3:14pm Aug 12 2010
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Tryri followed Sin briskly. Nothing would touch his alpha... even though he wouldnt need protection. His claws dug into the decayed ground that Sin had caused. He lowered his head in respect and growled at the scenery. Shin senced the danger. He found his brothers. "Come." he snarled, leading them to his den...in which no one has been in for years. He wanted to check on Silviana. But knew his brothers needed him. "Stay here. Im finding Silvie." he growled. Zir gripped his leg. "Stay." he commanded. Shin was tense but looked out between the ferns that hid his home... Yuni gulped and ran to find Aria, dragging her back to Shin without her concern. "Just trust me." Yuni whispered to Aria. Panic in his voice.
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3:14pm Aug 12 2010
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"But Silvie..." Zora trailed off when she saw Silvie's look. "I will do as you ask." She turned around and sprinted away, coming across the crying Sari. "Sari, whats going on. You obviously know, so spit it out." She looked back towards the on coming clouds.
3:17pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Aug 12 2010)
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Seseta walked with her brothers the two warriors.She looked at her amazing leader with a small smirk.She never smiled it showed weakness to her.Even for a female she was tough and was not going to show weakness at anytime.She knew her leader wanted silvie back and Sari dead and wasnt going to ask to interfere because he was the leader he could handle anything.All she would do was stand by his side waiting for his orders and no one elses unless directed by him.She was a very loyal memeber of the pack even though some of them could sometimes be a pain.They asked to many questions.Even though she was a healer she was ready for a fight at any given time.Kill first ask questions later or severly harm if her opponents had the answer.The blew markings on her fur shone as she walked proudly and confidentally.She knew not to show mercy or be hesitant and trust noone.Anyone could turn on you in a matter of seconds. Anaru looked emotionless at the two packs.He never fought with any emotion.Theres no way he could.He never let his enemies get to him by making him angry.He fought in a calm yet fierce manor.His canines that were kind of like saber teeth had history for killing alot of wolves which he did proudly and with honor.His lime green eyes kept looking straigh ahead as they walked.Being a warrior was a great advantage.It showed that you were a skilled killer or fighter if you hadnt killed anyone yet.His leader was the perfect example of that strong and fierce and fought without hesitation.Anaru envied him and all that he could do.He was and is proud to be a warrior for the soulless.The strongest pack ever known and the fiercest.This silvie had to be strong for her to be in this pack. Denro was like Anaru they always fought without hesitation.His brother was better than him but he always works hard to become stronger.It was hids goal as a warrior to become as strong as he could possibly be and then some.He was always focused it was amazing as to how focus he could be.His speed combined with his agility was also an advantage.It helped him become a warrior of the soulless.He gazed at the packs ahead and made no sound.But all what he was thinking and feeling could be seen through his eyes.Hate and destruction was all he knew at this moment.He didnt care much at all how they were feeling at this moment.Feelings were out of the question when it came to fighting .Maybe anger and hatred was formed into it but thats about all.There was nothing more for them.It was best if they just said there goodbyes now and left it at that. Kakariyon looked at his siblings.His sisters seem to cowar while kezo was standing tall and waiting.Kakariyon turned his face back to the cloud.He wasnt afraid but rather curious.He was always curious when it came to things like this.It always fascinated him about the strengths of the wolves powers.Thats why he wasnt araid of silvies but seemed to be more curious about it then anything.

3:26pm Aug 12 2010
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(one of the longest post i ever typed XD)
3:30pm Aug 12 2010
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((your telling me... im used to the tiny maybe 4 sentence posts from you lol))
3:35pm Aug 12 2010
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((good job atalanta :) and i've had failish posts this whole rp xD))
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3:36pm Aug 12 2010
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((lol i can be literate when i want to be other than that i guess im lazy XD...thanks fun but your posts are better than mine))
3:36pm Aug 12 2010
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Nilet smiled. "I like you..." She muttered. She had no clue how the alpha would take this, but she had feelings for him that she could never deny. She heaved a sigh as the moon started to take its place in the sky, high above them. A full moon, or a blue moon to be exact, for it had happened twice this moon. She felt its warm rays fall upon her and felt that she had the moon's blessing for the upcoming slaughter...
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3:40pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Aug 12 2010)
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Sin came to an abrupt halt...his deltas words rang in his ears, his pack falling still behind him. He ignored the thought, this was no time to admit feelings. He turned and gazed at their confused faces. "As I said. I am going to continue alone." he stated, his tail whipping from side to side in a relaxed way. His black eyes were transfixed on the members, he would pick a few of them to continue with him. His symbols glowed a light orange, his fur pricked dangerously. Silvie awaited. She senced them. They would come soon. She knew the pack was seeking shelter upon instinct. The breeze for once was silent. Movement had ceased, her muscles were stiff...her dark green eyes gazing at the darkened horizon Sari coughed. "They are coming." was all she managed to say. She was confused and scared.
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3:42pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Aug 12 2010)
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((fail of all fails xD i dont think i could top the one you just did atalanta!))
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3:44pm Aug 12 2010
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Nilet nodded her head and stepped backwards right into Takai. She mumbled an apology as he nipped her tail and stopped figdeting. She sighed as he said he wanted to continue alone and stared out at the forest. Her claws itched for a fight, but she had to listen to the alpha, more importantly, she had to think. Last time she had gone into a battle without thinking, it had cost her sister's life...
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3:45pm Aug 12 2010
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((I topped Atlanta's post with my super long one and now I am back to...that...))
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3:50pm Aug 12 2010
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((yeah feyth. I had to put off like 10 min just to read xD))
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3:50pm Aug 12 2010
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3:51pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 3:54pm Aug 12 2010)
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Seseta understood and came to halt.She was very obediant and didnt love on unless he told her to.Her eyes were narrowed a little as she stopped.She looked at her leader to see what he would do next.He was powerful and bold those two things mixed together could cause alot of damage along with a side of hate and anger. Anaru stopped as well hearing his leader speak.He could handle this himself if he wanted.None of them had to be there and he could have all of them dead in an instant.There shouldnt be any cause for alarm on any of there faces except for the trackers and the runaways.If he wanted togo alone their was no issue.But its always nice to have a back up plan in case things dont go accordingly. Denro stopped as well side by side with his brother.Being a warrior also meant you had to know when to listen and when to do something.He looked as his leader who was calm.Denro was always prepared and ready for anything.But in this case he saw that his help was really needed but they would sort of be back up.

3:52pm Aug 12 2010
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((lol np, it was good :D Im going to wait for the others to post cause Im still thinking who to ask to accompany sin xD))
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3:52pm Aug 12 2010
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((Just to let you all know, Dusk is going to die in this plot... soon.))
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3:52pm Aug 12 2010
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((Ask Nilet and Takai!))
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3:52pm Aug 12 2010
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((atalanta, the other pack cant see them, their a couple miles away on the opposite side of the river...))
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3:53pm Aug 12 2010
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((sorry sorry))