11:00am Aug 15 2010
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((sureness dusk))
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11:04am Aug 15 2010
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Dusk walked up and her eyes widened. "Silviana! Wait!" dusk cried out, it couldn't end this way, she needed to know what was going on. "Silvie, whatr is going on?" the black wolf asked, trying to get her to stop..
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11:06am Aug 15 2010
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Silviana stood expressionless, her eyes turning to a calming hue as she ceased her gift. Her eyes menacing. Sin climbed to his feet. He was silent, his eyes on Dusk... his face held the same expressionless glare that he had through the whole meeting.
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11:14am Aug 15 2010
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Dusk looked from the dead pup to Sin to Silvie and then back to sin. Her cold eyes turned to fury. "You killed imph?! she asked in alarm as she recognized the body. She forced herself not to walk forward and try to kill them all...
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11:20am Aug 15 2010
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((I have to go to church, stupid parents. See you later!))
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12:16pm Aug 15 2010
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Sin was silent, a dark gleam in his eyes. "I did not." he replied expressionlessly. His whip like tail once again whipping from side to side...his followers were inching for bloodshed....and they would soon recieve it.
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1:06pm Aug 15 2010
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1:23pm Aug 15 2010
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((read it!))
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3:00pm Aug 15 2010
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((read xDD in yo face emerald xDDD)) Tryri snarled once and took a dangerous step towards Silviana... pack-mate or not she dare lay a finger...or power on Sin? Not on his watch...his body thirsted for her death, thirsted for her blood between his jaws. He growled lowly, his lip curling into a dangerous snarl...his eyes darkening dangerously to match his snarl.
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3:55pm Aug 15 2010
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5:05pm Aug 15 2010
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Dusk snarled, but stayed back, tears creeping at her eyes. She shook them away, scattering the ground with wet spots. She turned her gaze to Sin. "Who did then. I*m going to kill them." she growled...
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6:08pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 6:10pm Aug 15 2010)
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((shadow!! omg sorry i thought you poofed from this rp like the others... did you read the new plot? you can make a wolf and pretend sin called its name as well :))) Sin was silent, his wicked eyes on the newcomer. "What is your name." was all he stated. Silviana knew what this question meant. She snarled lowly.
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6:15pm Aug 15 2010
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Takai looked away as he saw the blazing red light emitting from Dusk. He stepped forward. Dusk narrowed her eyes, "What's it to you." She asked, a shield going up in her mind. Water swirled around her as she focused her gaze on Sin..
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6:29pm Aug 15 2010
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7:15pm Aug 15 2010
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Tryri stiffened dangerously... he wanted to kill them both...but he decided not to do so... for his alpha would surely put him back in line if he dare to step out. -failness-
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7:25pm Aug 15 2010
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ooc; Sorry, just been really busy. xD I did read the new plot & I will get my charrie in asap.
7:31pm Aug 15 2010
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((ok wolf, look foward to seeing it :D))
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7:32pm Aug 15 2010
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((Can Dusk get killage now?))
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7:47pm Aug 15 2010
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Name: Rikki Age: Young Adult Gender: Female
Pack: Soulless
Rank: Warrior
Power: The power to animate inanimate objects (ex; trees, rocks, petrified organisims) And the ability to control radiation (nuclear, ultraviolet etc) she also absorbs any sort of radiation & it heals. Her final, smaller, power is the ability to slightly morph/mold solid objects. Personality: Roleplay it out.
History: Was attacked by the Soulless as a pup. The attack had changed her. When they found her again, she was unrecognizable, she joined. As if that weren't strange enough, she didn't recognize the Soulless either. mate/pups/family: None/None/Killed by Soulless
7:53pm Aug 15 2010 (last edited on 7:55pm Aug 15 2010)
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((Cool, I am going to make one more Souless wolf that is going to be a minor charrie.)) Name: Danu Age:Young adult
Gender:Female Pack: Soulless
Rank:Warrior Power: The ability to control the ancient forces of fiery p*censored*ion and darkest sin. Pulse It's powerful enough to destroy plastic, steel, and wood.
Personality: Roleplay it out.
History: Nothing interesting
mate/pups/family: None/None/None
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