11:15pm Aug 12 2010
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((ok, one sec :)))
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12:32am Aug 13 2010
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Tryri lowered his own power silently, not wanting to disrespect his alpha's wishes. His thirst for blood stung in his mouth as his lip curled into a dangerous growl. He was loyal to the Soulless, and honored that Sin had chosen him to pay a visit to their old friend... he hoped Silviana wouldnt remember him. The two have had their past... his fur pricked as the sun began to lower. Sin would be the first to see Silviana... they would be behind, awaiting the command to end her.
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9:22am Aug 13 2010
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Seseta huffed on the inside at yukitas dumb question.Didnt she know he didnt like stupid questions likie that.It wasnt really of any importance at the time since they were near them.Seseta knew to keep her mouth shut unless spoken to.Anaru knew the same.He wouldnt dare to ask such an ignorant question.If he wanted us to know he would of told us other than that dont ask at all.
12:02pm Aug 13 2010
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Yukita walked still in her position, refusing to show the obvious pain from her wound. She would not take care of it and if anyone else were to besides the alpha himself she would feel weak and vulnerable. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Silvie waiting for them on the other side of the river. ((sorry its nnot longer or more deed, its the best i can do without a recap.))
12:38pm Aug 13 2010
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"I can't say that I*ve ever heard of them. Though after the flood, a dark wolf came to visit me and he asked me to join his pack. When I refused, he left me with this." Dusk turned to her and bowed her head to show the long scar down her back. She sighed, "Idon't know why he left me alive, after all, I was a pup and he could've killed me easily, but anyway..." She shook her head. She hadn't joined his pack, was it possible she had met the souless without knowing it?
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12:41pm Aug 13 2010
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Silvie was silent..."Go now, Dusk. I must be alone." she stated expressionlessly, if she could hear her heartbeat...she imagined it pounding heavily against her chest. "Get the others inside." she finished, her eyes narrowing to the opposite bank. Silvie's scent rolled into Sin's nose at that moment, he felt his blood race. He looked at the followers. "No attacks." he repeated.
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12:46pm Aug 13 2010
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Nile nodded and stopped walking as she too scented the smell of Silvie and some other wolf. She dug her claws into the ground, tempted to use fire, but she didn't. Sin could kill her and she knew that he would make it a slow painful death. She sighed and sat down, her eyes cold and terriying... Steel obeyed, sitting down and disabling his other power. He too smelt Silvie and Sari and he breathed in Sair's scent, this was the one he was going to kill. He was going to get revenge for her escape, or rescue. A smile crept across his face as he hoped ths would end in blood shed... Takai looked up and saw a figure on the hill, it was glowing as brightly as the sun with a brilliant shade of red. He almost felt bad for the wolf that it was going to die so soon, but he shook his head. It was his duty to feel no cop*censored*ion for no living thing. He narrowed his eyes... ------------------------------------------------ Dusk dippe dher head at the other alph and smelt the air as she walked down the hill, unaware that she was noticed by the souless named Takai. She dug her claws into the ground and wondered if it was a souless that had given her that scar and if he was still alive...
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12:54pm Aug 13 2010
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"Yes sir." Yukita answered more to herself. She had two powers but only the deadly one could be disabled, for her second was the wings that allowed her to fly. Those wings she tucked in tight against her body, the thin skin taking in her high body tempature. She inhaled the scents of the many wolve having been around. "No attacks, just a recrution." She told her self sighing softly but raising her head and walking with a posture, not unlike the one that Sin walked with.
1:00pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin looked at his pack. "time to see our friend again." he emerged from the brush, gazing at Silviana for the first time in many seasons. His dark eyes met her green ones, he didnt growl but simply came into the moonlight. He strode onto the bank. Silviana sat stiff, motionless. They were here. She would attack if needed, even though she knew Sin was much more powerful. Sin looked back at his followers but looked at Silviana. "Arent you going to come here." he asked dangerously. He tapped his paw on the ground, the water from the river recoiling and revealing a path for Silviana to wak through. Silviana narrowed her eyes but took one step into the path...
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1:05pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 1:05pm Aug 13 2010)
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Yukita gasped silently. Silviana was prettier than she remembered and she felt a pang of jealousy. Yukita took a step forward glaring at Silvie as if to say, 'Try anything funny and I will kill you.' She shifted from paw to paw, she hated Silviana's power. It had been used on her once, but it had been only an accident then. Still, Yukita didnt trust Silviana and wondered why Sin did.
1:08pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin watched Silviana's every move. She was one of his most cunning fighters... he wanted to make her his alpha, but she fled before he could. His dark eyes glared as she came up onto their bank. Silviana caught Yukita's look and turned to look at her. Her eyes seemed to say 'I'd like to see you try.' she returned her gaze to the others and stared at them each for several moments before sitting stiff several paces away.
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1:10pm Aug 13 2010
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Nile held back a growl and looked at Silvie's cold eyes with her own pulsing red ones. Her face twisted into a grin. She had expierienced Silvie's power once, but due to the fact that she had managed to burn Silvie in the middle of it, she wasn't very afraid of the other wolf, thoguh she was much prettier than she remembered...
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1:12pm Aug 13 2010
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Seseta looked at yukita then looked back at silvie emotionless.The blue markings on her body still glimmering.She took no intrest to yukitas stare for it would get her into trouble in due time.Sesta knew not to interfere with this problem even if she wished to.Anaru looked at silie as well.He didnt glare but he just simply looked with no emotion no thoughts not anything crossed his mind.
1:14pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin looked at Silviana. Scanning the area. He held her gaze, his tail whipping calmly around his legs. "Where is your brother?" he questioned in an expressionless voice. Jurip's power was extrememly useful in major slaughters... Silviana glared into the face of Sin. "He's dead." she growled lowly.
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1:36pm Aug 13 2010
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((that was failish so sorry for that))
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3:30pm Aug 13 2010
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5:16pm Aug 13 2010
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"Jurip. Dead?" Yukita wipsered to herself in awe. "Thats not possible." She said still wispering, her eyes widening. Yukita shook her head in disbelief before sitting down. "How is that possiblle?" She asked, just a little louder. "He was strong, a real fighter. It's a shock to know that somebody beat him in battle." She knew that others would agree with that too. She had always admired Jurip for his strength and to find that he was dead was a major shock. -------- Zora caught the scent of other wolves. "Sari, get somewhere safe, I'll come right back for you." She said turning around and running back the way she had come. She stopped going as fast when she could here voices, and she crouched down and crawled into the under brush, carefulto not make alot of noise. When she looked to see the power levels, not one of the strange wolves had any power level at all. It took her by surprise and she accidentaly let out a small gasp.
5:39pm Aug 13 2010
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Tryri was taken back by Silviana's words....Jurip...dead? Impossible. He was once the beta ((that okay, guys?)) of the soulless pack before he and his sisters retreated from their ranks. His eyes narrowed towards Silviana. After all these years she has turned into a weapon. She was fully equiped for killing, and her beauty was stunning. He hid this from his pack, knowing SIn would kill him if he heard his thoughts.
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7:09pm Aug 13 2010
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7:12pm Aug 13 2010
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((I*m here.))
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