stiff as she sat in a dangerous pose. She had a choice to make... one that would decide the fate of them all. One that may force her to loose the respect of the Tracker's pack... loose the respect of her sister. But gain the respect of her sworn enemies. Her dark green eyes were transfixed as more blood shed down the once calm meadow. Sari was about to finish the job on a runaway but stopped in mid lunge. She looked at her sister. The scene around her seemed to blur as she focused, trying to see what her sister was thinking. Tre made his way up the rock where Silviana sat. Blood dripped from his muzzle where he was ambushed. He seemed to understand her. "we will follow you no matter what your decision." he whispered from behind.
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10:33am Aug 10 2010
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((feyth, i will fix it! next post most likely))
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