5:22pm Aug 21 2010
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 <-- Click me
6:43pm Aug 21 2010
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((I needs emem to continue.))
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6:46pm Aug 21 2010
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((*Turns into a jackalope* *Jumps on funs head* Fear the Jackalope fun. *Begins chanting that over and over*))
7:04pm Aug 21 2010
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((No not the jackalope!! *panics*))
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7:11pm Aug 21 2010
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((oh sorry... here i will find a way to bring in Lauren's charry)) Zora rose to her feet, all her muscles spazing under her pelt. "Thank you Sin." Zora yawned, her eyes drooping. "I'm sorry Silvie." She wispered going like she was going to pounce on SIn, but instead she ran and slammed into Yukita, hanging on with what was left of her strength. Yukita yelped in surprise. " YOu mutt. Get off of me. Range get it off." She growled trying to get Zora off her side.
7:18pm Aug 21 2010
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Silviana snarled loudly. "I'm sorry, I have failed you my friend." she said dropping her head in shane. Her gaze drifted to Sin. "You will pay." she growled menacingly. Sin chuckled lowly. "For what. I have saved you from spending the rest of your pitiful life with the likes of THAT." he spat, motioning to Zora, his eyes widened in disgust. "Finish the job, Range." he stated expressionlessly. Silvie trembled with anger, she lunged... tackling Sin to the ground.
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7:52pm Aug 21 2010
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(( Wait. What's going on? o3o ))
7:54pm Aug 21 2010
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((hope you dont mind but we found a way to introduce your charry lol :3))
7:55pm Aug 21 2010
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((lauren, sin and a smaller group of the soulless (sin picked a few to accompany him to the runaway/tracker grounds) are trying to get silviana to rejoin them...and slaughter the runaways/trackers. sin hit zora with a poison barb, and she is dying... she attacked yukita in her final moments, and to get range involved... he can be the one to kill zora :D))
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10:57am Aug 22 2010
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(dont know what to post)
12:21pm Aug 22 2010 (last edited on 12:22pm Aug 22 2010)
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(( Sorry for poofing. o3o;; ))
Range took a step forward, danger glazed over his eyes. His paw's where rock solid on the soft muddy terrain, his shoulder blades hard and ready to lunge. Starting at his paws, wisps of blue matter was already starting to form, rushing up his leg's like wildfire. At the point it reached his shoulder blades, his attack was ready. Jolting his shoulder's back, his entire bodice was slung forward like a arrow. Range's thin fur did not hold him back, more or less made him aero dynamic.
It was hardly two clicks before his claws where embedded in Zora's flesh, the flame ripping away the skin. His jaws caught her's, thrashing his head until the sound of crushing bone was flooding his ear's. Using his strength, he flung her away into a tree, her back bending the way it shouldn't around the base. "I'm not finished with you yet." He groaned deeply, but knew the damage was enough to hopefully kill Zora.
1:17pm Aug 22 2010
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Sin gave a torturous smile towards Silviana. "Who else will you kill, my dear? Your precense will tear your worthless pack of mongrels apart." he stated expressionlessly. "You will die with them...why do you fight?" he continued in a torturous voice. Silviana was trembling with anger. "If I die, I'm bringing you with me. We can both rot in hell." she snarled viciously, lunging out and stripping the flesh from Sin's neck, leaving a bloody gash where her claw took impact. Sin whipped his tail, wrapping it around silviana's foreleg and tearing upward, causing her to plumet to the hard soil and land with a bone-shuddering thud.
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1:33pm Aug 22 2010
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(( What does Sin look like? o3o ))
1:36pm Aug 22 2010
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((*points to page 70* :3 the plot is there too, i have to edit the list of soulless members, though.))
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1:57pm Aug 22 2010 (last edited on 1:57pm Aug 22 2010)
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(( Nice pic, Fun. :D Should I make Range bite Silvie and get his Neurotoxin's in her blood? Btw, Neurotoxin works only on nerve cells, so she would like.. start breaking down and after a few minutes be un-able to attack. :0 Oh and I have to go swimming in a few minutes. :3 ))
1:59pm Aug 22 2010
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(( And it attacks motor skills.. So she could like start doing the wrong stuff. o.o ))
1:59pm Aug 22 2010
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((well silvie is an ex-soulless along with her brother jurip. Jurip died, and sin wants silvie to come back... so they dont want her dead. if the toxin wont kill her, feel free :D))
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2:09pm Aug 22 2010 (last edited on 2:11pm Aug 22 2010)
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(( Well maybe it could make her immobile for a while, so sin can talk things through with her. o3o ))
Range snorted, sharply taking a running U-turn. The dirt flew from his sharp claws, but he had something in mind. Glancing at Silvie as she ripped flesh from his Alpha's neck, his sights where locked and loaded. He picked up gradual speed, pulling back his lips for the bite. And maximum speed, he crashed into Silvie's neck; fangs entering and exiting quickly.. Yet he knew it was enough time for a decent dose of Neurotoxins to be released into her system. Range's optics flickered over to Sin, tongue beginning to loll. "That will attack her Nerve Cells.. hence leaving her immobile for enough time to talk things through with her." He said breathily, heart fluttering inside his heaving chest.
EDIT: Got to go now. Bye~!
2:24pm Aug 22 2010
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((sounds good :3)) Sin saw Range and quickly cleared the path, the unsuspecting Silviana was hit dead on. Silvie whimpered as her vision began to blur. She snarled menacingly at Range before beggining to lunge foward, only to collapse to the earth with a low thump. She couldnt even focus her own gift on her new attacker... her power's auora was near untraceable and she couldnt ambush any of the soulless that stood. Her fur pricked threatingly, and her lip curled revealing dagger like teeth, but her body trembled seeming as though it would shut down. Sin nodded in appreciation towards Range... a wolf whom he always admired amoungst the ranks, strong abilities and never failed during an attack. However, as always he hid these notes from the rest of the pack. All of the wolves he had chosen to accompany him had an ability worth something to him. He looked down at the unmoving Silvie.
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2:25pm Aug 22 2010
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((ok cya later :3))
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