7:25pm Aug 13 2010
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((yay feyth :) ))
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7:27pm Aug 13 2010
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7:29pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin growled lowly..."Jurip.dead." he repeated, his eyes still expressionless. Would he believe Silviana? It would explain Jurip's missing scent. Suddenly his ear twitched. His tail shot through the brush, wrapping itself around Zora's left paw, dragging her to the clearing in which they stood. -fail, but ok xD-((gosh emem, zora is so stupid xDD))
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7:39pm Aug 13 2010
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((lol ik i made it that way.)) HEY!!! LET ME GO!" Zora squirmed, managing to wrap her jaws around Sin's tail. "I. Said. Let. Me. Go." She snarled sinking her teeth into his tail. ------ Yukita snarled watching Zora bite Sin's tail. "How dare you put your filthy teeth on him." SHe snarled jumping to a stand, her fur prickling. -fail lol-
7:42pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin felt no pain. He wrapped his tail around the strangers body constricting his victum, hearing her ribs creak... the tip of his tail danced around the offenders head...the poisonous barbs apparent. He dragged her closer...throwing her to the ground. "Yukita. end her." he stated expressionlessly. Silviana snarled dangerously. "Dont yout touch her." she growled, her fur pricking threateningly, her lip curled as her throat released a menacing snarl.
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7:43pm Aug 13 2010 (last edited on 7:50pm Aug 13 2010)
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Nile dug her claws into the ground wondering why he hadn't told her to kill the wolf. She looked away and growled at Silvie under her breath...
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7:43pm Aug 13 2010
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((Oops, late post.))
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7:48pm Aug 13 2010
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((lol should i just post like that one didnt happen?))
7:50pm Aug 13 2010
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7:51pm Aug 13 2010
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((oops sorry for that feyth D;))
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7:52pm Aug 13 2010
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((Its alright.))
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7:54pm Aug 13 2010
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((im eating. sorry if i dont respond... xD definatly post in about an hour))
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7:58pm Aug 13 2010
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Yukita stepped forward smiling "Yes sir." She unfolded her wings leaping into the air at Zora. She took Zora by the neck and landed on the other s*censored* tightening her jaws around Zora's neck. ----- Zora cried out in pain. She tried to turn around to try and land a blow on Yukita but she was held in the exact position that she couldnt turn far enough. She felt the teeth sink into her neck tighter and she squealed out in pain, howling for the mercy she would not likely recieve.
8:01pm Aug 13 2010
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Silviana snarled, she tackled Yukita, sinking her own jaws into her wing and tearing hard until the wing hung limply. She through Yukita to the ground... "Dont you touch her, Sin." she snarled in the same menacing voice.
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8:09pm Aug 13 2010
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Yukita snarled jumping back up to a defensive stance careful not to show her pain. Instead she looked to Sin for instructions, ignoring her limp wing. She would have it healed later. Zora quickly rolled up and snarled careful to keep an eye on Sin's tail and the rest of the members he had brought along.
8:10pm Aug 13 2010
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((Can I kill Zora?))
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8:14pm Aug 13 2010
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Sin narrowed his eyes. He had nearly forgotton how strong Silviana was dispite her small size. He growled lowly. His whip like tail wrapping gently around Silviana's neck. Silviana stood stiff, she wasnt afraid of Sin. She could use her own gifts if she felt the need to. And he would die. Her life will be over as well, but she would bring him down with her. "Run Zora. Now." she hissed expressionlessly, her eyes sealed on Sin.
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8:16pm Aug 13 2010
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((omgizzle i found sari's bio xD i forgot about her powers xDD))
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8:18pm Aug 13 2010
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Nile was tempted to say that he had said to disable powers, but shrugged. "Sin, should we talk first, that is what you wanted." She pointed out. She was ready for a lashing, but they needed to stay on plan...
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8:20pm Aug 13 2010
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((Hey, I found Sari's bio too and realized she has almost the same powers as dusk...))
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