2:47pm Aug 22 2010
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Zora tried to rise but she could feel the toxins finaly reaching her heart. The beats became irregular and she struggled to breath. Her vision was becoming blurred and she could just make out the attack on Silvie, wanting to rush to her friend's side. No, my friend, it is you who has been failed. Those were Zora's last thoughts before she slunk into a never ending black. Yukita walked over to Zora's limp body, sensing no heart beat left. "My alpha. She is finaly dead." She bowed her head to her alpha, and sent a quick look Range's way. The look was to tell him thanks for removing the pest, without actualy saying it ofcourse. She trotted back to her position behind Range, the other Beta.
3:15pm Aug 22 2010
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3:20pm Aug 22 2010
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Sin gave a nod towards Yukita before diverting his gaze back to Silvie. Silvie couldnt move a mucsle, she felt fury raging through her body... "m-murderer." she choked, a menacing glare of hatred gleaming in her eye sockets as a low growl escaped her throat, she watched sin...even with her vision failing her.
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7:19pm Aug 22 2010
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Dusk snuck up behind the ranks of the Souless and bowled over them, right into Sin. She latched onto his tail, biting down on the non poisonous point, but keep the end of the tail away from her and unable to move. She growled...
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7:24pm Aug 22 2010
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Sin sighed heavily. "Dont go looking for a fight, you dumb mutt." he spat, he lashed his tail violently, slamming the dog into the earth and into a far tree with a tremendous amount of force until she was shaken free. He closed the barbs on his tail, wrapping them around his body. "Didnt you teach your pack manners?" he whispered torturously. "Nilet. Silence the fool." he stated simply. Silvie growled, "Didnt you?" she growled.
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7:30pm Aug 22 2010
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"Why do you kill." This stopped Nile in her tracks. She looked bewildered for a moment, but slowly made white fire creep up her legs. "Oh, so you're going to burn me, so original." she smirked, letting water rising up her own forelegs. Nile growled at Dusk, but stepped backwards bruning the fur off of Dusk's thigh. Dusk didn't even move and Nilet growled again, throwing Dusk against the same tree where Zora had... ((Can sin kill her, I am not very good at Death scenes with my own charries.))
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7:35pm Aug 22 2010
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Sin turned away from Silvie. He looked at his followers, "Get information out of her." he stated expressionlessly. "Steel, Range, Yukita. Find Sari and bring her to me...alive." he finished, gripping Dusk by the scruff and dragging her into the underbrush. "NO." Silvie screamed, once again trying to force herself up, the toxins causing her to collapse once more. "Run DUSK." she screamed, tripping over her own legs.
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7:35pm Aug 22 2010
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((i can try, make dusk figh :D))
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7:37pm Aug 22 2010
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Dusk growled, ripping her claw over Sin's belly, causing blood to pour over her claw. "Looks like you aren't as invulnerable as Silvie said you were." dusk smiled, her eyes wide and staring at Sin...
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7:50pm Aug 22 2010
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Sin gave a dark smile, slamming Dusk to the ground and placing a thick paw on her throat, pushing down gently, and even then the bones creaked... with a swift motion he tore downward, revealing the dog's whole ribcage, the flesh clinging to his claws. "But my dear, I am more invulnerable to you...and thats what matters." he whispered in her ear, stepping off the animal and beggining to circle calmly.
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9:25pm Aug 22 2010
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"Nice try." As soon as Sin pressed down on her throat, the bones started to heal. "I already knew I was going to die, but can't you be more original. This is what Silvie did. Is all you can think about the ribs?" She croaked. Even in death, her voice was calm as if it was a nice summery day...
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10:13pm Aug 22 2010
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Range nodded under the strong spell of alliance he held for his Alpha. He turned from the group and began to briskly trot away. He kept his legs like the stumps of an oak as he covered much ground in the last minutes.. "Oh Sariii...~" He called, fathoms lightly vibrating in a lowly chuckle. He swished his tas.sle in anticipation of his findings, yet he knew this foolish mutt was yet to hide from her awaiting new Alpha.
10:20pm Aug 22 2010
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Ash was wandering about again. Bored, she decided to talk to Sari again. "Hey," She said as she wandered about. Right about then she caught Silvies, Dusks, and some other wolve's scent. ...? she thought. ((Brainfail. XD))
10:34pm Aug 22 2010
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ooc: Sari is Steel's. -snarl-
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9:18am Aug 23 2010
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((lols... we'll see...gotta find her first xD)) Sin gave a crooked but wicked smile. His tail swished calmly, "Mother always told me not to play with my food." he taunted in an expressionless whisper. He tore up his paw launching Dusk into the air and causing her to plumete back to the earth at a painful speed. He was going to have a little fun with this dog... Sin's voice was like venom in Silvie's ears, a low snarl erupted from her throat, and she lunged foward, collapsing once more to the ground...
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9:23am Aug 23 2010
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Yukita jumped in the direction of Silvie but thought better of it and simply stood by the paralyzed wolf. "Poor wolf is going to end up just like Zora. The one you failed to protect, to steal from death's grip." She chuckled the smell of blood filling her nose. "Now all that's left is Sari." She said looking down at Silvie, all pity vanished from her mind.
9:34am Aug 23 2010
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Silvie's eyes sprang open, she rose to her feet... tackling Yukita to the ground... "I'll rip that other wing from your body." she snarled viciously, tearing a large chunk of flesh from her once ally's neck. Her eyes were filled with a menacing fury that was similar to the one that she possessed during her journeys with the Soulless...enough to send shudders through any wolf...even Sin. The nerotoxin stung her bones and she trembled a bit... but the pain was blinded by her immence anger..."Your just as weak as I remember." Silvie spat..."I thought you would have gotton practice...or did you and I just became more powerful." she growled. "I dont know why Sin keeps you around, your own stupidity will lead to your own downfall... perhaps he wants a good show you hardheaded mutt." she snarled, her lip curling to reveal her dagger fangs.
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9:44am Aug 23 2010
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"You wish." Yukita snarled kicking upward with her paws sqaure in Silvie's ribs then jumping up. "ha, you're just lucky I dont have my power on." She said shooting a quick glance towards Sin to see if he was watching but shifted her gaze back at Silvie. "She's dead, face it. And it was all your fault." She snarled hoping to hit some nerve. Without her power she was almost useless agains Silvie.
9:53am Aug 23 2010
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Silvie gave a smug smirk and ran jumping against a tree trunk and tackling Yukita back to the ground..."Now my dear. I cant wish whats already so..." she taunted dangerously, gripping Yukita's other wing and this time tearing it with all her force so the shattering bones and ligaments could be heard echoing about the canyon... with a quick motion of her fangs she ripped the wing clean off the body until it hung limply by a small amount of flesh... Silvie rebounded, gripping Yukita by the back leg and thrashing her head wildly until the limb twisted into a disturbed placement. She threw Yukita to the ground with heavy force..."I dont fear death, do you?" she growled, sitting on her haunches in a relaxed pose. She knew Sin would kill Yukita himself if he saw her attacking without command. ((that okay emem? sorry im dangerous when it comes to wolves...))
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10:00am Aug 23 2010
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((no prob.)) "No. I have been taught to not fear death." Yukita Looked at Silvie, standing backing in a defensive stance, though relaxing some when SIlive did. "Though I'm sure Sin would kill me without a second glance. I am just another wolf in his pack. You however..." Yukita sighed, trailing off. The pain shot through her, causing her to collapse. She knew it wasnt strong enoough to be Silvie's power, just that of her limp wing. She quickly stood back up grimacing.