8:59am Aug 11 2010
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1:36pm Aug 11 2010
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((yeah :D im going to wait a bit though...like 2 more posts.))
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1:38pm Aug 11 2010
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1:39pm Aug 11 2010
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((lol... yeah, like so it seems like its all over. and then i introduce the new threat.))
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1:42pm Aug 11 2010
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Dusk sighed and gazed around their land. It wasn't much different from before, just it had a river now that ran through the two pack's land and dens where people could sleep. She sighed happily and rested her head on her paws...
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1:42pm Aug 11 2010
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{[oh yeah new threat hopefully my charrys can get some action}}
3:35pm Aug 11 2010
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((mwaha. dont worry. ALL the charrys definatly will atalanta :))) Sari smiled at Grace but directed her attention to Silviana... the runaways were ready for peace. Ready to live in the tracker lands...to them, their home was here. With them. Her face suddenly serious she sat on her haunches and looked up at the great alpha. Many others doing the same, Tre took a deep breath and awaited Silvie's decision... he tried to make the past forgotton. Perhaps he will learn to grow close to his sister... Grace closed her eyes, she underestimated Silviana... this decision would truly decide the runaway and tracker's fates.
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3:38pm Aug 11 2010
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Kakariyon walked with his siblings still not feeling very settled about silvie and her decision.Could it be a trick? Kezo saw he was tensed a little and sighed
3:48pm Aug 11 2010
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Silviana overlooked both packs...she looked at Kakarion, sencing his concern. She kept her gaze transfixed on him but nodded to anwser Sari's question. Sari hid a smile... what had changed Silviana's mind...she supposed you could never predict her. Ever. She looked up at Silvie, full happiness in her eyes. tre caught the nod from his alpha and lowered his head, he was still unsure about this but knew it would be for the best... Grace gave a heavy sigh of relief... all the pain and misery Silvie has caused... she didnt seem to show any ex pression over her actions. However, her actions spoke way louder then any of their words.
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3:52pm Aug 11 2010
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Kakariyon stopped feeling silvies gaze he turned his head sideways ruby eyes looking at he.He huffed and turned his head.He kept walking.Kezo looked at him .
3:55pm Aug 11 2010
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Sari's smile faded as she turned and looked at Kakarion. She cocked her head and gave a small whine... but she took a deep breath and did her best to ignore it...she knew some tensions would still be high. Silviana looked towards the sky and turned, disappearing down the rock.
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3:55pm Aug 11 2010
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"I hope we can start over." dusk said, walking up to Silvie's side. She licked her face and then stared at the wolves and then at Silvie. Althoguh they were all equal now, Silvie was still a better speaker...
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3:56pm Aug 11 2010
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((Ah crap, late post.))
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4:00pm Aug 11 2010
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((lol its cool feyth :D)) Silvie looked back at Dusk, she smiled. "I agree. New life will be born from the ashes." she closed her eyes...once reopened they held the same expressionless gaze as usual. She strode past the other wolves, many moving from her way... She looked back up at Dusk. "Thank you. You taught me much." she bowed her head in respect... she looked at Sari but strode past, she went down a small hill and to a large river. Sari ran to Silvie's side. "Thank you!" she screamed, pawing her sister playfully. Silvie shook her head. "their returning Sari." she stated. Sari's blood ran cold..."t-they?" she questioned, her face grim. She looked back, the howls of the happy rang in her ears. Silvie nodded, and stared out over the bank
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4:04pm Aug 11 2010
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((too lazy to read))
4:04pm Aug 11 2010
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((here i go once again :D)) Shin allowed Silvie to go, he was silent and sat stiff in the area he had not moved from. Zir looked up at Dusk, his eyes seemed to be smiling, but he looked away going to his brothers side. "Well?" he questioned, he knew Silvie was speaking to Sari on an important matter...why else would she have left. Yuni seemed to sence Zir. "I dont know. But something tells me we're finding out soon." he ran to Aria, kissing her gently on the cheek.
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4:10pm Aug 11 2010
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Dusk looked back at the gathered wolfs and dipped her head. She followed Silvie, having heard some wierd news...
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4:12pm Aug 11 2010
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Kakariyon was still tensed up he couldnt help having a bad feeling.Keyari nudged him with a low whimper he looked at her then looked back forward.somethings not right.
5:09pm Aug 11 2010
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Sari began to back away in panic. She trembled...fear rolling through her system...not basic fear, but complete and utter terror. "WHY! WHY ARE THEY COMING!" she screamed at the back of her sister's head. The panic apparent in her usually calm eyes. Her fear was getting the best of her. Silviana clenched her jaw, the fury burning through her system. "Silence." she snarled dangerously without turning around. Sari was pacing back and fourth. She trembled once more, and ran from her sister. She disappeared over the small hill and over the rocks, finally coming to a halt inside her own den. Tears streaming down her cheeks.
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5:18pm Aug 11 2010
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Dusk stopped and gazed at Sari. She trotted over. "Calm Sari, what's the matter, who are they?" She asked, curious as to why she would be fearful. She kenw of one bad thing that might make even Silvie fearful, but she didn't know if they were the same...
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