3:55pm Aug 12 2010
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((lol its ok :) just saying :D and feyth, im picking random wolves from each person in the rp :D))
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3:55pm Aug 12 2010
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((Ah, okay!))
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4:04pm Aug 12 2010
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4:13pm Aug 12 2010
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4:14pm Aug 12 2010
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Yukita stopped and backed up, sitting down patiently waiting for orders. Alot came with being beta, and showing the rest of the pack how to behave was one of the things. HEr eyes widened at the comment made but hide her reaction quickly. Her jaw ached to wrap around something, to taste blood, but Silvies blood was not up for grabs. "I dont see or smell Jurip in the crowds."She noted to herself under her breath. She perked up her ears so she wouldnt miss the alpha's instructions. Zora's eyes widened. "What, who is coming?" She asked even more confused than Sari.
4:26pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 4:27pm Aug 12 2010)
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Skin scanned the ranks. His symbols glowed. "Yukita. Nilet. Takai. Steel. Seseta. Anaru. Tryri." He stated expressionlessly, his eyes transifixed on each of the faces he called. His fur pricked more. "You may accompany me if you wish." he stated in the same expressionless manner, growling at the rest of the pack. "Stay here." he growled towards the remaining pack members. He turned, his tail lashing dangerously. Silviana's scent was strong... Jurips was no where in range. Sari's was faint but apparent. A low growl erupted from his throat as he took another step foward, continuing his decent towards his destination. Sari was silent. "Stay hidden." was all she could say, even though she knew...hiding would do nothing. ((Fail but okay))
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4:31pm Aug 12 2010
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((leaving for karate, gtg, uh ill post something, but after this funsa, you can do something with Yukita if you need to.)) Yukita nodded and stood, following her alpha's orders. She shifted her wings, as she made the decent down. She walked at a brisk pace but made sure never to get infront of the alpha, but to stay if not even but slightly behind.
4:35pm Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 4:53pm Aug 12 2010)
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A smile crept across her maw. She was getting a chance to come with him and that she did. "Yes Alpha." She dipped ehr head and stepped forward to flank him. Her eyes flashed with a bright light and the needles on her fur raised in anticipation. White fire curled around her paws, burning the ground with every step. Nile stared at Sin and raised her head to the approaching wolves he had called. She was itching to battle, to kill Sari or that mongrel silvie and then shook her head. Steel could take Sari and Silvie owed Sin the honner of killing her. She licked her lips, that was fine with her as long as she got to kill whoever the runaway beta was... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takai nodded as Sin called his name and he stepped forward, echoing the words 'yes alpha' that Nilet had said just moments before. He opened his eyes and lost the features of the bat and looked at Nile. He breathed a sigh of relief that the delta's aura was just a dim red, meaning that she wouldn't die in this battle, although that could be changed with every descision the delta made... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Yes Sin." Steel's pelt turned to his namesake as he padded forward to meet his alpha. He bowed his head, staring at the ground for quite a few seconds before matchinbg their leader's gaze and turning to stare at the forest byond wondering if Sin would let him take Sari...
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4:35pm Aug 12 2010
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Denro nodded understanding what his leader had said.It was right for him to not pick him he wasnt strong enough. Seseta and Anaru stepped forward and followed him loyally.Anaru was a little suprised he picked him but not really since he was one of the warriors.He wasnt exciter or mad about it he just went with it.(fail)
4:46pm Aug 12 2010
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Sin smiled to himself, hearing the pace of his ranks behind him. The ground beneath his feet decayed as he walked on. He looked back at the followers...his favorite and most loyal pack mates. "I want all powers disabled for our first meeting... Silviana is one to attack." he stated expressionlessly, disabling his own gifts. He turned back around and looked through the trees. She was waiting. He shook out his pelt and began to quicken his pace as he shot into the wood. Silviana's ears twitched. They were approaching. She was calm. Her mucsles stood stiff as she awaited their arrival. Her eyes were cold and threatening, much as the day she left.
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4:49pm Aug 12 2010
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Anaru obeyed him and disabled his powers.Seseta did the same.Anaru ear flickered hearing she was one to attack.So was he without hesitation but he wouldnt if his leader didnt comand it.Seseta wasnt very happy about diabiling her powers.Just because they did didnt mean she wouldnt after all.He wants t kill her sister.
4:52pm Aug 12 2010
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Dusk stood next to Silvie, her eyes much like Silvie's. "I wonder if we could beat them." She said to herself as the ominous wind blew her pelt awry... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nile, Takai, and Steel all nodded in agreement and shut off their pwoers. Nile was first. She felt the fire on her paws go out, singing the gr*censored* around her and then the toxins in her mane hid themselves back in their pouches. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Next was Takai. He closed down the animal temptation in his mind and cursed on the moon for a moment. "I can't... I don't know how." His ears lay back on his head in embarresment and he turned away, a bit frightened of the alpha... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally Steel did so. The metal coating his fur dissapeared, causing the fur on his back to change to a silver color instead of the black it normally was. He shrugged, it was good enough and what were the chances of Silvie recognizing him personally...
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5:05pm Aug 12 2010
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((last post)) Silvie looked at Dusk. "GO." she snarled dangerously. She wanted to be alone when she faced her past... she has always known they would return... but if Dusk was here, her previous pack mates may feel she was challenging. She knew the soulless couldnt be beaten. Perhaps they will go if she went with them. She took a deep breath, her eyes focused on the opposite side of the bank. Sin looked at Takai. A dangerous glare in his near black eyes. He growled lowly but ignored the wolf. He continued foward. They would arrive by sundown... which was still some time away. Sari waited. the sky darkened, the sun was no longer visible.
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5:07pm Aug 12 2010
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Dusk nodded at her harsh words and walked down the hill side to her packmates and the other trackers... ((fail...))
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7:40pm Aug 12 2010
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Yukita snorted, her ability to turn objects to stone disabled. "Sir? How long has it been since they left?" She asked straight out. If there was one thing that she knew bugged Sin was avoiding the question or point trying to be made. She didnt, however, know exactly how much it bugged him. Yuktia was bold but maybe too bold for her own good, and she backed away a couple paces just incase.
9:27pm Aug 12 2010
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Sin growled dangerously towards Yukita...hearing her paws shuffle backwords. He whipped around, sinking his claws into her neck, and ripping down lightly. Not enough to severly hurt her, but enough to draw a small amount of blood. "Ignorance is not tolerated." he stated expressionlessly. Giving a warning glare to the rest of the followers. It pained him to think of Silviana and Jurip's leaving... but he hid that from the pack. "Its been many seasons." was all he said to anwser Yukita's question once he calmed down. Silviana took a deep breath. She clenched her eyes shut... for once in her life...she felt...fear. Not for her life, but for the trackers/runaways...she knew their lives may be taken... She also feared the life of the Soulless. The pack was strong, but only knew strength and fear...never compas.sion. Her green eyes scanned the scene. She didnt turn around but called to Dusk... "Tell them I'm sorry, Dusk." she said in an expressionless whisper.
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10:59pm Aug 12 2010
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Dusk dipped her head and announced it to the pack as was her duty. She dipped her head as the pack glanced at eachother in wonder. Dusk padded to Silvie's side and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of death. "Silvie, tell me, who are these Souless and why do they make even you tremble?" She knew it would be a bad time to ask, but she needed to know...
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11:06pm Aug 12 2010
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"They are our end." she replied expressionlessly without turning around. The sun was sinking even behind the darkened clouds. She knew the pack was getting anxious, for they did not know what was coming. She decided to start from the beggining, but was unsure if Dusk wanted to hear her tale...her true tale.
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11:08pm Aug 12 2010
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Dusk nodded and continued to listen. She needed something keep her mind off the ominous way the sun was not shedding warmth over her body. She shuddered... ((Post on Expiriments.))
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11:15pm Aug 12 2010
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"The soulless are another pack. One whom give no mercy. They will kill until their is not a life left, even a newborn pup isnt safe...the soulless, was my old pack. Before the Trackers. Mine and Jurips." she began, her eyes focused on the darkened clouds. She knew they would arrive soon. She sighed heavily. "They are coming. Now. Their alpha is perhaps more powerful then I. He is the reason for the blackening skies and the decay." she said trying to keep her voice steady. "Jurip and I left with Sari long ago. We havnt had contact with the gruesome pack since. They are unaware of Jurip's death...and they thirst for mine or Saris." she stated, her voice sounding colder by the second. She finally turned and looked at Dusk, "Even after my accident...after my memory loss... the soulless still burn in my mind." she returned her attention to across the bank. When Tre and Grace heard Dusk say Silvie apologized the two instantly knew something was horribly wrong... they looked to the sky but remained in their den.
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