((READY!!!!!!! Actually, wait, I am making one more wolf for both packs, the tracker/runaways and the souless.))
Name: Takai/Hana
Age: Adult/Young adult
Gender: male/female
Pack: Soulless/Tracker-Runaways
Rank: warrior/Warrior
- Death Sense: He can look at someone and see that they are going to die.He doesn't know when, but the brighter the red aura, the sooner its going to happen.
- Animal Mimicry: He can getcertain abilities from different animals. The sharp daggerlike claws from a mountain lion or the wings of a bird.
- Power Mimicry: She can absorb other physical powers and use them against the others.
Personality: cold hearted, uncaring. you will see
History:Rp it out
mate/pups/family: nope nope nope