8:58am Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 9:00am Jun 29 2010)
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At first Sierra was confused, why wasnt Silvie moving...then she felt it. Such immence force exploding into her system...she howled with pain and agony. She squirmed and was pressed to the ground...her body failing her. The pain was so immence she wanted to die...so this was Silvie's power...it real weapon, she was telling the truth. She howled louder and louder, no doubt awakening several other wolves. She felt tears flow from her eyes knowing this could do nothing. Finally she couldnt move a limb at all, just feel the pain slowly kill her. She believed this was no doubt the most torturous and miserable way to fall... she felt herself slip away as she closed her eyes for what seemed as the last time. Yuni returned the smile, "You know, to as.sociate yourself with me is punishable by death to the both of us...but I dont mind." he said flirtaciously. He was glad he met this wolf, she was beautiful and he was falling for her...no... if you fall for a runaway you will die. he thought but didnt care.
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9:03am Jun 29 2010
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Silvie gave a low snarl, "Still think I lied?" she took a step over Sierra's unmoving body... when she p*censored*ed any runaways she ignored them and went back to the rocky outcrop and sat and watched the stars...thinking of her brother, one she failed.
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9:07am Jun 29 2010
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Lumasi's auditors rose and swiveled at the sound of a death howl. She gave an at attention look on her body. -fail-
9:09am Jun 29 2010
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"Well then I guess I don't care either." She looked at him with her icy blue eyes. She proceeded to lay down near the gate and continue looking at him. She knew that he was the one for her because of him not caring whether it was punishable by death. She knew she wanted to get out of this prison but now what? I couldn't leave Yuni behind, he is risking his life She thought. She decided to live in the present. "And by the way I want to be as.sociated with you..."
9:14am Jun 29 2010
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Yuni gave a mischievous smile, "Good, because I dont think I could bare if you didnt want to be." he layed down next to her...could she be the one? Leave it to me to fall in love in a forbidden romance. he thought but still didnt care...but he didnt want to risk her life. At the sound of a runaway's scream, he jumped. Silvie used her gift...she never used her gift. But he just smiled lightly at Aria and needed to leave before Silvie or Sari found him...he got up and started to run but came back and kissed her lightly on the cheek..."I will return as soon as I can." he surveryed the scene, making sure there were no onlookers.
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9:14am Jun 29 2010
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((and i gtg, going out for breakfast))
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9:16am Jun 29 2010
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((it was fine lauren :) and ok elamant :))) Silvie snarled once and looked back to the sky, the stars made her think of her brother, was he still looking down at her, disappointed? She failed him, and he lost his life... she was weak.
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9:21am Jun 29 2010
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"Okay" she whisperred while he ran away. She knew this would turn out horrible eventually. But when it did she could run. Hopefully with Yuni. Things had moved so fast but she liked it. She had never had anything outside of these walls so she had nothing to lose anyway.
10:01am Jun 29 2010
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10:34am Jun 29 2010
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((wb shadow :) lauren joined as a lone, silvie and sierra fought...and romance is starting to occur between yuni and aria :) oh and aatara's sister died, and sari is trying to find out who :)))
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10:37am Jun 29 2010
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Aria finally stood up and walked over near Silvie. She looked really sad and hoped she could make her feel better. "You ok?" she asked.
10:37am Jun 29 2010
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ooc; Alright, is it sill night time?
10:47am Jun 29 2010
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Silvie snarled, her eyes like a threatening venom. She looked at Aria, "Out of my way mutt." she hissed, shoving her out of the way as she made her way to another rock... Sari saw her sister, a runaway talking to Silvie? ((umm yeah, but everyones awake :) and again i apologize for the meaness of my charrys!))
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10:53am Jun 29 2010
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"Well then I was only trying to be nice but if you insist ill go away" Aria said completely unaltered by Silvie's meaness. She walked over to where she and Yuni had met and laid down once again to wait for his return...
11:08am Jun 29 2010
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Silvie snarled lowly, she was in no mood for any runaway's worthless actions... she pricked her fur warning any wolf to stay out of her way. ((fail))
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11:12am Jun 29 2010
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Aria ignored Silvie but didn't care she was the alpha female around here. She decided to use her powers. She made Silvie think she was in a boat in the ocean. "How do ya like me now" Aria muttered?
11:16am Jun 29 2010
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{{Woah. Recap please?}}
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:34am Jun 29 2010
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Name: Zora Age: young adult Gender: female Pack: trackers Rank: delta female Power: She has the ability to sense the abilities and power strength of foes in colors. light blue- really weak blue- just weak green- weak yellow: moderate orange: strong red: really strong Personality: rp it out History: rp it out mate/pups/family: mate open, no pups, family is runaway, but turned into tracker when potential was seen looks: colors red and orange. wings just for show.
11:38am Jun 29 2010
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ooc; @Blood; Aatara's sister died. Yuni and Aria have fallen in love. Silvie killed Sierra There are loners coming close to the pack Aria tries to talk to Silvie
Silvie is NOT in a good mood They are all pretty much still in the camp and Silvie has found a rock to sit on. :P
11:56am Jun 29 2010
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((shadowolf, yeah thats pretty much it, and i love the part with silvie on a rock. accepted emem :))) Silvie layed her head between her paws, she clenched her eyes shut, thinking of Jurip...she did nothing after his death, she had failed at standing by his side...the guilt ate her alive. She failed her older brother, and he paid the price of his life.
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