3:15pm Aug 19 2010
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Tryri rolled his eyes, he didnt see any reason why Yukita was bettess, she with big-headed...and that would no doubt be her downfall. He growled lowly...he to craved blood...but he would not mension this to his alpha...
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7:09pm Aug 20 2010
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((bumpness :)))
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7:16pm Aug 20 2010
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 <-- Click me
7:18pm Aug 20 2010
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Sin's gaze suddenly whipped around, his tail lashing out and gripping Zora's neck, throwing her with an unimaginable amount of force, into a thick tree, which seemed to shatter to bits upon impact. A low growl escaped his throat as he looked back at Silviana, awaiting her reaction.
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8:19am Aug 21 2010
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Zora, caught off gaurd by the sudden attack, went flying and yelped out in pain as she hit the tree. "You are going to pay for that." She snarled rising, her eyes emotionless. She bolted for Sin watching his tail and jumping away at the last second when it would go to hit her. She punced into the air just in front of Sin. Yukita snarled as she jumped into the air and intercepting the attack. As the two wolves landed Yukita jumped on top of Zora and pinned her, Yukita's eyes like fire. "You. Will. Not. Harm. My. Alpha." She said hardly out of breath.
8:42am Aug 21 2010
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Sin snarled, interlocking his fangs onto Yukita's scruff, and throwing her with only a fraction of his strength to the earth with a loud thud. He growled once more as she rolled back to the others behind him. "Dont you ever disrespect me again, Yukita." he warned dangerously. He turned back to Yukita, awaiting her to get up.
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9:17am Aug 21 2010 (last edited on 9:18am Aug 21 2010)
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"Yes sir." Yukita said bowing her head. She pulled her tail in close to her body retreating back to her posistion. She didnt wince but the pain was imense and she regretted her decision to jump. I will see you dead, Zora, I promise you that. Yukita shot Zora a vicous look, but turned her attention to her alpha waiting for a punishment. Zora looked back at Silvie, wimpering as her useless paw twitched. Her eyes were full of regret, but no fear. They seemed to say to Silve Im sorry, so so sorry.
9:28am Aug 21 2010
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Silviana looked at Zora, her eyes saying No. I have failed you... before she snarled loudly, tackling Sin to the ground... dodging his tail and delivering menacing blows to his ribcage and underbelly. Sin quickly rebounded and threw her off with the loud crackle of shattering bones... she landed in an unmoving heap on the earth. "Yukita. Keep her down." he commanded dangerously... he looked at Silviana, blood dripping from underneath him. He clenched his eyes at the damage he did to his love before returning a gaze to Zora.
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9:35am Aug 21 2010
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"Yes Alpha." Yukita walked over to Silvie standing between Sin and Silvie. "Silvie, why did it have to come to this? He wishes not to harm you." She sat back on her haunches though ready to pounce at any moment. "Why silve, why."
9:47am Aug 21 2010
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Sin lunged out, wrapping his whip like tail around Zora's neck and squeezing hard... he threw her to the ground and put a paw on her neck, leaning down. "What is your name..." he whispered in her beaten ear.
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12:42pm Aug 21 2010
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Zora stopped her struggling, she couldnt move anyway. She looked back at Silvie one last time before closing her eyes and smiling. "I am Zorantha, but I only go by Zora." She lay her head down on the dirt sighing. "And you?" She opened an eye to look at Sin.
12:44pm Aug 21 2010
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Sin's lip curled, revealing dagger like teeth. "I am Sin. And We are the Soulless." he whispered, his tail snapping towards Zora's neck, injecting the fatal toxins into her soft tissues. He pressed his paw down on the mutt's neck, the bones creaking with pressure.
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1:23pm Aug 21 2010
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Zora gasped at the pain but clenched her teeth together. "May I atleast have the pleasure of going down fighting?" She said smiling at how silly she sounded. She attempted to stand, the paw still digging into her neck.
1:28pm Aug 21 2010
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((Recap? Sorry I was gone so long... Grounded. ))
1:29pm Aug 21 2010
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((wb ashy lol do you mind if i call you that))
1:34pm Aug 21 2010
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Sin growled lowly. He spoke not another word. Knowing the toxin was taking effect, the dog will fall in a matter of seconds. He removed his musculair paw from the mutts neck, taking several steps back. ((yay Ash <333 and i made a new pack called the soulless... u can make a wolf from the pack if u want, i forget what page the "Part 2 plot" was on... I'll look now :3))
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1:42pm Aug 21 2010
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((Can I make a pup thats in Soulless? ))
1:46pm Aug 21 2010
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(( -Stalks- o3o ))
1:47pm Aug 21 2010
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((LAUREN!! -tackles- Yello. XD))
1:51pm Aug 21 2010
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((sure ash, but just a warning... the alpha (sin) believes pups are utterly useless and looks down upon them until their powers kick in.... :3 Lauren!! *runningtacklehug*))
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