PART 2, The Soulless
Their paws crunched on the decaying ground... their lips curled, revealing dagger like teeth. Their reflexes quick and equiped for even the toughest battles. None shall remain alive...for mercy was not their game. Soot rains from the blackened snow flurries of destruction.
"What be your name, pup." he snarled dangerously, striping the young one's flesh in front of her dead mother. The pup screeched in pain. "U-Urie." she replied, tears streaming down her dirty pelt. Her white hide now clung to blackened ashes...the remains of her home. He looked into the pup's eyes, they were full of terror and pain...his own? Glazed over in merriment and pas.sionlessness. "Don't hurt me.." the young one pleaded, shuddering in terror. He picked up the pup by her small and feeble leg throwing her to the ground with his dangerous fangs. The pup rolled to the ground, writhing in pain...trying to limp away. he stepped on her skull, crushing it instantly. "Shame. Suck a pretty name." he cooed in the pup's deformed ear.
Some call them heartless....I call them Soulless
-quoted by Silviana
Many of you have had your questions on Jurip, who was he? And why was he only mentioned in Silviana's past? Jurip was the brother of Silviana and Sari... it is true he was dead before the tale first began. Murdered by runaways, and betrayed by his own pack. However, the trackers wasnt his first pack...nor Silviana's... the two in fact once belonged to a pas.sionless, gruesome pack of wolves known as the Soulless. The Soulless only allowed the most powerful, most deadly into their pack...prefferably those who they believed would cause the most damage... they stalked the lands, feared by many... leaving no survivors to tell of their tale. If a survivor was ever left, they would never speak of their name, for fear the Soulless would come to finish the job.
Silviana and Jurip left the Soulless pack in their own free will, bringing Sari with them to as.sure her safety. Although Sari was never a true member of the Soulless, due to her calming personality, she has seen and done unspeakable tasks. Although the 3 tried to forget about the haunting memories of the Soulless, the horrors inched into each of their thoughts...repeatedly, making it difficult to forget...
The Soulless are unaware of Jurip's death and unaware of what Silviana and Sari have become. Soon Shrin got to thinking...'why should they survive?'. With this menacing thought...he knew he had to finish the job that his ancestors had begun. He had to kill off the remaining trackers and runaways...and finish the war in which had lead to their downfall.
Yes, the Soulless pack will better explain Silviana's past in vivid detail, as of Jurips...
Soulless Ranks:
Alpha: Sin (funlover6)
beta: Yukita(emeraldwing)
delta: Fever (feyth)
guards(x2): Tryi (elamant)
Comroa (feyth)
warriors: Anaru (atalanta)
Sesata (atalanta)
Steel (feyth)
Nyght (funlover6)
healers: Denro (atalanta)
Name: Sin
Age: young adult
Gender: male
Pack: Soulless
Rank: alpha
Power: Can cause death and decay... he can cause suffering with a simple lash of his venom filled tail, or with a venom bite. His venom is lethal and can kill. Using sensors in his paws, he can send a ray of destruction in his wake as seen in his bio picture... his symbols light up when he is attacking or about to attack. His claws and fangs are sharponed so that when used, they can strip flesh by the lightest touch.
Personality: cold hearted, uncaring. you will see
History: His ancestors helped begin the war between runaway and tracker. he has lead the soulless pack, knowing he is feared. He fell in love with Silviana, and was heartbroken when she fled....if only he had a heart to give
mate/pups/family: nope nope nope

Name: Nyght
Age: young adult
Gender: male
Pack: Soulless
Rank: warrior
Power: He can make himself evaporate into thin air and reappear in another location. He can also create fire and electricity (lightning) through his pelt which will most often kill. If a wolf manages to survive through that, his thick claws and fangs will definatly finish the job
Personality: rp it out
History: Was brought into the soulless pack a month or two after his home was destroyed. He managed to escape the soulless but in the end, joined them.
mate/pups/family: nope nope deceased
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